Something off my chest...A Tim Allen Moment.
Are our schools' children more violent than other countries, no. Kids are mean all over the world. No country is without bullies, (AND NO COUNTRY IS WITHOUT MARTIAL ARTS!!!) Folks, put your kids in martial arts taught by quality instructors. They are found all over the world too. Spread the word that quality martial art schools teach your kids HONOR, RESPECT, SELF-RESPECT, INTEGRITY, HUMILITY, AND EVERYTHING THAT KEEPS US TRAINING HARD THROUGH PAIN, CHAOS, DISAPPOINTMENT, LOSING, and DRAWS. Shall I go on? Of course I should. TUMAA will soon take orders for copies of "The Honorable Student" written by Grand Master Joshua Dingler. Use that to teach your kids to grow up properly, buy copies for your schools, it can be just as important there. Then make your kids culpable for their actions.