Something's wrong here
Mike Messeroff
Helping hospitality professionals stop waiting for someday & start living today | Coach to the industry’s top leaders | Author, Speaker, Founder | 8yr daily meditator | Ready to reclaim your life? **Free Masterclass ??**
“Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me.”
-Morpheus, from “The Matrix”
Something’s wrong here.
I felt it my whole life…
When I was sitting in temple as a child, I thought, “This can’t be it. This can’t be God…What sort of a God would want us to sit around praising him all day long?”
Then I’d be sitting in class as a young adult, and think, “This can’t be it. This can’t be what’s important to learn…Pushing numbers around so I could push more numbers around later to earn money.”
Then I’d be sitting at my desk as a young man inside an office building in Queens, and ponder, “This can’t be it. This can’t be life…Trudging along day after replicable day, counting the hours until the weekend only to do it all again the following week.”
I was right.
It wasn’t it.
But, surprisingly, I didn’t learn it from quitting and traveling the world. That helped me break free, for sure, but it ultimately wasn’t the key.
The key was revealed to me only when I learned to become still and silent…and only after practicing stillness and silence were these three truths revealed to me.
Now I share them with you:
Words simply point to reality. So no matter how much we learn, we will never learn as much as we can by simply existing and basking in the true reality all around us…that which could never be described with words, numbers, or symbols.
Distractions are the greatest enemy of truth and presence. According to Blaise Pascal, “All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” And he stated that in 1654! Imagine how much noisier and more distracting our world is today.
This is why working a job that you don’t care about feels forced and miserable. We are not intended to live life like that, however, we’re also not taught to chase dreams and find alignment with our soul. You must know that there are forces in power that crave only two things: more power and not losing power. This is why meditation is still not prescribed more than medication and why alcohol is readily available on nearly every street corner but psilocybin isn’t. An asleep, distracted society living under a hidden veil of bondage is the easiest to control.
Now…all you need to do is start becoming aware…spend more time in stillness and less time in distraction, and start asking questions instead of accepting reality as it has been presented to you.
I’m currently focusing my energy on coaching and sharing messages like these in corporate workshops, at conferences, and in front of audiences who desire to live with more peace and less stress. If you’re interested in working together, book a call …let’s see if it’s a great fit!
Mike’s quote of the week:
“Perhaps it time to clear the fog, clean our lenses, and open the doors of perception.” - MM
What I’m pondering:
Our purpose in life is awakening and living in the present moment (our “primary purpose”). Everything else we do (our “secondary purpose”) comes naturally when we live from the first. - Teachings from Eckhart Tolle in his book “A New Earth: Awakening to your life’s purpose”
Things I’ve shared recently:
The Story of The Chinese Farmer (and a life-changing perspective of “good” vs. “bad”)
Beware the “Mitote” (it’s destroying your life)
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Enjoy the journey,