Sometimes It Is Better To Sit Back And Watch And Listen
I admire my brother. He is the quiet but steady type. He does not have to be the star and is willing to let other's shine. He also is very intelligent. Being the middle child with two sisters he learned very early how to support and step back.
He always knew how to entertain himself, but he also knew how to bring his GI Joe and play with me with my barbies. I was extremely shy and even though I am the oldest sister he did not mind doing pretty much everything I was scared to do from purchasing the movie tickets, food or whatever I needed to trying all of the things I was afraid and getting caught and taking the blame.
He loves to read and knows what he is talking about when he does choose to speak. With this quiet but thoughtful approach he has become a wonderful leader to his family, his employer and his church.
When he was a teenager he did not really know what he wanted to do and ended up joining the Marines. He left home a greasy haired kid and came back a handsome young, confident man.
When he met my sister-in-law it was love at first sight and he asked her to marry him pretty quickly. She was Catholic and he had to convert to Catholicism in order to marry her. Robert was not one to just go through the motions, but took everything seriously and is now a leader in his church and has been the leader of The Knights of Columbus and The Holy Smokers and a mentor to countless youth.
Simply with his presence my brother inspires those around him to be their best and let's them shine. He is a servant leader who is not afraid to roll his sleeves up and pitch in to whatever task is at hand.
Being a leader does not mean forcing your will or ideas on someone else. Being a leader means providing a quiet, steady support to others in time of need. It means doing more listening and less talking.