Something Wicked is Coming Our Way -- Be extremely careful, says Running Alpha Capital Markets
Running Alpha Capital Markets

Something Wicked is Coming Our Way -- Be extremely careful, says Running Alpha Capital Markets

Running Alpha Capital Markets sees something ominous on the near term horizon for the S&P 500 -- possibly in the imminent future -- could strike at any moment through June period.

This is because, in addition to the underlying instability showing up in the Market-Player Momentum Perception Biases of the Forward Sentiment Jetstream, the Dark Pool liquidity markets are interacting with the Lit public exchanges in a very unusual way --

the Smart Real-Money Institutional Buyers that have been holding the market up for months have pulled off a disappearing act today at historic speed and magnitude.

This would not be such a problem if it were not for the S&P 500 being near local high ground on a day where both the positive gamma positioning and underlying price action of the broad based equity index are moving higher.

This sharp divergence in cross market action of investors and market dealers on dark and lit markets, is creating a precarious market condition.

Buckle up! -- especially given that highly concentrated positions in only a few euphoric tech stocks are holding off our fragile market regime from transitioning to panic.

The tail-risk threat can get very ugly any moment as we progress through June. There is always the danger that if there is a near term liquidity freeze, correlations can suddenly go to near one. Not withstanding intra-day volatility, it is possible that a few of the tech stocks holding up market can push higher for a few days, but as we push through June into the first week of July, the asymmetric downside volatility will have its turn on many areas, even if for brief moments.

So, stay tuned for updates on when markets will be turning antifragile again. Be very careful for now and tread lightly.

Moreover, US bank deposits outflows are re-accelerating as US Money Market growth is increasing again -- by the tune of near $45bn into the week ending May 24th. This could amplify market pressures,

but in our years of analysis, Running Alpha has found that a fragile configuration of market positioning histories and interaction effects between dark and lit markets,

combined with the market physics surrounding market structure and action-reaction feedback chains of buying and selling activity, among broad-scale market players, is all that is needed, to set off the toppling of market dominoes. We are in one of those infamous configurations.

So, at the very least, it is time to be nimble and hold back from aggressive purchases until after near or just after first week of July. Be sure to subscribe to this channel for update.

Actionable content and foresights on precision entry and exit campaigns, positioning adjustments, timing windows and visibility into intermarket narratives, and ratio charts and relative strength analysis, surrounding Running Alpha's Forward Sentiment Jet Stream biases as a trade unfolds, is exclusively reserved for premium members of the Running Alpha Trading Box?.

This current update serves to add clarity to the underlying risks that the U.S. broad-based equity market will be facing in the near term -- from late May into early July. Below is a note we recently put out, as it provides context into how this risk-off period will seed the energy for the next great bull run, into Q4, but not until we pass through the early July period.

Market bottoms in corrections within a secular bullish run, is a process, rather than an event -- so while the indices will likely see v-bottoms and w-bottoms in July period,

it may take a few weeks in July to get sector rotations to complete, and fuel a transition from a narrow market rally to a healthier broad-based turnaround. We expect the speed and magnitude of the rally into Q4+ to be spectacular to observe and participate in.

The above alert adds clarity to the previous news post below, put out by Hoffman Financial Storm Chaser Newsletter

Serving as Global-Macro Strategist, Industry Rotation Analyst, and Financial Research Architect of Running Alpha Capital Markets, KEEP THIS IN MIND.

Although the broad market indices will be under attack with several episodes of heavy selling pressure into the June period and through first part of July ( will keep you in the loop as we approach early July for market tells of a turnaround ),

Silver and select silver equities will see a huge bounce through Q4, so buy into any intra/inter-day weakness into this period.

With perceived uncertainty now rising, especially as it reaches peak uncertainty in early July,

silver will start catching a bid, through Q4; so take advantage of any short-lived weakness inside this period, because particularly from July onward, everything will be melting up and joining the party.

The rising uncertainty and perceived variance around uncertainty, especially as we approach peak uncertainty into early July,

will see stormy skies with broad markets capitulating in an environment of increasingly negative market dealer gamma and dark pool smart-money buying activity, which will seed the market for sunny skies from an unusually quick recovery --

first with huge short covering rally, followed real-money buying from diverse market players, including value, momentum, growth, and trend-followers --

to persistent new heights through Q4 period, as per my trading market commentary in the current edition ( May 15th ) of Hoffman's Financial Storm Chaser Newsletter.

Running Alpha Trading Box?

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So that You Don’t Miss out on High-Impact Super-Outlier Opportunities of High Consequence, Where the Stakes and Rewards are the Highest.

The Alpha Trading Box? is the flagship premium subscription service of the parent Company, Running Alpha -- a boutique Canadian Innovation and Prediction Analytics Think-Tank, servicing the Global Financial Market Decision-Making and Risk Intelligence Industry.

If you’re still trading on consumer-grade market research for tracking market movements, you might be losing out on key insights to your competitors.

That’s Why You need Confidence in the Next Moves You'll be Taking;

The Alpha Trading Box? is Your New Timepiece that is Designed for Keeping You On Time, and Getting You To Foresight Faster in 2023, so that you can see and be sure you have the market physics, macro-economic context, and cross-market sentiment biases on your side for:

taking bold action and profiting from tomorrow’s impending market narratives, headwinds, tailwinds, and competitive landscapes; and

Locating windows of outlier opportunity in time and price; where different trading strategies will be working at their best on specific assets and time horizons, for:

avoiding market chop;

profiting from momentum crashes; and

reducing the anxiety and temptation of individuals and portfolio managers to not sticking with their strategy edge in times of market uncertainty and inflationary fears.

Why We Exist:

Running Alpha was founded by Efrem Hoffman in 2012, for:

(1) mutually elevating the experience between Retail and Institutional Investors, for generating superior Anxiety-Adjusted Returns?; and

(2) amplifying the mathematical edge of high-performing traders.

With respect to the latter, Running Alpha is providing actionable intelligence for capturing live real-money and high-conviction trading and investing opportunities, flying below the radar, at the most change-making moments, Inside the "World's Thinnest Uncertainty Windows,"

where we can be most confident of directional market action -- producing the longest and most sustainable runways to growth and earnings price expansion, from our entry prices.

Running Alpha is not simply focusing on Finding Alpha based on the prevailing market structure in lit ( on-exchange ) public markets, but is

opening new ground in revealing market imbalances and predicting super-anomalies and otherwise invisible outlier opportunities,

that arise when Dark-Liquidity Pools ( off-exchange unlisted venues ) interact with lit markets.

Seeing the future is one thing; being able to do something about it is quite another.

Dynamically Generating and Effecting Change to make past decisions come alive again,

through actively bringing the sum-non-linear observer interactions into the investment analytics equation is the Running Alpha Way!

Leading research and development, Efrem is focused on:

Rethinking the way we can collaborate with the underlying physics of nature for "Seizing opportunities from a place of curiosity instead of predicting elusive one-sided outcomes from a position of what is familiar," yet no longer relevant; and

Sharing Actionable Time-Relevant Investment and Capital Allocation Decisions on the Movement of People, Capital, and Ideas, with its Running Alpha Trading Box? Subscribers.

Efrem has introduced a new financial curve beyond traditional alpha and beta; he calls it Activist Alpha.

Activist Alpha leverages principles of fractional calculus, quantum computing phenomena, and self-organizing complex systems for extracting and unlocking new insights about market asymmetries;

specifically how knowledge of the micro-structure of human and machine perception biases can be used for profiting from:

(i) sharp changes in the market landscape, that could trip up quant systems on the wrong side of the trade;

(ii) the ways the smartest and dumbest money investor interactions will be magnifying emotional biases during emergency situations;

(iii) time-relevant smart-cuts for allocating capital resources ( Human, Monetary, IP ) for Trading, Investing, M&A, Buybacks, IPOs, Debt, and the release of critical corporate information;

in favor of high-impact performance outcomes that work for you and all your stakeholders involved in the allocation process.

Cutting Through the Fog of Uncertainty Surrounding How the Market Will be Interpreting News Events,

these insights are powered by The World’s First Sentiment and Perception-Aware Investment Insights that are Inspired by the Way Nature Encodes Information on a Quantum Scale.

Never be Kept in the Dark Again About When Bad News will be "Climbing a Wall of Worry” and When Good News will be “Descending a Slope of Hope.”

With respect to the former,

There is Less Wealth and Strategy Innovation Spread Out Evenly Across the World Today than there was Before Modern Communications and Financial Technology Opened Access to Global Trade and Free Market Enterprise.

That’s why we’re changing the way investors can:

start elevating their anxiety-adjusted returns? (aka, Comfort-Adjusted Returns?); and begin shrinking the gap between reported market performance, and actual individual investor returns, which are far too often overstated, almost invariably, because:

they suffer from benchmark tracking error, inadequate liquidity relative to alternatives, and

most importantly they do not account for situations in times of uncertainty, either when you are in a profit staring down at an impending market chasm, or

when investors are treated like children by their advisors; and told to passively hold onto their negative performers for an indefinite period, even while losses keep piling up, without any signs of a bullish catalyst in sight.

Instead, we choose to wake up your capacity to engage as an independent investor with the market, and see change before you are faced with the really difficult and uncomfortable decision of abandoning your strategy at often just the wrong moments,

particularly in times when the market’s devious nature seems to know when your tolerance for stress gets tested, or your shorter-term needs start getting in the way of seeing the forest from the trees -- and following through, often at the final moments of capitulation, just before the prevailing trend reignites.

That is why Running Alpha is firmly of the conviction that generating and sustaining alpha is as much about your emotional health as it is about financial wellness.

Our Mission:

To meet this challenge, Running Alpha is on a mission to put you on a path where you can start thriving from uncertainty, and seeing the rip tide and undercurrents unfolding in the market waters which we swim; unveiling the back stories virtually nobody is paying attention to.

And by doing so, we’re transforming the way:

investors, can start generating high levels of anxiety-adjusted returns, instead of being prematurely derailed by emotional biases and incomplete or distorted perceptions of the world around us, that trap us into a mindset of: being spooked by wild market swings; and fearing the unknowns of the changing world order –

which has been exponentially dividing communities and stripping decision-makers, investors and business owners, like you and I of our freedoms;

instead of uniting us for creating opportunities that address our immediate basic needs and ongoing structural economic challenges –

from energy, water, and food security, to inflation protection and above all, our personal and business choices.

Elevating Your Performance with better foresight, and fewer human and computing resources, while augmenting your capacity for Investing with Ice in your Veins, is Efrem's mission.

Our Solution: Your Benefits

Leaping beyond the limitations of behavioral finance, Efrem founded Running Alpha for developing alternative performance measures, that add a new level of transparency into the Alpha drivers,

so that investors can be continuously engaged in building trust in strategy performance outcomes.

By ranking featured assets based on how antifragile their responses will be to the news cycle,

traders and investors can now seamlessly choose assets that will keep them from hitting the panic button ( hard-wired to our lizard brain) and abandoning a strategy at just the wrong moments.

We do this by homing in on those assets, where news sentiment will have the highest potential for triggering the onset of action-reaction feedback chains, specifically those amplifying or attenuating the market impact to incoming positive and negative news sentiment.

We discovered a new market factor, we call Mind-Share, to indicate the number of unique active feedback chains among different groups of entangled market players, that are contributing to pathways of contagion -- either enhancing or slowing down the current trend.

By monitoring how favorably assets with the highest range of mind-share values respond to the news cycle, relative to lower ranked anti-fragile alternatives,

investors can stay engaged between monthly and quarterly reporting intervals,

with many statistically significant data points, that will enable investors to establish confidence in the alpha input drivers,

instead of simply gaining a false sense of trust in a few data point outputs, that superficially express the outcome of a strategic choice --

without regard to informing the investor of whether it was dumb luck ( for real-life out of sample data ) or cherry-picking ( for in-sample back-tests ) that put them in the right starting place or market regime.

Our ability to successfully track and rank Market MindShare of any asset relative to any benchmark or individual asset of choice is what separates Running Alpha from our industry peers;

That means going beyond observing value based on simply calculating return on investment, but also factoring into the equation how well our market intelligence strategy can avoid investing in areas that do not offer you transparency into why we generated the out-performance.

For those of you that are fans of digital privacy and protection of intellectual and monetary property rights, we do this in a way that has never been done before – utilizing a zero-knowledge performance claim, where we can show you that we have a valuable secret sauce ( a transparent alpha edge ), without giving away the recipe.

Without such a claim, there is no way of knowing whether a service is giving you only transparency into how B-class signals, holding out on A-class signals for themselves; or giving you a what they believe is an A-class strategy, but with no way for you of verifying that it is working in the next cycle, for reasons outside of dumb luck.

What gives Running Alpha the unfair advantage of generating a zero-knowledge claim on the forward strategy alpha is that our performance edge is not strictly anchored to a risk and inflation-adjusted outcome, but to whether our rankings of best-in-class asset selections in a given industry vertical ( with investable liquidity ), are actually outperforming lower-ranked assets in terms of their capacity to benefit from shocks instead of being vulnerable; as can be determined by subscribers by monitoring how favorably our featured assets responses to changes in news cycle sentiment, relative to alternatives in a respective market vertical.

Although some strategies may make such a claim, there are virtually no low-touch Sentiment-Aware frameworks or platforms in existence today that are anti-fragile to news sentiment, while also providing the independent investor with numerous dynamic data points, tied to sentiment and the news cycle, between strategy reporting periods, for offering transparency and insight into the validity of the stated performance generators.

For those of you who are not familiar with how valuable a zero-knowledge claim can be, you must first appreciate that there are special situations in business and life, where one needs to show they have a secret; a sort of special knowledge claim, even when they can’t share exactly what it is.

The concept can most easily be demonstrated by playing an imaginary game against a single player who is blindfolded.

The purpose of the game is to construct a strategy that demonstrates to the blindfolded person, holding two different color balls –

which he shows you at the start of each round, before he decides whether to switch

them --

that without a shadow of doubt, through your observation of the balls, you can convince the blindfolded person that you possess knowledge of whether the balls were indeed switched.

Similarly, Running Alpha can demonstrate the performance edge of its market intelligence foresights as a clear-box strategy;

scaling up without giving away the secret sauce, while still showing the world that we have a consistent alpha-generating edge, one that is delivering supernormal returns for the specific reasons that goes beyond simply:

utilizing a black box for basing success on the P&L curve; and

being constrained by statistical chance, that such a strategy is only working because it is operating in a market friendly regime.

What makes the Running Alpha Trading Box? so special, is that not only is it consistently identifying counter-consensus investment opportunities, at those times high liquidity is offered, when almost everyone else is doing the opposite, but it’s doing so while protecting our zero-knowledge trade secrets, and this has profound benefits for our premium subscribers and institutional clients, who are looking to sustain a long-term alpha advantage;

It enables Running Alpha Trading Box? subscribers to raise their anxiety-adjusted returns, without shouting at them to explicitly modify their investor behavior on command.

For those interested in learning more about how our trading and investment intelligence solutions can work for you personally or your organization, please message Efrem Hoffman on LinkedIn, and we can arrange a 1-on-1 video or audio call.

#spy #sp500 #usamarket #flashcrash #crash #marketcrash #stockmarket #equitymarkets #equitymarket #equityresearch #usamarket?#dowjones?#liquidity #volatility


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In summary, active trading is not a game. It is not recommended for inexperienced traders or for persons who do not have sufficient resources and time to devote to their trading activities.

Active trading is a serious commitment that should not be undertaken unless you are able to handle high risk and high stress well, and are willing to consistently adhere to objective and disciplined trading strategies and approaches.

This is not investment advice. Although Efrem provides macro-market and equity-focused consulting services to sophisticated alternative asset managers and boutique research advisories in Canada and Abroad, Neither Efrem Hoffman nor Running Alpha is a registered investment advisor.

Under no circumstances should any content from this e-Mail and/or its website link(s) be used or interpreted as a recommendation for any investment or trading approach to the markets.

Trading and investing can be hazardous to your wealth. Any investment decisions must in all cases be made by the reader or by his or her registered investment advisor.

This is strictly for educational and informational purposes – and only reflects the output of Running Alpha’s Market Intelligence. Mr. Hoffman and/or Running Alpha may have numerous positions within the market at any given time that are not disclosed of at the time of publication.

All opinions expressed by Mr. Hoffman and/or Running Alpha are subject to change without notice, and you should always obtain current information and perform the appropriate due diligence before making any investment or trading decision.

All efforts are made to ensure that the information contained within the Running Alpha site is factual and accurate – however, neither Mr. Hoffman nor Running Alpha, under any circumstances, can guarantee its accuracy or those of its underlying sources.

For immediate access to Running Alpha's latest market insights, fresh off Efrem's trading desk, connect now with the?Running Alpha Trading Box?

Efrem Hoffman

Ranked Top 20 Global FinTech and Global Top 50 Predictive Analytics Thoughtleader | Financial Data Science Architect - Global Top 50 Quantum [ AI ] Computing & Crypto Thinkers360 Leaderboard | Financial Tornado Chaser

1 年

In the Ai-powered Cloud space, SPLUNK ( SPLK ) is a top pick. Staying long SPLK as bulls supporting it from its initial launch support level of $89 to $90. Keep adding.

Efrem Hoffman

Ranked Top 20 Global FinTech and Global Top 50 Predictive Analytics Thoughtleader | Financial Data Science Architect - Global Top 50 Quantum [ AI ] Computing & Crypto Thinkers360 Leaderboard | Financial Tornado Chaser

1 年

Running Alpha Capital Markets upgrades Silver to a Strong Bullish Trend -- on-balance, prices will be strongly biased to move higher in 2023, and starting now in waves through this summer. Big buyers will be bidding the silver market higher -- so in the event of any pullbacks inside this wave of buying entering silver, add into $22 level. On-balance, asymmetric upside is tremendous for silver bulls this year. Until the July period, the S&P 500 is entering a very dark period - so long-only investors should be extremely careful now, and prepare their psyche for a risk-off episode into July. Bears will dominate: and intra-period rallies will be faded in the S&P 500; so, SPY equity index futures traders who are on the right side of history should be positioning for heavy downside volatility, as there will be plenty of optionality coming into the equity markets in the July period onwards. Silver Bulls will have their day in the sun this summer, on-balance, with a series of bullush waves in 2023. To become an elite member of Running Alpha, connect with Efrem Hoffman on LinkedIn: within a few minutes, you can start receiving exclusive actionable insights from Running Alpha's Trading Desk. #silver #sp500 #spy #usamarket

Efrem Hoffman

Ranked Top 20 Global FinTech and Global Top 50 Predictive Analytics Thoughtleader | Financial Data Science Architect - Global Top 50 Quantum [ AI ] Computing & Crypto Thinkers360 Leaderboard | Financial Tornado Chaser

1 年

This is the spike up Running Alpha was talking about as a potential into month end, before Risk Flares strike in June period -- until first week of July, when potential for dark clouds will start lifting. Although any pops on good news could extend for a few more days, cloud ai software tech stocks like SPLK and few select chip stocks, could extend their rally into part of June, but with volatility -- so best to enter on short term entries within?current buy in play into Q4. June period on-balance will be very fragile -- so do not want to be excessively allocated if something breaks. With the market rallying into hopes for a debt ceiling resolution, that is a perfect recipe for a sell the news event -- sometimes there is an initial pop to good news and then within a few days reality sets in. The degree to which I am bullish for this year is orders of magnitude more than I am bearish on the carnage we may have to deal with first before early July has passed; No matter how severe the carnage in June, if it strikes, the rally will be so fierce and relentless that long term investors would never know it if they closed their eyes until we get past July. #spy?#sp500?#usamarket?#crash?#stockmarket?#equitymarket?#splunk #volatility


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