(W)ord    2nd Corinthians 2:15  "For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."

(O)bservation    There is nothing that smells better to me than the smell of fresh bread baking or when chocolate chip cookies are coming out of the oven. Another aroma that draws me like a magnet is the aroma of fresh popping popcorn. I think I go to the movie theater more for the popcorn than the movie. Ahh, but don't forget about fresh coffee brewing in the morning. I could go on, but most of these items are not on my meal plan! Oh, what a tremendous pleasing smell though! ...o.k. maybe just to me. Do you know what smell is SO VERY PLEASING to God? I'll give you a hint. Re-read today's verse.

(R)esponse    As I go about my day, I need to consider how I smell. Is it the sweet aroma of God that will draw others to His bakery? In John 6:35 Jesus says: “I am the bread of life...". I submit that my job is to invite other to come to the Bakery.

    Also, I need to ask myself... When others are around me, do they smell the aroma of God. Or do I live in such a way that I stink like the world? If so, then I need to throw out that moldy bread and seek the aroma that will draw others to Him.

(D)iologue    To the BREAD OF LIFE, I thank you for the one that introduced me to You. It was because what I saw in him that made me want what he had. I found that it was You all along drawing me. But it took someone here on earth that opened the door to the bakery and I couldn't resist coming in. In Your name I pray. I look forward to eating more from Your table. It is in Your name I pray. We will talk again soon and often. YOUR TURN


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