Is something out there?

Is something out there?

From our ancient history to our current time (2023) people have been recording strange happenings all over the world. From below the sea floors, to land, and way up beyond the blue sky.

History says and suggests that there are things and begins of unknown origins coming up from the sea and down from the sky. There have been many different ancient stories telling such things and building our current beliefs and lifestyles around them.

Some suggest that any of those is still happening right now in our modern time. Many have suggested that those things have a deep grip on our governments and military powers and have been communicating with them since the 1920s or longer. Many of them even said that those things or beings had a huge part in our space race and programs.

In the 1960s Von Brum even said it would take the USA about ten years to have a completed space station in orbit of the Earth. Ten Years is a huge and kind of a God-like or bold statement for any one person to make. We just took man to the moon and back by the skin of our teeth. He also said we (Man) had outside help. Who or what outside help was he talking about?

You can find a lot of that statement and videos on YouTube.

Not only that, we had just come out of the Cold War and went right into the space program. That move pushed our level of technology about ten years ahead. After the Apollo 13 return mission, our space program took a dead end in the 1970s.? It wasn’t until 50 years later a new and different space program started.

Think about it. Our level of technology in communications and computers made huge leaps in microchip technology.

It is soon to be 2024 and we can’t even to this day prove or disprove some of our modern-day myths. Let alone fix some of the world problems that have haunted us for the last 100 years.

No matter which way or how many steps we take in the past or into the future we can’t get past our stupidity that there is something more going on in our world.

We are still fighting over who is right or wrong, land, civil rights, food, religion, and who has more firepower. You would think after thousands of years we would finally grow past these things.

All we have done is make those issues bigger and more difficult than they should be. A lot of times it’s just a group of people trying to inflict their self-righteous judgment and control over others.

Whatever these things are or who they are they have been a part of our lives for hundreds of years.

Some say it is just within a few years they have been here and others would say they have been here much longer.

I don’t know one way or the other if any of that is true or not. However, there is something out there and something is going on. More and more information has been coming to light since the 2017 report of the TIK TAK video.

Then the federal court hearing with David Grusch with two others! Since then a huge shift in the unknown and the strange is becoming more and more apparent.

It’s like there has been an awakening all across the world. More people are embracing the idea and the thoughts that these things are becoming a part of our day-to-day lives. Not everyone has the same understanding of what is going on.

In my opinion, that is a good thing in different ways! It will make people have a more open mind about what is coming as time goes on and more information that will come from it.

However, people are not sure what will happen as time goes on. There is a mix of feelings and thoughts about the whole unknown and the strange. It is more so now with all the UAP/UFO or USO stuff going on in 2023.

Within the last three years from what I have been hearing and seeing in news reports has been a 20% increase since the 1980s.

Can’t wait to finally see some of those old 1980s to current event reports that the public has yet to witness and talk about. Many reports have yet to come to light from the 80s.

All those out there in the news reporting world and in the public have thousands of stories just waiting to get to the public and take on what they have. I have noticed that many reporters or journalists have many stories they have written years ago and have been sitting on them due to the nature of those stories.

From what I understand and hear those stories could get a lot of people into trouble and themselves as well. Some of those stories from what I am gathering are so hot they would have a huge political and world change from it. From one person to millions of people.

What I don’t understand is why are they sitting on these stories if they have that much heat or danger within them. Another factor is why are some of those stories just now coming out after some of those that have the proof that everyone wants and why does the information always come out after someone’s death?

If the information is that important and that bad then why are they keeping it to themselves until after their deaths?

For someone to have that kind of information with the amount of details linked to it. Then it should be told to the people of the world.

There has to be something more to keep people from knowing the truth of what is going on. If all of this information is so dangerous and damaging then why do they always say there is nothing to see?

The vibe that I am getting here is this. The more and more they try to keep this information to whomever it is other than themselves know it has a lot more than what they are staying.

They claim they are no threat. If there is no threat to us then why not share what they are doing in our skies other than seeing with our own eyes?

Rules and roadblocks are put in place for a reason. Not just to keep people out but to maybe keep people in.

For example, there are a lot of well-known people, and some that are hired off the streets to work on or within these programs that they said they don’t have. When in fact people have come forward saying they do.

Right, two things don’t add up. Another point is why are they saying that a lot of these stories can be debunked. Yet, they can’t even debunk their own words or statements about the programs they are running. Project Blue Book is proof of that. It has come out that 90% of that book is fake.

There again they are wasting taxpayers' money on a program that they say they are not apart or started.

It’s like the blind trying to lead the blind.

My personal opinions and thoughts are that they have no idea any more than we do or what we are dealing with. Yet, try and say they are the experts in all of this.

The only way to claim that you are an expert at anything at all is to have the 20,000 to 25,000-hour mark that people truly become experts or masters of a skill or subject. Even when they don’t have the skill to know anything at all and still claim to be an expert.

Another example is doomsday preppers. Off-grid living and preparing for the worst if something should happen to the world. Like it did during the covid-19.

There are people out there calling them experts when in fact they have never done any doomsday prep in their life.

However, if they are preparing for the worst that is a little different but those two things don’t always mean the same thing either.

Being ready and preparing to be ready are two different things. Just like knowing and doing are two different things.

You can’t know every detail about a subject from all the books you have read about. But does that knowledge of knowing tell you how to physically do them as well?

Take two people. One has all the book knowledge and the other one has all the physical knowledge. Are they both experts in their own right?

I will tell you this. The person who has the physical knowledge is going to know more than the one who reads all the books.

Take construction! A drafting engineer makes plans to build a building. They pass those plans to the physical builders. The builder sees a problem with the plans and they can’t build it. Like welding two walls together. The engineer wants a type of weld on the walls. However, the builder said the weld he or she wants is not safe or strong enough to hold them together once they add other things to it.

Most engineers don’t care. If they put it on paper they know it to be right. Most engineers have never welded once. How do they know that weld will hold if they never welded in their life?

A lot of those engineers have no idea how welding two metals together even works but they claim to be experts. Each metal out there has different heat points, thickness, and weight limits. But that engineer claims to be an expert on all of it.

Just because it is on paper doesn’t mean it can physically be made with cheap supplies. That is why we get factory recalls on some things because the engineer didn’t take the time to make sure that it would hold weight or wouldn’t break after a while.

I apply this same thinking when it comes to the reports of the UAP/UFO/ or USOs. Just because it is on paper or is a physical thing. Doesn’t mean it can be explained by an expert. Both sides will give you an unlimited amount of information. But that doesn’t mean that they will come to the same outcome. Unless you work both sides of the field you don’t know every detail of what a subject is.

Just like a lawyer, they can’t just throw someone in prison without all the facts. Doesn’t matter if they are guilty or not. They still need all the facts from both sides.

It pisses me off when the government and the military claim to have all the facts and experts when in fact they don’t know half the stuff that we know. They for sure have a bit more information than we do but that doesn’t make them experts.

They are the most educated people on God’s green earth and they can’t get past petty problems we fight with daily! But they are experts! They lie to the people daily and some of the people believe those lies as if they are the law of the land.

Funny how that law of the land is then proven to be a lie and they still defend the lie they stated earlier. That is a true lie! (Trump and Biden!)

Just like with the UAP/UFO and the USOs. Yet, there is physical proof of them and people have seen them. At the same time, people will say they are lying!

Does that mean history is also a lie? Throughout known history. There have been many stories told of these things in the sky, land, and water. Like the stories of today. The very same stories. Even back then people said they were a lie. It has been a millennia and we are still talking about them.

That is what I find most interesting about these things. Just like myths and legions. Someone had to see something for them to become myths and legions to be told through generations after generations. Look at the ancient stories of Atlantis. Somehow the story of a city that was said to have been 9,000 years before Egyptian times! How can something that old make its way through history without someone to witness it or talk about it?

King Arthur and Merlin are two others that have made their way through history. Both of them are a myth, legion, and we still talk about them to this day too.

It is no different than the UAP, UFO, and the USOs. Their stories have traveled through history and someone has witnessed them.

Not every event or timeline is linked together in chronological order. However, each one has its own origin story but talks about the same events.

It is like the old fable tail leveling a trail of breadcrumbs for each different story ark or event. Not sure what kind of trail is being left behind but something or someone wants us to find something that would change or start anew for humanity.

It would be like the Dead Sea scrolls times ten when we find out what that something we are to find.

I’ve noticed that more and more sightings have come about in the last few years with UAP/UFO and USOs. As if we are getting closer to finding what they are and who made them. Whoever made them will reveal themselves in due time. It may take a few more years but we are getting closer than ever now.

Here is a dark side to that reveal. I don’t think it’s going to be who we think they are.

Some will say it will be the government. Others will say it’s within the public.

Whoever it is, it is not going to win over any awards or be cut and dry like people think it will be.

We all want the facts. That is a given. There is a risk to finding the facts of the truth. The risk can be good or bad. It is the level of risk that bothers me.

The whole strange phenomenon could be the greatest univalve to a man traveling among the stars!

Everyone’s biggest question is, should this be kept out of the hands and eyes of the public? Those who have come forward say a lot of the things being kept out are over-raided. Some of that over-raided could lead to something more is why I think they are keeping it out of the public. Then again it could be nothing. No matter if it is something or not they are trying hard to keep as much as they can out of the people's view or hands. No matter how small it is.

To me that says they definitely have something to hide and it would also explain all the pushback from it as well.

Because they know deep down that this phenomenon is a big deal nevertheless who or what is a part of it? Everyone has a stake in this. I mean everyone. From high government buttheads to the homeless.

Until the buttheaded governments get passed who have the bigger guns and start helping each other with what they know about this phenomenon or any other strange thing that is going on we are never going to get to the facts of the truth of what they are about.

Hell, they could even start helping each other in making this world a better place for everyone.

Think about it. With every resource the governments have could legitimately fix 95% of our world's problems if they would just stop, listen, talk, and trust each other.

If they would show a jester of good faith to each other things could change for the better.

Take free energy, agriculture, and the greenhouse effect. If they applied all of their resources to those things alone. It would change everything.

These are the same people who want to keep everything out of the public view as well. Positive and Negative remarks come from it too.

They will go to great lengths to say it will destroy the economy, put people out of work and the list goes on. They claim to want to help the planet and its people and have the resources to do so. Yet, won’t lift a finger to do it or say it is not within the budget to fix these kinds of problems.

They say that because they will end up with a pay cut. They will lose government funding and voter money as well if they fix the problems. I dare anyone to follow up on that and prove me wrong!

The government will find every way they can to lie, cheat, and steal from the people. Look at the COVID-19 relief funds. Now that it is over they are trying to get that money back into their pocket.

Not that much different from the UAP/UFO and the USO phenomenon. Now they see this as a money grab opportunity. Because since they changed the name to UAP from UFO they think they can say they are just now learning about this thing in 2017. When in fact the UFO and the UAP mean the same thing and they use other names as well.

Not all that different from buying your food in stores. People have been buying their food in stores for many years. And the pricing has only gone up that much if you compare it to growing your food.

However, now that you add words like “homegrown or organic” to the food that you have been buying all these years, the price has jacked up the price by simply adding those words!

What was wrong with the food before adding those words? Did they change how they grew them or the process of them? I bet they are still growing them the same way as before and after adding words to the food name.

The sad thing is they have always been organic if they are grown in a garden or field. The left wings and right wings seem to think it will make the word politically correct and hint at the jack-up in price by adding that word, organic. They are getting double the payout on the food you have always been buying.

The same idea as they are trying to double down on the UAP, UFO, and USO names or terms they call them. However, they are trying to base all of the current names or terms on that information right now. They are trying to avoid the names and terms before the new UAP term was created.

That right there also tells me, they have more information than what the mainstream and the public have. Then again, it could be the other way around and we have more info than they do and they can’t stand that someone out there has more information than them and fear that someone out there is going to let everyone in the world know about it. I do believe that is where they are getting this idea saying people will panic. When in fact they are the ones that are in a panic.

To a point, I understand that fear and yes it needs to be understood by everyone too. At the same time, all parties need to share that fear with the world. Is that not what the United Nations was created for? For everyone to work together and share information that could save lives and protect everyone?

Ronald Reagan spoke at the U.N. years ago and said it would be sad to be at war with an outside alien war or something of that nature.

Right now we have two civil wars going on. I find that very odd indeed. Not what the civil wars are about but more to do with the time frame. How are we to improve things that we do not know about if we are always fighting each other over breadcrumbs?

World events like these are happening for a reason and they are acting independently from each other. However, I find that even stranger.

We are on the verge of finding out the greatest mysteries of our time and people are still fighting over who has the power, bigger guns, and control over others. They are nothing more than another Hitler.

In a way, it's kind of like the Crusades. A group of people trying to force their wills and lifestyles onto others.

Sounds like the government to me!

Not saying every person in government is a bad person or a good person. Most of them don’t know what the hell they are doing or behind each other’s backs and hiding it from the people of the public.

The thing is they do know a lot more than the public but they don’t want anyone else to know. As I said before they are the most educated people on the planet and they want to fight like bipolar spoiled rich babies. Oh, did I say that? Did I tell the truth or call you on your dark lies? Oh, you better come after me and push back because I told the truth of the facts!

All they are doing is acting like a bunch of cops and robbers living in a high school drama setting.

I truly don’t think one event or another is going to be the cure that everyone wants. However, some events or moments could bring us closer than the human race has ever been. Like the UAP topic. But it won’t fix every issue. It would be a good start though.


Every country has something that the other country needs. Some have an overflow of one thing and don’t have enough of another. It shouldn't have to be divided into countries or governments when it comes to the human equation.

We all want and have the same basic needs or functions. Survival, Knowledge, Fear, Happiness, Music, Dance, Art, History, and the Future. All of those things we have an overly inherited amount of.

Man’s greatest power, fear, and weapon has always been man.? The mind is the most destructive force known to man and the most powerful weapon we are born with. That is the ultimate ugly truth about man that no one wants to talk about or is willing to admit.

No one is going to come out on top if there is no one left to see or hear it if everyone is dead.

Man has created the most inhuman weapon ever made. The Atom Bomb! We nearly killed each other out like the dinosaurs. Someone else would come along and dig our bones up and call us the monsters that ruled the world.

If you think about it, it has a very dark and sinister outcome. Is that what we want others to know about us when they come digging up our bones and past?

Yes, some places have more things than others. Yet, a lot of them want to keep it all to themselves. Knowledge is one of them and that is a time-honored lifestyle that everyone lives in.

However, keeping that knowledge from others is also killing millions of people or suffering. If another person or part of the world could save your lifestyle from dying with the information they have and your family you would stop at nothing to get that information.

That same knowledge could also be turned into something that is twice as powerful and more deadly.

This is why we are always fighting each other. Instead of keeping or only sharing knowledge with a few people we could be reaching to the stars and our future together if we shared it with everyone. Much of that knowledge is limited to their regions. Like growing food. Just about every place can grow food. Some places are more fruitful than others. Yet, in other places, people are dying because they can’t grow the amount of food that they need to live. No different with clean water and shelters.

We all need basic needs. Some of us can’t get that because someone wants to keep that all to themselves and most of them have an outstanding supply of those basic needs and they won’t share it unless they get something in return.

All is well and good with that but if you share knowledge for that return then everything changes and has gotten super real!

What is that old fishtail? Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach the man how to fish he eats every day. Something like that anyway.

Teaching doesn’t force anyone to do anything but to learn. When you “force” that learning or keep that learning you are making things worse than they need to be. Hints, why parts of our world are in a civil war right now. North Korea wants to start a war with the United States. We have more conflict now because of Biden and his war-mongering.

Because someone is trying to take and hide that knowledge of teaching from passing it on to the next generation. That is what people in high levels of power and religion are doing right now.

By keeping and hiding all that (knowledge) to themselves.

Knowledge is endless; it could mean anything and everything when it comes to mankind and the future.

A lot of people use that knowledge as a weapon. I’ve even had to use it as a weapon. However, the more you share and teach knowledge it becomes more than just a weapon. It becomes part of life. Like it or not we all share that part of life. Many don’t want to share and by not sharing they think they have control and power over others.

We share many things in life with each other and most think it is a birthright. To a degree, I see the point in that. But they are leveling out the most basic point. We can’t live without each other.

Scientists have even said that we live in a symbiotic relationship with every living thing on the planet. Wipe out one piece of that symbiotic relationship we all die!

With the civil wars going on right now or any other war before no matter what the war was about they always go to the ancient cities and religious locations and destroy everything they can get their hands on! Why?

Because they know more about those sights, the history, and other things than what they are fighting for. Some will steal them and others will destroy them.

Those who steal them could be just taking them for their pleasures or could be trying to protect the historical value they have.

No matter the time or what war this is the first thing that happens other than just attacking religion or people of religion.

Throughout the history of our world there have been more wars over religions and who has bigger guns than anything else that the world offers.

The Knights Templar and the holy Crusades of Juan of Art are proof of that. Those two historical times also had something to do with historical arts and religion.

To this day people still say some of those stories have a deep connection to the Ark of the Covenant!

Even the stories of the great City of Gold!

With my unique observing abilities and eyesight. A lot of those wars and events are related to other events going on at the same time. I can’t prove that but it is one of many other theories I have talked about in my other articles.

Now some of you will say what does all that have to do with the whole UAP/UFO/USO and strange activity going on all over the world?

It has everything to do with it. Someone or something out there is watching us and learning about us from our actions and the choices we make to either better ourselves or kill each other.

Since 1984 our level of understanding and knowledge should be well into the stars by now or in the deepest parts of our earth and oceans.

There are so many things that we should have answers for by now and start learning about things that we have yet to uncover.

Some of us are trying to reach that level full steam ahead without taking a minute to stop and think about what we are doing to each other as time goes on.

What do I mean by that statement you are thinking? Much of the information out there is already known on both sides. However, on both sides, there is much more that has not yet come to light. That is because of nature and who may be a part of that information.

A lot of the information should have already been given to us. I don’t care if it is for the right reasons or the wrong reasons. We should have had this information that they are keeping long ago.

All over the world billions of dollars are spent over stupid crap that someone could fix within a snap. Because others are too lazy to get off their ass and fix it themselves. They want someone else to fix it for them and a lot of them want the public to do it or to keep everything in the dark.

The government doesn’t want to fix or share what they know. Because they want others to do it for them. Hint’s what they say when they have no information to share. Because they listen and watch what others are doing and try to steal or copy their work.

Look at Facebook. It was stolen based on ideas. They even made a movie about it and showed it was stolen and based on other people’s ideas. It took two different ideas that were documented before it was made into what it is today!

One person took and stole all those ideas from other people who had most of the basics done to create Facebook.

Look at all the books and movies made about spaceships and aliens. Every one of them is also based on facts and true events. Yes, even the fiction ones. When I first watched some of them I didn’t think too much about them being based on facts or true events.

At least until I saw “Aliens & Cowboys!” Even though it is a fiction story it started to make me think more about what has been going on with UAPs, UFOs, and USOs around the world in the last 30 years.

Someone needs to create an AI that will go through all the known written history of these things flying in the sky. I think the historical records and documents are the key and have some of the missing links to these flying craft.

As of today 12/29/23, I just saw a News Nation clip that David Grusch has been reinstated with some of his security clearances and is now able to confirm some of the document knowledge he has and has started in the July 26 hearing 2023. He can’t however go into deep details on some of those topics yet. It is going to be little by little.

I think what happened was after the pushback of the UAP Disclosure Act those 60 pages that were asking to get information were cut out is why this is happening now.

Can’t wait to hear what he has to say in the weeks to come. Hopefully, he can say the names of some of the programs and the high-up people's names that are linked to them! Because that is the only way this will blow wide open! However, if lives are at stake as they say I can see why not!

Here is the thing though. David Grusch and others like him who have come before are not trying to hurt anyone or have someone’s life taken away like they have been threatened with their own lives.

That is 100% clear no one wants another life taken away for trying to do the right thing. But if you are being threatened for telling your truths. That scares the hell out of me and it should scare the hell out of everyone out there as well!

Even after the pushback on the UAP Disclosure Act, Mr. Grusch was upset with the whole thing and all the stuff that was cut out from it.

Everyone wants to clap for what did get passed. The stuff that did get passed has no weight to stand on because the other stuff got cut out.

I truly hope that when he makes his new report of what he is now allowed to talk about and make public will finally shake the tree so hard that the Pentagon will have to make a full disclosure statement about the programs and the people who have worked within them.

I bet you a Million bucks either the original proposal or the original 60 pages will be approved within the next few weeks or months to come after Grusch’s new report is made public.

Since the 60-page Disclosure Act was gutted there has been bombshell after bombshell dropped on the UAP/UFO/USO and the reports have come in title waves.

People are even saying this is a fad or it will go away again and then come back again.

I don’t think it will go away this time. There have been huge steps made and more people are talking about it and taking action on it as well.

The governments and the military don’t like it too much. Because they are getting drilled for it daily and that too is a good thing.

They keep pushing back on the truth and we keep pushing them for more. That is a huge win for the people that want disclosure. Other than the names that I hope Grusch can say. I am hopeful that some of the reporters of today and those of the last 50 years will finally talk about some of the stories they have yet been able to share once the Full Disclosure Act is passed.

There is a great detail of information sitting and waiting to be released by reporters. They too have to follow the rules of engagements when it comes to disclosure. Even they are afraid to the point of what to say and not to say to the public.

Most people don’t understand why there is so much fear behind this and all they want to do is tell the truth. But when high-level people go out of their way and take it so far as to threaten or even kill people for just telling the truth. To me, that is nothing more than a Mob tactic and I am sure they have followed through with it!

This would be the modern time version of messing with black magic when it comes to the UAP, UFO, and the USO phenomenon or even getting disclosure.

Kind of makes me wonder if there is such a thing called Freedom or Freedom of the Press! There are still many out there who are being threatened to this day not to come forward with what they know or have done within the governments. I would even go as far as paying people off to stay quiet as well.

Reporters and Journalists have quit or gotten fired for telling the truth or refusing to tell lies to the public. Look at how much misinformation is being told on Covid-19 because they didn’t have all the facts and much of the information was blown overboard as well.

All of the reporters, journalists, and the News companies they work for should be protected by the Freedom of Speech. But they are not! That is why they quit and get fired. Whoever runs and operates those new companies can say what can be on the air or said to the public. A lot of times it is over a person's personal beliefs.

It is also why you are seeing so many eyewitness death confessions on what they have seen, known, and have worked on.

Just like all the social media platforms with these people that Troll and deface other people for being different or speaking their truths.

Ninety percent of the Trolls don’t even have the balls to say their harmful words or go up to a person’s face and say the same carp.

Some of them that do have the balls take it too far. School shootings and such. A lot of times it is the victims that take it too far and then they become the villain.

Then Trolls start even more carp and do even more Tolling because they think they are the smart ones and start a keyboard war of something they know nothing about or very little about and don’t even know what they are talking about.

The very same intentions these people have for Trolling about the UAP topic.

I’ve said once before people Troll because it is a trend or content for them and only them. Trolling is an emotional crime conducted by using people through manipulation of their emotions to attain their own goals unjustly! This should be a hate crime and should be charged for it.

That is what the Mob, military, and those within the government do to those that are in the public view.

They use emotions and fear to get what they want. The more fear they use on people the more emotions people have. That is the reason why a lot of people won’t come out and tell their truths because of that. They even Trolled David Grusch because of his PTSD and mental health.

Hope Grusch rips them apart with his new statements forthcoming.

One thing that all the Trolls, Government, and Military hate the most is when their truths come back to haunt them, and then scream and bitch and say those people are a risk to our nation.

The same thing they tried with Bob Lazar and David Grusch. The only reason why they did that is because they spoke out on the programs they were hired to work on for them and that is a fact!

Look at all these other people that have come out in the 80s. They did everything they could to stop them. Even former government senators and military people.

Funny they only go after those who had a high-level position and try to deface their credibility or that they never worked with, know who they are, or if they were ever born.

It is nothing more than a witch hunt. Going after those who talk about things that could deface their credibility by withholding information. They are just proving that they are Trolling like Trolls do on social media platforms.

It also shows that they are withholding information by attacking and going after those people who come forward. God forbid they tell their truths if at all.

If they have nothing to hide then why are they attacking these people in the first place?

Hell, they went after people for being part of the Communist Party in 1975. About 90% of those people they went after were based on rumors and lies!

How many of those people did they destroy over lies and didn’t have any facts of truth to back it up with?

The military and the government know exactly what they are doing and want to keep everything within their own private pockets and closets.

They steal your tax-paying money to fund their private programs. Have they yet accounted for the 3.8 trillion dollars of taxpayers' money in their spending?

But we the people are to take their word for it because they seem to think they are the law of the land!

I mean really who in the hell is in charge here? Sure as hell aren’t those in office. With that kind of money, we could buy ourselves out of debt.

And no one will investigate them to find out where that money went! I smell money laundering here. This should be a no-brainer to find where that money went.

Then they have the balls to ask for money and on top of that they want money to investigate the UAP topic!

I don’t know where they learned how to do math but that sure as hell will not hole up in a courtroom of law!

Someone should sue them for embezzlement. The people are the employers.

Is that not a form of treason to embezzle taxpayers' money and can’t account for where that money went? I thought there were laws to prevent this.

Look at Pelosi and her shock trading! Biden's payoffs!

Look at Senators, Turner and Rogers doing everything they can to stop the UAP Disclosure.

I would do the same thing Trump did when he was in office. Shut down the government and the Pentagon. But with a twist. I would shut both of them down and cut off their pay and funding until they could account for the money and where it went and their personal bank accounts.

Bet they find where the 3.8 trillion dollars they can’t account for! Along with the UAP programs they have been funding behind everyone's back and closed doors!

This is a lot to take in. If you review everything I’ve said here and in my other articles you will start seeing the same things that I have been talking about and why I am writing about these things. Just imagine if all the things I have posted on all my platforms and the topics I said here got to some of the higher-ups. Things will get even more real!

This would also apply to many other myths and legion stories.

Many people don’t want to hear this but all of them have bases of fact and truth in them because someone was there and saw them.

Same thing with God the creation of the Bible. People were there and were witness to his becoming and after death.

If I didn’t know any better I would say there is something more to these events in time and suggest a chronological order.


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