Something New On Mind : Mind is like Prism
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
Something New On Mind : Mind is like Prism
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost my all posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost my all posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Here's - Mind is like Prism.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
See the light of other thoughts as well.
Know these new thoughts of the author shared here. If you grasp the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.
Love and light to you!
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Mind is like Prism-
You may be knowing Prism!
You may be knowing spectrum!
Glass prism shows single ray of light!
In to 7 rays of colored lights!
In the same way!
Mind reflects Atma!
In to this visible world!
And you see the illusion!
Mind is like Prism!
Prism is instrument!
Mind is your instrument!
You are the owner of both!
Hence try to control the mind!
With the help of your intellect!
By practice and detachment!
And witness this world drama!
Thus know yourself!
Know this universe!
Know Atma!
Know Paramatma!
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Why you are going for suicide?
Job is not the only aim of life!
Career is not the only aim of life!
Rat race is not the only aim of life!
You should not be frog of a well!
Universe is very vast!
It has got lot for you!
You can't imagine its gift!
Come out of the well!
Film is not the only aim of life!
Business is not the only aim of life!
Come out of all these things!
And see how vast is this universe!
Why you do suicide?
Universe is very big!
You are my very dear!
I can heal your wounds!
Why do you worry?
When I am here!
I love you more than any thing!
See my love n be happy!
Why are you disappointed?
Why you want to go for suicide!
Know that all are already dead!
Since they give you pain!
But suicide is not the solution!
Defeat them with your power!
Since you are having such power!
Believe me, no one can disappoint you!
Show the people what you can do!
Now it is the golden time!
You can change your life!
You don't die even after suicide!
Then pain will be more than now!
You can run away from the world!
But not from your mind!
World is the cause of sorrows!
Come out of the world and see me!
See my beauty! See my love!
Since you are my eternal son!
You don't need to die to see me!
You can see me only if alive!
It is the golden time now!
Do only one thing!
Tell me everything, why you are sad?
Write me a letter! Don't write your name!
Post it to me! Any temple! Any mosque!
It is my promise!
I will see your problems!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
Don't Keep Anything In Mind
don't keep anything in your mind and thus try to remove tension. share your views, your
thoughts with your friends, relatives, nearest & dearest ones. if you can not tell in your family, tell
to your relatives. if you can not tell to your relatives, tell to your friends. if you can not tell to your
friends, tell to your nearest & dearest ones. if you can not tell to nearest & dearest ones also,
then please tell to your guru or any guru. guru will not tell to anyone. please do write in a paper
and send by post to your guru, if he is at a distance.
You see your reflection in mirror!
Do you really exist in mirror?
Same is the case of this world!
It is just a reflection of your mind!
Your mind is like mirror!
You are the same what is your mind!
Mirror only exists!
Not the reflection!
Almighty only exists!
Not the universe!
If mirror is dirty!
You can't see your image!
If Atma is dirty!
You can't see Paramatma!
If you color your face!
You will see same color in image!
If you color it with hatred!
You will see hatred in universe!
If you color it with love!
You will see love in universe!
It is more than sufficient
No need of reading!
Many Shastra, scriptures!
No need to confuse your mind!
In many studies!
If you want to progress!
In Spiritual journey!
If you want to know Almighty!
It is more than sufficient!
Just read only two sincerely!
Bhagavad Gita n Ashtavakra Gita!
Then you see the miracle!
You will be very near to Almighty!
Only one condition!
You must understand both!
And if you have understood!
Then you have made your life!
Then you have fulfilled all aims!
Then you have achieved everything!
Mind is like Prism
You may be knowing Prism!
You may be knowing spectrum!
Glass prism shows single ray of light!
In to 7 rays of colored lights!
In the same way!
Mind reflects Atma!
In to this visible world!
And you see the illusion!
Mind is like Prism!
Prism is instrument!
Mind is your instrument!
You are the owner of both!
Hence try to control the mind!
With the help of your intellect!
By practice and detachment!
And witness this world drama!
Thus know yourself!
Know this universe!
Know Atma!
Know Paramatma!
21 May 2020
What is the reason of sorrows?
What is the reason of sorrows?
Your flickering mind!
Your unstable mind!
Your mischievous mind!
If your mind is not under control!
Then you are your own enemy!
If your mind is under your control!
Then you are your own friend!
Morning you join any WhatsApp Group!
Evening you are leaving it with no reason!
Your changes in decisions frequently!
That is the reason of your sorrows!
It shows that you have no patience!
Morning you plant the mango tree!
Evening you want the mangoes!
You are not ready to wait!
You have no faith on yourself!
You have no self confidence!
You are lagging hope!
That is the reason of your sorrows!
You need to control your mind!
By regular practice!
Else it will make you dance!
From one group to another!
From one party to another!
From one place to another!
From one job to another!
From one spouse to another!
It is not the place, person, event!
Which is making you dance!
Your own attitude is making you dance!
You are creating restlessness for you!
In such circumstances!
You can't get peace!
You can't get joy!
Hence you get sorrows!
You should not be like a bird!
Which continues flying!
From one tree to another!
From one branch to another!
And for this there is no end!
Then you will have mind of the bird!
If you don't want sorrows!
Have patience! Be optimistic!
Have faith on you n Almighty!
Keep stable mind!
Corona Mantras
Prevention is better than cure. This specially holds good for Corona. The following Mantras, tips
may help you to prevent Corona and side effects of Corona related issues like tension,
headaches, worries:
1/ Increase immunity by different ways. Some of the ways are given here.
2/ Love one, love all selflessly as most powerful Almighty resides in every one. Do Pranayam
and meditation. Meditation is not just sitting at one place. Meditation is to remember Almighty as
much as possible even if you are walking, working, eating, sitting, etc. By doing so you can
come closer to Almighty.
3/ If you come close to Almighty, you will come close to your originality. Your originality is
virus-proof, disease-proof. Then no disease, no virus can touch you.
4/ Chant or listen Om Mantra or Hare Krishna Maha Mantra or Om Namah Shivaya.
It will certainly increase your immune system if you do it with purity.
Chant or listen devotional music of your religion with purity.
5/ Keep purity of body, mind, speech and thoughts as every visible and invisible thing in the
universe starts from this. It will strengthen your immune system remarkably.
6/ By following above points you will gain not only in this visible world but also in invisible divine
7/ Consume Vitamin C items like Amla, lemon, orange, etc to increase your immunity. Keep
8/ Take hot water or tea two or three times in a day specially during morning and evening hours.
9/ Follow all the preventive measures suggested by the Govt and World Health Organization,
WHO. You may visit their websites for knowing them.
You are not the mind
You are not the mind!
Your mind is reflecting!
Every person!
Every thing!
There are no others!
Whatever you see outside!
It is your own reflection!
Which your mind creates!
Mind is mirror!
Whatever you see by mind!
You get the same reflection!
If you see by hate!
You will see hate in reflection!
If you see by love!
You will see love in reflection!
Eyes do not see!
You, Atma see from eyes!
Ears don't listen!
You Atma listen from ears!
You are different than mind!
You are different than eyes!
You are different than ears!
You are superior than these!
Divine voice from sky: Almighty
I have no body!
I have no senses!
I have no mind!
I have no subtle mind!
I have no intellect!
I have no subtle intellect!
I have no ego!
I am Atma!
I am Paramatma!
I am Almighty!
I am Shiva!
I am Krishna!
I am Rama!
I am Allah!
I am Jesus!
I am Nanak!
I am Buddha!
I am one in all!
I am all in one!
I am with shape!
I am without shape!
I am with form!
I am without form!
Nothing exists except me!
All are in me!
No one is different than me!
Nothing is different than me!
I am infinite ocean of divine love!
I am infinite ocean of divine bliss!
I am Almighty!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
Your mind is neutral!
Your body is neutral!
Whatever you fill in body!
It will become!
Whatever you fill in mind!
It will become!
If you fill Corona!
You will be worried!
You may get it!
If you fill world!
In your body n mind!
You will be in pain!
As world is painful!
How to fill world?
In your body n mind!
By worldly music!
By worldly reading!
By worldly writing!
By worldly talks!
By worldly sharing!
By not serving others!
By not helping others!
By not loving all!
If you fill divine!
In your body n mind!
You will be in joy!
As divine is joyful!
How to fill divine?
In your mind n body!
By divine music!
By divine reading!
By divine writing!
By divine talks!
By divine Sharing!
By serving others!
By helping others!
By loving all!
It is up to you!
What you want to fill!
In your body n mind!
World or divine!
Sorrows or joy!
Corona or wellness!
Hatred or love!
When the universe disappears
When you win your body!
When you win your mind!
When you win your senses!
When you win your subtle mind!
When you win your intellect!
When you win your subtle intellect!
When you win your ego!
Then the universe disappears!
Then you know!
That universe is visible!
Only by senses!
It exists only relatively!
Else it does not exist!
If you win the senses!
Then only Atma is left!
Then only Paramatma is left!
Then you know!
This universe is a dream!
That is the reason!
Love to Almighty is required!
That is the reason!
Grace of Almighty is required!
You see your reflection in mirror!
Do you really exist in mirror?
Same is the case of this world!
It is just a reflection of your mind!
Your mind is like mirror!
You are the same what is your mind!
Mirror only exists!
Not the reflection!
Almighty only exists!
Not the universe!
If mirror is dirty!
You can't see your image!
If Atma is dirty!
You can't see Paramatma!
If you color your face!
You will see same color in image!
If you color it with hatred!
You will see hatred in universe!
If you color it with love!
You will see love in universe!
Why my posts are repeated?
We are habitual of forgetting!
Morning we are told something!
Evening we are forgetting!
Some matters are important!
Hence they need to be repeated!
Sometimes some people are busy!
They may not see important contents!
Hence they miss them!
For them repetition is required!
Sri Krishna has told in Gita
Abhyas ie practice is required!
Practice makes a man perfect!
Hence repetition is required!
Sometimes mind may not grasp!
Any particular subject at first!
But you may understand it!
After some time, after some practice!
Remembering Almighty is necessary!
Hence my posts are repeated!
Again and again!
To remember Him!
What is Nature?
Nature is grass!
Your body!
All animals, birds!
Fish, crocodiles!
All plants, trees!
Forests, hills, rivers!
Deserts, oceans!
Sun, Moon, stars, etc!
Whatever you see!
Whatever you can perceive!
That is nature!
Earth, sky, air, fire, water!
Senses, subtle mind, intellect!
They are called Prakriti!
Everything is nature!
Except one Purush!
Nature may be visible or invisible!
But Purush is always invisible!
Nature is mortal!
Purush is immortal!
Nature is alive!
Only due to Purush!
Nature works automatically!
Due to the presence of Purush!
Nature seems to exist!
But really it doesn't exist!
Hence it is called Maya!
Maya of the Purush!
Which is just illusion!
Purush is Almighty!
Entire universe exists!
Only due to this reason!
Only due to the presence!
Of Prakriti and Purush!
2 May 2020
Greed of Man
Greed of man has spoiled!
The beauty of this earth!
Hence Corona is created!
Nature sets right every thing!
Rat race of man has made!
The planet earth ugly!
If man doesn't improve!
More Viruses may be created!
Earlier also man used to live!
Go back to 100 years!
Then man was more happy!
Rat race has caused the pain!
Advancement of Science has made the man!
More comfortable, habitual of comfort!
Thus weaker in body, mind n senses!
Use Advancement, Science with wisdom!
Don't forget your very existence!
Don't forget the existence of earth!
Don't forget your very essence!
For which you have come here!
You have come here!
To beautify this earth with love!
Not for rat race, not for greed!
Not for making the earth ugly!
You see your reflection in mirror!
Do you really exist in mirror?
Same is the case of this world!
It is just a reflection of your mind!
Your mind is like mirror!
You are the same what is your mind!
Mirror only exists!
Not the reflection!
Almighty only exists!
Not the universe!
If mirror is dirty!
You can't see your image!
If Atma is dirty!
You can't see Paramatma!
If you color your face!
You will see same color in image!
If you color it with hatred!
You will see hatred in universe!
If you color it with love!
You will see love in universe!
Why Non-veg food is not good
Non-veg food is not good!
For Spiritual "progress!
Since it makes the mind!
Unstable like a child!
Unsteady with unrest!
It makes you angry!
Which is harmful for you!
Your mind and others!
If you eat animals or birds!
You will get their habits!
Their qualities n properties!
You may be violent like animals!
You may be unstable, unsteady!
With unrest like animals!
You may get their subtle qualities!
In your unconscious mind!
You may become fighter!
And quarrelsome!
You may not like peace!
You may not get peace!
You may not get happiness!
You don't want peace?
You don't want happiness?
You want to be unstable?
You want your children like this?
Two parts of the food
Your food makes your body. Whatever food you eat, your body will become as per that.
Mainly there are following two parts of any food Veg or Non-veg:
Sthool Part - It is visible part of the food which you eat. It makes your visible body.
Sookshm Part - It is invisible part of the food. It is called subtle part of the food. It makes your
invisible part of your body ie your subtle body. Your subtle mind is also built up by this subtle
part of the food.
Subtle part of the food includes Rasa etc which is essential for preparing your subtle body.
Subtle part of the food also depends upon the the thoughts, violent or non-violent nature of the
food maker, raw food or the place where it is grown and eaten.
Don't fear
Don't fear!
Even if you have Corona virus!
Only a few people die not all!
Who have lesser immunity!
Take precautions!
Don't hide it!
Keep distance!
Take treatment!
You will be alright!
Don't fear!
Increase immunity!
By Pranayam!
By devotional songs!
Remembering me!
Making mind strong!
Taking vitamin C!
And other ways!
Follow Doctors advice!
It has been done by me!
But actually by you!
Nature balances itself!
Don't fear!
Don't shake hands!
Greet by Namaste!
Keep your hands clean!
Keep yourself clean!
Keep your mind clean!
Avoid all pollutions!
Avoid thought pollution!
Don't fear!
I am with you!
When you alive!
Even after death!
Don't fear!
Have faith on me!
Have faith on my nature!
Nature will set right everything!
Don't fear!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
Krishna is very kind
Krishna is very kind!
He has got every power!
What He can not do?
Where He can not reach?
Do you know?
What is this lockdown?
Nothing can happen!
Without His wish!
He only does everything!
Through every one!
People in Spirituality!
They use to live!
In isolation for 40 days!
For their Sadhana!
Even more tough!
Than this!
Without food or water!
Or Limited!
To make them divine!
They used to go to forest!
Or any Ashram!
For this type of isolation!
For their improvement!
Krishna is very kind!
He wants to make you divine!
He wants to purify you!
He wants to beautify this planet!
Since He has promised-
Yada Yada hi dharmasya...
Keep ready for this change!
Nature will beautify!
Earth will beautify!
Be the change!
Utilize this precious time!
For helping you!
Helping others!
For your improvement!
Utilize this love of Krishna!
For loving Him!
Keep isolation!
From bad thoughts!
Remain silent!
By body, mind, speech!
Use this mercy of Krishna!
For your benefit!
Use this time!
For your Sadhana!
It is rare opportunity!
It will not come back!
Mind is like a transparent!
Glass full of water!
Whatever color we mix in it!
Water will become of same color!
If we give it divine color!
It will become divine!
If we give worldly color!
It will become worldly!
But world is the cause of sorrows!
Divine is the cause of joy!
Whatever color you mix!
You will see the same!
Whatever you fill in the mind!
It will show the same world!
If you fill divine, it will show you divine!
If you fill world, it will show you world!
World is of no use for you!
Since it will give sorrows!
Divine is of all use!
Since it will give you joy!
That is the reason!
Krishna has told in Gita!
Practice is required!
To control the mind!
That is the reason!
Sages have prescribed!
Seva, Sumiran n Satsanga!
Study of scriptures!
Good company or friends!
Divine songs or praise of Lord!
Namaz and Prayer
If you are very big!
Devotee of Allah!
You do 5 times Namaz!
It is very well!
But it is not necessary!
That you must visit mosque!
You may do it in home!
It will give same result!
No need of showing to others!
If you do it alone in silence!
It is still better!
No need of any crowd!
No need of other people!
If you are very big!
Devotee of Krishna!
You do 3 times prayer!
It is very well!
But it is not necessary!
That you must visit temple!
You may do it in home!
It will give same result!
No need of showing to others!
If you do it alone in silence!
It is still better!
No need of any crowd!
No need of other people!
If you are in mosque or temple!
But you think about your home!
Then you are in home in reality!
Not in mosque or temple!
Since main thing is your mind!
And not your body!
Wherever your mind exists!
You exist there in fact!
Remove the darkness of ignorant!
By sharing this message!
To Muslims and Hindus!
Thus worship Almighty!
Translate it in your language!
If they don't know English!
Thus make use of your Education!
Light the lamp of this knowledge!
If I abuse anyone
If I abuse anyone!
Even in my mind!
I abuse to myself!
If I think bad of anyone!
Even in my mind!
I think bad for me!
If I do bad of anyone!
I will do bad of myself!
And same thing holds good for you!
Since I and you are one n same!
Those who read my posts
Those who read my posts!
They must consider themselves very lucky!
My posts are the gist of all scriptures!
Majority of people can't think about these!
I use to share!
Out of which, many things!
You may be knowing first time!
And many things!
You may be wondering!
But consider them true!
Whatever I share!
I share the truth of life!
Most of them are based!
On my experience!
Not theoretical!
Since the Spirituality is a
Practical subject, not theoretical!
By reading and following my posts!
Unlucky person can be lucky!
Lucky can become very lucky!
Very lucky can become most lucky!
But actually these are not mine!
Since nothing is mine!
Wisdom is not mine!
Intellect is not mine!
Mind is not mine!
Body is not mine!
Every thing belongs to Almighty!
Hence credit goes to Almighty!
Never to me!
But no thought is new!
Every thing is just repetition!
In this infinite tradition of time!
Shared by many sages so far!
But they are most lucky!
Who follow and share my posts!
Since they are not my posts!
Since they are the words of Almighty!
And those who share them!
They really want goodness on this earth!
You yourself are the best judge!
How many posts have you shared?
Have you shared the posts of today?
Ask yourself and decide!
Allah is Atma
Allah is Atma!
Atma has no religion!
Atma is Paramatma!
Paramatma has no religion!
Ganesha is Atma!
Krishna is Atma!
Rama is Atma!
Shiva is Atma!
Saraswati is Atma!
Durga is Atma!
Kali is Atma!
Laxmi is Atma!
Almighty is Atma!
Paramatma is Atma!
God is Atma!
Brahm is Atma!
Except one Atma!
Nothing exists!
In this universe!
And out of the universe!
Everyone is Atma!
Everything is Atma!
Every word is Atma!
Every thought is Atma!
Subtle intellect is Atma!
Intellect is Atma!
Subtle mind is Atma!
Mind is Atma!
Senses are Atma!
Body is Atma!
All genders are Atma!
Women are one Atma!
Men are one Atma!
Atma is one n only one!
Atma is Almighty!
Atma is Brahm!
Atma is everywhere!
All Gods are one Atma!
All Avatars are one Atma!
Nothing is without Atma!
Atma has pervaded every one!
Paramatma has pervaded every thing!
Atma has pervaded the sky!
Paramatma has pervaded the sky!
You can't hide anything from Atma!
You can't hide anything from Paramatma!
Jeevatma are many!
Atma is only one!
What Can I Give?
O My Lord!
What can I give!
From where I will give?
When I have nothing!
Everything is yours!
Nothing is mine!
Money is not mine!
Body is not mine!
Senses are not mine!
Mind is not mine!
Subtle mind is not mine!
Intellect is not mine!
Subtle intellect is not mine!
Every thing is yours!
Then, what can I give you?
How can I give you?
And you don't require anything!
Since every thing belongs to you!
What donation to anyone
Can I give?
When everything belongs to you!
If I give!
It is theft from your account!
I can give only with your permission!
O my loving Almighty!
Only one thing I can give!
That is my love!
My prayers for all!
Who are struggling for life!
Only one thing I can give!
My prayers!
So that all get your love and peace!
Household Work
Children must be trained!
To cooperate the parents!
In household duty!
They may be assigned any!
Don't depend!
On servants or maids!
They can't do as you do!
Self help is the best help!
In this way!
They will know disciple!
In side n outside of home!
Right from childhood!
You must know!
Work is worship!
Do every work!
By this spirit!
If you are teaching them!
Don't think that!
You are teaching!
Your children!
Consider they are!
Children of Almighty!
Thus you are doing!
Duty of Almighty!
Thus your this work becomes!
Worship of Almighty!
Consider every one!
Son of Almighty!
Your children!
Your spouse!
Your customer!
Your boss!
Your subordinate!
Your friend!
Your enemy!
Think in mind!
Don't forget!
But behave with them!
Consider all other works!
Like this!
Then your every work becomes!
Worship of Almighty!
Krishna is very kind
Krishna is very kind!
He has got every power!
What He can not do?
Where He can not reach?
Do you know?
What is this lockdown?
Nothing can happen!
Without His wish!
He only does everything!
Through every one!
People in Spirituality!
They use to live!
In isolation for 40 days!
For their Sadhana!
Even more tough!
Than this!
Without food or water!
Or Limited!
To make them divine!
They used to go to forest!
Or any Ashram!
For this type of isolation!
For their improvement!
Krishna is very kind!
He wants to make you divine!
He wants to purify you!
He wants to beautify this planet!
Since He has promised-
Yada Yada hi dharmasya...
Keep ready for this change!
Nature will beautify!
Earth will beautify!
Be the change!
Utilize this precious time!
For helping you!
Helping others!
For your improvement!
Utilize this love of Krishna!
For loving Him!
Keep isolation!
From bad thoughts!
Remain silent!
By body, mind, speech!
Use this mercy of Krishna!
For your benefit!
Use this time!
For your Sadhana!
It is rare opportunity!
It will not come back!
Why two genders?
Why Almighty has created!
Two genders!
To bring the charm in life!
To run this world!
If there were only males!
And no females!
What would be condition of world!
If there were only females!
And no males!
How would be this world!
If either of two were not created!
This world would have been!
A place of boredom!
Completely dry!
Almighty thinks better than you!
You have individual mind!
But He is mind itself!
You have individual knowledge!
But He is Knowledge itself!
He always thinks better than you!
He always thinks better for you!
He is beyond imagination!
He is beyond everything!
If there are only males, no female!
This world will be full of fire!
World will not be place to live!
Stop female foeticide!
If you love me
If you love me!
You will get!
Divine joy!
You will come to me!
If you touch me!
You will get!
Divine bliss!
You will come to me!
You will come to me!
While living alive!
Since after death!
You can't get me!
No need of loudspeaker!
For showing others!
No need of creating crowds!
In religious places!
Just love me in your heart!
Just speak to me in your heart!
Just speak to me in your mind!
For entering into my silence!
But you must love me!
Without any want!
Your love must be pure!
Without any selfishness!
Then your life will be changed!
For ever!
Then you will change the life!
Of others!
Then your all sorrows will be vanished!
For ever!
Then your all miseries will be vanished!
For ever!
You need not visit temple!
You need not visit mosque!
You need not visit Tirupati!
You need not visit Kaaba!
Just love me! Nothing else!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
If you love me
If you love me!
No need!
Visiting temple!
Visiting Tirupati!
If you love me!
No need!
Visiting mosque!
Visiting Kaaba!
If you love me!
No need!
For loud speakers!
For showing others!
If you love me!
No need!
For creating crowds!
In religious places!
If you love me!
Just love me!
In all people!
In all creatures!
If you love me!
Just love me!
Speak to me!
In your mind!
If you love me!
Just love me!
Speak to me!
In your heart!
If you love me!
Love me!
I will always listen!
Your silent voice!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
Almighty is most powerful
Body has least power!
Mind is more powerful than the body!
Since it controls the body!
Senses are more powerful than the mind!
Since mind is visible, senses are invisible!
Subtle mind is more powerful than the senses!
Intellect is more powerful than the subtle mind!
Subtle intellect is more powerful than the intellect!
Jeevatma is more powerful than the subtle intellect!
Paramatma is more powerful than the Jeevatma!
Almighty or Paramatma one and same!
Solution of bad thoughts
Subtle mind is not visible!
How to punish it?
You can punish your body!
If it is doing something bad!
But if mind is doing bad!
How to punish it?
For that!
Only solution!
You must have difficulty!
You must have sorrow!
You must feel hurt!
You must feel sad!
Then only you can win mind!
Then mind will not think bad!
Then you will not get bad thoughts!
To purify your mind!
You must try to think good!
You must have good company!
You must do selfless work!
You must read good!
You must do good!
You must see good!
You must speak good!
You must do hard work!
Mind should not be empty!
Keep it engaged!
Then only!
You will think good!
Then only!
Mind will be purified!
Then only!
You can win body!
Then only!
You can win mind!
Then only!
You can win subtle mind!
If you are Muslim!
And you want to follow!
The practices of Hindu religion!
No need of conversion!
You can remain as Muslim!
If you are Hindu!
And you want to follow!
The practices of Muslim religion!
No need of conversion!
You can remain as Hindu!
Why there should be a need
For conversion?
When Almighty is one and only one!
For all the religions!
All religions are different rivers!
Almighty is endless ocean!
All rivers meet the same!
At the end!
Religions have not been created
By Almighty!
Religions have been created!
By the man!
You must know!
Love is the only religion of man!
Any act which promotes
Love and happiness!
That is true practice!
That is true religion!
Any act which promotes
Hatred and unhappiness!
That is false practice!
That is false religion!
Since aim of your life!
Since aim of your birth!
To be happy ultimately!
To get peace ultimately!
If you want to know Almighty!
If you want to see Him!
Your mind should be converted!
Not your religion! Caste!
From bad thoughts to good!
From bad action to good!
From bad speech to good!
From bad company to good!
From selfish acts to selfless!
Then no need to go temple!
Then no need to go mosque!
Then no need to go Tirupati!
Then no need to go Kaba!
Then Krishna will come at your home!
Then Allah will come at your home!
And one day you will see that!
How is Almighty?
I have no body!
I have no senses!
I have no mind!
I have no subtle mind!
I have no intellect!
I have no subtle intellect!
I have no ego!
I am Atma!
I am Paramatma!
I am Almighty!
I am Shiva!
I am Krishna!
I am Rama!
I am Allah!
I am Jesus!
I am Nanak!
I am Buddha!
I am one in all!
I am all in one!
I am with shape!
I am without shape!
I am with form!
I am without form!
Nothing exists except me!
All are in me!
No one is different than me!
Nothing is different than me!
I am infinite ocean of divine love!
I am infinite ocean of divine bliss!
I am Almighty!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
Difference between mind and subtle mind
Mind is the part of the body!
You can take photo of the mind!
You can see the mind!
But you can not see subtle mind!
Mind is called in Hindi Dimaag!
Munn is Sookshhm ie subtle mind!
Mind is inside the body!
But Munn is beyond the body!
Mind is visible!
Subtle mind is invisible!
You can conceal anything from others!
But you can not conceal from subtle mind!
Subtle mind knows everything!
Subtle mind is recording everything!
Subtle mind is controller of all senses!
Senses run your body!
But subtle mind runs the senses!
You are beyond the subtle mind!
By Moti Buddhi!
You can not understand yourself!
By Moti Buddhi!
You can not understand Almighty!
You need Sookshhm Buddhi!
To understand yourself!
You need Sookshhm Buddhi!
To understand Almighty!
Sookshhm Buddhi can be acquired!
Only by selfless actions!
Sookshhm Buddhi can be acquired!
Only by remembering Almighty!
Don't tell lie to yourself
Don't tell lie to yourself!
You know what you tell to myself!
You know what you tell to yourself!
You know everything!
You want to befool others!
You want to befool yourself!
By concealing the facts!
By hiding the truth!
If you are talking something!
About me in your mind!
But something different!
In my presence!
You want to befool yourself!
You want to befool myself!
And due to this reason!
You have kept away yourself!
From Almighty!
Since many births!
If you become same!
By your body, mind and speech!
Almighty is not!
Far away from you!
Steps to know Almighty
First of all you must have 200% faith that Almighty exists!
Then only you can get His help!
Which is first and foremost!
Then you must know!
Alasya manushya ka shatru hai!
Finish your laziness!
Since it is your enemy!
Always speak truth!
Don't hurt anyone!
For your any mistake!
Ask your sincere apologies!
From that person!
And also Almighty!
Then you must try to win
Kaam ie lust and desire
Krodh ie anger
Lobh ie greed
Moh ie attachment
Then you must try to win
Subtle mind
Then you can know yourself!
Then you can know Almighty!
You are superior!
You are superior than
Subtle mind
You are
An integral part of
You are Jeevatma!
You are Atma!
Visible and invisible is
Made of above
Five elements!
You are superior than
Any thing
In entire universe
Visible and invisible!
Senses are more powerful than body!
Subtle mind is more powerful than senses!
Intellect is more powerful than subtle mind!
You are more powerful than intellect!
Hence you can win body!
Hence you can win senses!
Hence you can win subtle mind!
Hence you can win intellect!
Then you can know yourself!
Then you can know Almighty!
For this you need blessings of Almighty!
For this you need grace of Almighty!
Body and You
Body must be insulted!
Body must be scolded!
Since you are not the body!
And you must win your body!
Not only body!
You have to win your mind
That is subtle mind!
Then only you can know Almighty!
You have to win your intellect!
You have to win your ego!
Then only you can enter!
The beautiful regime of Almighty!
Main thing
Main thing is not your body!
Main thing is your mind!
Even if you hate me by body!
But you love me in mind!
You actually love me!
But the best are those!
Who are same!
By body and mind!
Body dies!
But mind remains for ever!
Even after death!
And that is not physical mind!
That is subtle mind!
Which is the cause of
Your next birth!
Once your subtle mind dies!
It is called liberation!
And that is possible!
After thousands of births!
And after liberation!
No further birth!
Then your entire sorrows
Are vanished for ever!
Love doesn't see the age!
Love is God!
God is love!
Love does not see the age!
Love is eternal without age!
Main thing is not the age!
Main thing is your thought!
Main thing is not body!
Main thing is mind!
Read about
Imran Khan
Who is Pak PM
Salman Khan
Shahrukh Khan
Akshaya Kumar
Sanjay Dutt
All Film-stars
They can do
Love and Romance
At this age!
Why not you?
They may be doing
Love and romance
With ignorance!
You do
Love and romance
With knowledge!
Thus welcome
In the light!
Divine light!
Divine knowledge!
Do romance with God!
Present inside everyone!
But without
Want of any fruit!
Even if we don't talk, we communicate with each other!
If I am saying anything about you in my mind, I am talking with you!
If you are saying anything about me in your mind, you are talking with me!
Hence I must always talk good about you even in my mind!
Animals also communicate but we don't know their language!
But they know their language and act as per that!
Monkeys communicate with them with their language and start fighting!
Dogs communicate with them with their language and start fighting!
Cats communicate with them with their language and start fighting!
Not only fighting, other acts like loving, unity, making group, etc are also governed by the
language of the animals.
Birds communicate with them and fly in the sky in the rows of 7 birds or 11 birds, etc together in
a particular shape in a disciplined way!
Who is giving this beauty?
Who is governing them?
Think it over!
No one is happy!
No one is happy with his job!
Leaving the job is not a solution!
No one is happy with his family!
Leaving the family is not a solution!
No one is happy with this world!
Leaving the world is not a solution!
Do not run away!
Do not be a cowardice!
Face the challenge!
Adversities will make you stronger!
You can run away from the challenge!
But you can not run away from your mind!
It is not the problem which troubles you!
It is your mind which troubles you!
Never fight with the situations!
Always fight with your mind!
What is illusion? What is Maya?
What is illusion?
What is Maya?
Except yourself!
Every thing is Maya!
Every thing is illusion!
Every thing does not exist!
Your intellect is illusion!
Your subtle mind is illusion!
Your senses are illusion!
Your body is illusion!
Sky is illusion!
Sun is illusion!
Moon is illusion!
Stars are illusion!
Ocean is illusion!
Forests are illusion!
Mountains are illusion!
Deserts are illusion!
Fire is illusion!
Earth is illusion!
Water is illusion!
Air is illusion!
All will be vanished one day!
Except yourself!
Except love!
Except Almighty!
What are the things which are Maya?
Subtle mind
Visible mind
All visible things
All invisible things
Maya means that it appears to exist but actually it does not exist!
The eyes don't see!
The eyes don't see!
The ears don't listen!
The mouth doesn't speak!
The nose doesn't smell!
The mind doesn't think!
Since after death!
Even if they are intact!
One can not see!
One can not listen!
One can not speak!
One can not smell!
One can not think!
There is subtle eye which sees!
There is subtle ear which listens!
There is subtle mouth which speaks!
There is subtle nose which smells!
There is subtle mind which thinks!
But, actually they don't act!
There is someone else!
Who actually acts!
Who actually governs all of them!
Words of Wisdom: Minds
Strong minds discuss ideas!
Average minds discuss events!
Weak minds discuss people!
No senses, no universe!
No senses, no universe!
Senses are my tools!
I exist without senses!
I exist without mind!
I exist without intellect!
Intellect has been made to entangle you!
Mind has been made to confuse you!
Senses have been made to entangle you!
Really you alone exist!
Comfort weakens you!
Comfort weakens body!
Comfort weakens intellect!
Comfort weakens mind!
As purity increases, world decreases!
At full purity, world disappears!
If purity increases, senses decrease!
At full purity, no senses!
At full purity, no mind!
At full purity, no intellect!
Real Dharma
Real Dharma is not the worship
In temple
In mosque
In Gurudwara
In Church
Since you are worshipping
At these places since ages
Could you find Almighty?
No, you can't find there!
All these are the ABCD
Of Dharma
All these are
Just symbolic
Real Dharma is
To love mankind
Real Dharma is
To love every creature
Real Dharma is
Not to hurt any one
By your
Body, mind or speech
Real Dharma is
To make you stronger
By withstanding
The adversity
Of others
Real Dharma is
To win your
Real Dharma is
To win yourself
Then you see the miracle
Then you will find
The Almighty
Inside you
Not in
26 October 2019
Proof that God Exists!
We are celebrating Diwali, Holi, Eid, etc festivals since so many years.
No one is instructing us to celebrate.
No one is forcing us to celebrate.
But we are celebrating!
That too in large scale.
With too much discipline, with too much unity, without fail we are celebrating these festivals
every year.
No government orders us to celebrate these festivals but we are celebrating.
Who has kept us united?
Is it not sufficient to prove that God exists?
We celebrate Gandhi Jayanti since Gandhi existed!
After many years people may doubt the existence of Gandhi also!
Non-existent things can never exist!
There was reason, that is why Diwali started, still being celebrated and it will continue to be
Hence there should not be any doubt on our traditions!
Our present traditions will also become old one day!
May Almighty illuminate our minds so that we should not doubt on existence of God!
Wishing you Happy Deepavali.......
Important Quotes
I am smaller than the dust particle!
I am filled everywhere in the entire universe!
All visible is imagination!
I am chinmayanand Prakash!
I am sky!
I am universe!
I am chinmay light!
Munn ie subtle mind is created by assumptions!
Almighty is Paramatm-prakash!
I am yours!
Liberation means no blockage of mind in doing or not doing!
Your body is your friend!
I only exist! You only exist!
I alone exist! You alone exist!
I am not holding the body!
Body is holding me!
Mind is magnet!
I am chinmay sky!
I am Param Prakash!
Work is done by body, not myself!Count your blessings!
I am invisible!
If any one abuses body, it is already dead!
Everything already done! Just you have to see!
See everyone as three kg of ashes!
If you die right now! Act accordingly!
No senses, no universe!
I am ocean of divine bliss!
Words of Wisdom: Preferences
Do not worry about the world that what people will think about you.
Do as per your preference and choice.
Before preferring any thing, please ensure that it should not enhance your ego.
Ordinary people, ordinary minds will see their comfort. They will prefer to travel by car. But they
do not know its side effects. It will increase their ego.
Special people, special minds will not see their comfort. They will ensure that it should not
increase their ego!
Ego is very dangerous. Ego creates your bondage, your jail birth after the births!
By increasing your ego, you enslave yourself!
Words of Wisdom: Progress
If you could not make worldly progress, do not worry! Some things like promotions etc, you get
them back-dated. At present you don't know. But after some time you will know and get it
But be sure that what ever happens, it happens for your good which an ordinary mind can not
You get nothing free in this universe. You have to spend some cost for any thing and everything.
You may be knowing it or not!
Since life tends to balance every thing!
Hence be happy in any situation and every situation!
Secret of thoughts
Don't allow negative mind
Negative thoughts
Allow only first thought
That will be always true!
Words of Wisdom
Yadi Aapke dil mein chor hai!
Then love is not pure!
Then love is not true!
If you are any theft in your mind!
Then your
Fear in Love
I could not understand why people fear while talking about love?
Why people fear in expression of love?
Love is the natural phenomenon specifically gifted by Almighty to special people!
If you are married lady and and I am gent. And if I love you, then there is no harm if my love is
pure if my love is not for lust. Then your husband should not mind if he has faith.
Love is unlimited, infinite in nature. We can love thousands of people.
Modern ladies are doing job now a days. They need to meet many men in the office in
connection of the job. If their husbands start doubts on them then no woman can do the job.
Hence the bonding of relationship between husband and wife should be strong enough.
If love does not fear. If love is open. If love is not secret. If love is not for the lust. Then no one
should fear in expressing the love.
If love is in presence of all. Then there should be no fear, no doubt on love.
One may love you as a brother. One may love you as a friend. If there is no understanding
between you and your husband, then your relationship with your husband is very weak.
My wife had made a brother. He was about fifteen years elder than my wife. We were family
friends. Though earlier we were not knowing each other. He was having family of four children
and one wife. We used to visit his home. He used to visit our home. Some times my wife used to
visit alone to their house. Some times he used to visit in my home. I never objected.
Why there should be a doubt? I don't understand my wife? Why our relationship should be so
If you have any doubt on me, you have doubt on yourself! If you have doubt on yourself, then
you will doubt on me!
Since if I will take some advantage of you without your permission. Then you will not allow. You
are not so weak!
Amavasya and Purnima
Amavasya and Purnima are two important days connected with the moon.
Today is Amavasya. During Amavasya we get cooler due to no moon.
During the Purnima, we get hotter due to full moon. Hence incidences of quarrels are more.
It effects on the working conditions of ocean also creating more tides in the ocean during
Amavasya and Purnima. It impacts on the working conditions of our minds also. Hence there
are more accidents on the road, more people get sick. More incidents of fire are there during
these days. Hence, please take care.
During Amavasya and Purnima if we donate some things to deserving persons or if we feed
cows green grass, bread, etc then the effect of Amavasya and Purnima on our minds is
overcome up to a certain extent.
It is connected with our mental alertness.
Our Rishis, Munis, saints and sages have told about the same since thousands of years.
Come out of your comfort zone!
Comfort weakens body!
Comfort weakens senses!
Comfort weakens mind!
Comfort weakens intellect!
Comfort weakens you!
Come out of comfort zone!
Never Mind!
If any work is not done as per your wish, do not be sad.
Believe that Almighty has planned something better for you!
True Repentance:
True repentance is not asking for forgiveness from Almighty but to the person against whom you
have done the mistake by your body, mind or speech.
Almighty will never forgive you if you are not forgiven by the concerned person.
Yes, if the person can not be contacted,then you may pray to Almighty.
But whenever concerned person is available, you will have to ask for forgiveness directly from
the person with the promise that you will never repeat the same mistake.
Entire universe is in soul!
It is visible in soul!
By intellect!
By mind!
By senses!
Divine voice from sky
By mind you speak something
By body you speak something
And this is the biggest hurdle
In our union
You must be same
By mind
By body
By action
Only then you can meet me
Only then our union is possible
All worships in vain
Secret of Spiritual Progress :
You must be same from inside and outside.
If you are talking other things than you are thinking, then you fail in Spiritual journey.
You should not hide anything of your mind.
You must speak the same.
Then only you can progress in the path of Almighty ie Spiritual journey.
Divine voice from sky :Even if you don't fast!
Even if you are not fasting for me!
You should never think that!
I don't love you!
I understand your reasons!
For not fasting!
Since you do nothing without reason!
Since only human has sense of reasoning!
Which makes him different than animals!
But as per law of Karma!
Whatever you do!
You get its results!
Even if you are fasting!
But without devotion!
You will get its results!
But different than!
If you fast with devotion!
But if you are fasting!
And indulging!
In backbiting!
In false activities!
By body, mind n speech!
Without loving human!
Without loving my creatures!
Without caring elders!
Without caring poor!
Then it will be of no use!
Why people do not want to join Spirituality!
They think that everything will have to be left.
This is their wrong conception.
People think that they are living comfortably. Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are living royal life.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are earning too much money.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think they are too much popular.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are having good designation and posts.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are having beautiful family.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they are having good education.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they will have to leave everything.
Why to disturb themselves.
People think that they will become poor.
Why to disturb themselves.
All these are wrong conceptions.
You are not required to leave anything.
You have to leave by mind not body.
Yes you are living comfortably.
But in dreams.
But in movies.
But in mirage.
You are not living actual life.
Since it is not true happy life.
Happy life is one.
After that you can never be in sorrows.
Happy life is the one.
Which is full of love.
Which is beyond birth and death.
Which is immortal.
Comfort of facilities!
Comfort weakens body!
Comfort weakens senses!
Comfort weakens mind!
Comfort weakens intellect!
Comfort weakens you!
There is something beyond mind, brain and intellect from where you are getting intelligence.
That is the ocean of intelligence. And that is Almighty.
22 February 2019
World is the cause of sorrows:
*World is the cause of sorrows.
If you are in the world, no one can prevent you from painful experiences.
*But if you are in divine, no one can prevent you from joyful experiences.
And that will not be worldly joy.
That will be a divine joy.
Which can not be compared by any Worldly gain.
*But no one should run away from the world by suicide or any other means since it will give
more pain even after the death since body will die, you will not die even after death.
*You can run away from the world but not from your mind.
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Where is happiness?
Happiness is not in the place.
Happiness is not in the position.
You may change the place.
To the best place of this universe.
You may change your position.
To the best position of this universe.
But you will never find happiness.
In this universe.
Since the happiness is elsewhere.
Since the happiness is in your mind.
Subtle Mind
When thoughts will be finished, Munn ie subtle mind will be finished.
Nature of soul is Paramarth ie selflessness.
Nature of body and mind is selfishness.
Hence if you want to know Almighty, follow the right path.
Problem begins when you start expecting.
Then your mind and body start functioning in disorder.
Then you start calculations how to get more benefits.
Then you start comparing, he has got more I have got less.
And hence,
Then your sorrows start.
What is Spirituality?
Any thing connected with Supreme spirit or Supreme Soul is called spiritual and to follow that
path is called Spirituality.
People usually say that it is spiritual and it is not spiritual.
People must know anything which helps mankind is Spiritual.
Anything which helps others is Dharma and contrary to this is Adharma.
Lord Rama tells in Ramayana - PARHIT SARIS DHARMA NAHI BHAI
Its meaning - There is no bigger Dharma than the help to others ie mankind.
Discussion on politics and other issues is also Spiritual if it is good for the mankind.
In fact every thing in this universe is spiritual if it helps mankind.
If any discussion or your any action which generates peace and happiness for yourself as well
as others is Spiritual.
It is not the subject or topic which is spiritual, it is your mindset which is spiritual.
What is Spirituality?
People usually say that it is spiritual and it is not spiritual.
People must know anything which helps mankind is Spiritual.
Anything which helps others is Dharma and contrary to this is Adharma.
Lord Rama tells in Ramayana - PARHIT SARIS DHARMA NAHI BHAI
Its meaning - There is no bigger Dharma than the help to others ie mankind.
Discussion on politics and other issues is also Spiritual if it is good for the mankind.
In fact every thing in this universe is spiritual if it helps mankind.
If any discussion or your any action which generates peace and happiness for yourself as well
as others is Spiritual.
It is not the subject or topic which is spiritual, it is your mindset which is spiritual.
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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal
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Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-
You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-
What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-
Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-
Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-
My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-
Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-
Whomsoever I see that is myself-
Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-
Scenes do not exist even now-
Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-
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Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-
More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
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1 年Radhey krishna !
1 年Hello!!!!!!
Started working at L&T Technology services
1 年???????
Started working at L&T Technology services
1 年Jai Shree RadheyKrishnamma ???????
Started working at L&T Technology services
1 年Krishnarjuna Swami ??????? Jai Shree Rukhminamma Radhamma SatyaBhamaamma Sametha Jai shree Krishnaya Swami ??????? Jai Shree JagannaMata Amma Sametha Jai Shree Jagannatha Swami ??????? Jai Shree NandaGopala Hari ??????? Jai Shree VenuGopala Swami ??????? Jai Shree Yashodhamma Thalli Mata Sametha Jai Shree Nanda Swami ??????? Jai Shree Yashodhamma Thalli Mata Nanda Swami Suputra Jai Shree Krishnaya Swami ki Jai ??????? ThalliThandri ???????