Something quick and easy to better your security on the Internet. Yes please. #haveibeenpwned #breach #security
So, most people know that our accounts on the internet have been compromised at one point in time. What most people don't know is that this includes most people.
Almost 8 Billion usernames, passwords, emails, dates of birth, and all those silly answers to those silly questions that tons of apps, and sites we find useful ask exist in centralized repositories on the internet. Unfortunately, most of them to do harm. Fortunately, one of the good ones is there for our consultation. Nonetheless, I bet you have one of your accounts on that list. Maybe it's a smartphone app, or an old online gaming community, but you are there.
You can see if one of your accounts has been compromised at .
You can put in your email addresses, and usernames you most frequently use to see where your passwords may have been obtained. From there, it becomes transparent why using the same user and password across multiple sites is really a bad idea.