Something New On Mind : All this seen by mind
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
Here's - All this seen by mind.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
See the light of other thoughts as well.
Know these new thoughts of the author shared here. If you grasp the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.
Love and light to you!
? ? ?
3 Mar 2022
All this seen by mind
*All this war seen by mind only!
But I am not the mind!
*I am pure Atma!
When I see through body!
I see this war!
I see this world!
*Body is seen by mind!
And that is subtle mind!
*When I don't see by mind!
Only I exist and nothing else!
*I am beyond body and mind!
I am beyond subtle mind!
*I am pure Atma!
I am pure consciousness!
I am the Self!
Nothing wrong can happen to me!
? ? ?
28 April 2022
Sri Krishna is God of the Gods
*Lord Krishna is God of the Gods!
He has made so many Gods!
And Goddesses till now!
Only by His names and Grace!
*His names are so powerful!
His grace is so powerful!
*Within moments He burns the sin!
Of your thousands of births!
*Bhagavat Maha Purana, Gita!
They are sure way of liberation!
*Reading of Bhagwat Purana!
And listening the same!
Creates love and devotion!
For Lord Sri Krishna!
*Read Bhagavat Maha Purana, Gita!
Listen them to know His sacred deeds!
Thus purifying your mind and action!
For pure thoughts, intellect to guide you!
*If you read, listen Bhagavat Purana!
And Gita with love and devotion!
You will surely know Krishna, Almighty!
Without any doubt!
*Forward this to all concerned!
For the good of one and all!
24 April 2022
Karma Theory
*You are Atma!
You are not body!
*Hence you can't work!
Body works due to your presence!
*Gunas themselves act!
Nature itself works!
*Body is nature!
You are beyond nature!
*But due to your ego!
Due to your attachment in body!
You consider that you work!
But you can't work!
*Body is acting itself!
Due to the Sanskars of all births!
*But that is also in Maya illusion!
Like you work in your dreams!
*You do not think!
Mind itself thinks due to you!
*Hence you have to be actionless!
You have to be thoughtless!
To know your original state!
Which is without action, thought!
*But it is not possible!
Since you always work!
Except in deep sleep!
Except in Samadhi!
*Hence Krishna told best way in Gita!
That is sameness in all situations!
Do your Karma selflessly!
Without want of the results!
*You have right to do Karma!
But never in the results!
*Remain same in all the opposites!
Thus remain beyond duality!
*And the most important!
Work done by body is not work!
Work done by mind is true work!
Be same by body and mind!
*It is possible by Abhyas, practice!
It is possible by Vairgya, detachment!
*This is the beautiful theory!
Revealed by beloved Krishna!
*Jai Sri Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
22 April 2022
Senses, Subtle Mind, Intellect
*Senses are my My Maya!
Subtle mind is My Maya!
Intellect is my Maya!
They are just illusion!
*Actually they do not exist!
Only I exist and nothing else!
*They have been created!
To show the world movie!
To play with you!
To cheat you!
*I have infinite senses!
I have infinite subtle mind!
I have infinite intellect!
These are my tools!
*But I have restricted them!
Within the limits!
To show you world movie!
Thus I myself became limited!
*When I am limited!
I am Maya, illusion!
When I am unlimited!
I am Paramatma!
*But in fact nothing exists!
Except Myself!
*Really all this is my dream!
When I sleep, I see this dream!
When I wake up, no dream!
Then nothing exists except Me!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
5 April 2022
Why you contaminate love?
*When I say!
I love you!
*Why do you doubt?
Why you contaminate love?
*Why you think?
I may be wanting something!
*Why you doubt?
You will have to give something!
*You also do like this?
You don't love without reasons?
*You love roses!
Why do you love roses?
*When Buddha says-
I love you!
What do you think?
*When celebrity says-
I love you!
What do you think?
*When I say -
I love you!
What do you think?
*When baby says -
I love you!
What do you think!
*When young says -
I love you!
What do you think!
*When aged says -
I love you!
What do you think?
*Why so much variations?
In your thinking!
Why you contaminate love?
*What may be the reason?
What causes this variations?
*Is it desire hidden in you?
Is it your mindset?
Is it your personality?
*Why love can't become innocent?
Why love can't become love?
*You see a beautiful thing!
You want to continue to see!
You want to continue to love!
*Love is always innocent!
Love is always love!
26 Mar 2022
Women and Periods
*People don't know many things due to ignorance or blind faith since ages.
*Should women do worship during their periods?
Should women do meditation during their periods.
*It is most common belief that women should not do worship during their periods.
*How can any human be prevented to worship?
How can any human be prevented for meditation?
*Almighty Himself is sitting inside men and women.
Like every man, every woman is an integral part of Almighty. She is also Jeevatma or Soul.
Then, how can she be prevented to worship or for meditation during her periods?
*Her body is Prakriti like the body of man.
But the Purush is same in men and women, both.
*Don't see body!
Always see Atma!
*Atma is same in men and women.
Then, how the rules can be different for both?
*If you see the body, you are in ignorance.
*Almighty does not see the body!
Almighty always sees the mind!
And the mind is same in men and women, both!
*Why there should be any difference?
*Main thing is mind, not the body.
If you are in temple or mosque but you are thinking of your home, then you are actually in your
*Share this to all concerned to wake up all concerned!
30 JAN 2021
Don't try to know Almighty
Don't try to know Almighty!
Don't try to know Paramatma!
Try to know yourself!
If you know yourself!
If you know Atma!
You will know Paramatma!
You will know Almighty!
You will know Krishna!
Hence reject all things!
Which you are not!
You are not body!
You are not senses!
You are not mind!
You are not intellect!
You are not ego!
Reject five elements!
And things made by them!
Try to find out yourself!
Contemplate on it!
Be detached with the things!
Which you are not!
Practice again and again!
Thus try to know yourself!
18 Mar 2022
What is better?
*To keep your Shubh Kamna!
Or to give you Shubh Kamna?
*To keep your Shubh Kamna!
In my mind!
*It is better than!
To give you Shubh Kamna!
*I want to avoid formality!
Of saying my Shubh Kamna to you!
*No need to express!
But I am fearful!
That nothing should go wrong with you!
You must always remain happy!
*Since I always want to see you smiling!
Since you look great while smiling!
*And this is my greatest!
Shubh Kamna for you!
And this is my greatest!
Happy Holi for you!
16 Mar 2022
You are under cctv surveillance!
You are under cctv surveillance every time, every where!
How is it possible?
*Difference between Brain and Mind!
*Generally people think that brain and mind are same. But it is not the actual case.
Brain is entirely different than mind.
*Brain is a part of the body but the mind is not a part of the body.
Brain can be seen but the mind can not be seen by any device. In future also it is not possible to
take the photo of the mind. We can not catch the mind by any device.
*Mind is subtle but the brain is not subtle.
*Mind is made by collection of thoughts of all the births of any one. Mind is recorded Sanskars
or Karma of all the births.
Mind acts like a projector or VCR ie Video Cassette Recorder to show us the world-movie.
*Mind activates the brain as per collected thoughts or Sanskars. Then any individual performs
any Karma. Brain directs the body to do Karma.
*Thus theory of Karma works and we get the results of our all Karma without fail.
Thus Almighty keeps watching our all Karma!
*Beware to do any Karma!
You don't need any Police to watch your Karma!
*Thus Cctv of Almighty always works!
4 Mar 2022
Difference between Brain and Mind
*Generally people think that brain and mind are same. But it is not the actual case.
Brain is entirely different than mind.
*Brain is a part of the body but the mind is not a part of the body.
Brain can be seen but the mind can not be seen by any device. In future also it is not possible to
take the photo of the mind. We can not catch the mind by any device.
*Mind is subtle but the brain is not subtle.
*Mind is made by collection of thoughts of all the births of any one. Mind is recorded Sanskars
or Karma of all the births.
Mind acts like a projector or VCR ie Video Cassette Recorder to show us the world-movie.
*Mind activates the brain as per collected thoughts or Sanskars. Then any individual performs
any Karma. Brain directs the body to do Karma.
*Thus theory of Karma works and we get the results of our all Karma without fail.
Thus Almighty keeps watching our all Karma!
*Beware to do any Karma!
You don't need any Police to watch your Karma!
*Thus Cctv of Almighty always works!
3 Mar 2022
All this seen by mind
*All this war seen by mind only!
But I am not the mind!
*I am pure Atma!
When I see through body!
I see this war!
I see this world!
*Body is seen by mind!
And that is subtle mind!
*When I don't see by mind!
Only I exist and nothing else!
*I am beyond body and mind!
I am beyond subtle mind!
*I am pure Atma!
I am pure consciousness!
I am the Self!
Nothing wrong can happen to me!
Difference between feelings and emotions
God can be felt!
Air can be felt!
Heat can be felt!
Cold can be felt!
They can be experienced!
But they can't be seen!
Feeling is the expression of emotion!
Feeling can be hidden or not!
Feelings can be hidden!
But emotions can't be hidden!
Emotions connected to the heart!
Feelings connected to the mind!
Emotions are the same!
Feelings may be different!
Difference between feelings and emotions
Feelings ‘“ are thought to be experienced for short periods of time. If you touch a stove it feels
hot and you quickly remove your hand. Within minutes you are no longer feeling hot. If someone
jumps out at you from around a corner you will feel startled, but that will soon pass. Feelings of
excitement will subside after the awaited event is done.
Emotions ‘“ are often said to be long-term states. If you are in love, that emotion will usually last
years. Sorrow too, takes a long time to go away. Because emotions are internal you have to
change your mind set to change your emotion and this process takes time.
1.Emotions and feelings are both sensations experienced by humans.
2.Feelings are triggered by external stimuli whereas emotions come from your mind, and
possibly, soul.
3.Feelings can include physical sensations as well as mental states, but emotions always come
from your mind.
4.Feelings are often temporary and subside once the stimulus is no longer present, whereas
emotions will stay with you for years because they are seated in your mind.
18 FEB 2022
Time and Space
*There is no time and space in me!
I am beyond time and space!
*Time and space are in mind!
I see time and space by mind!
*Time and space within the mind!
I am beyond the mind!
*I am pure Atma!
I am Satt Chitt Anand!
*Time and space in my dream!
I am beyond the dream!
*In deep sleep, no time and space!
In Samadhi, no time and space!
The interval between two states is called
time. A state cannot come into being unless the mind calls it into
existence. The mind must be held by the Self. If the mind is not
made use of there is no concept of time. Time and space are in the
mind but one’s true state lies beyond the mind. The question of time
does not arise at all to the one established in one’s true nature.
11 February 2022
True Religion, Dress and Beard
*True religion doesn't prescribe!
Any dress, beard or symbol!
True religion doesn't prescribe!
Tilak on forehead etc!
*True religion doesn't prescribe!
To wear hijab!
True religion doesn't prescribe!
To wear saffron clothing!
*True religion doesn't prescribe!
To keep beard by Muslims!
*True religion doesn't prescribe!
To increase beard by Hindus!
*True religion doesn't see!
Hindu, Muslims etc!
True religion is same!
For entire humanity!
*True religion is beyond the body!
True religion is beyond the mind!
*True religion is pertaining to Self!
True religion is pertaining to Atma!
*True religion tells us!
What is actual doing!
*True religion tells us!
Change the mind, not body!
Since actual doing!
By mind, not body!
*Do you know?
What is true religion?
*True religion is to know yourself!
Your purpose of birth!
Your origin, your destination!
Not incomplete but fully!
*Forward this to all concerned!
To wake up all concerned!
Translate this into required language!
Remove ignorance from planet earth!
26 Jan 2022
No God is Like Sri Krishna
*Teaching of Sri Krishna unique!
If you understand His teaching!
You can know Sri Krishna!
You can find Sri Krishna!
*How strange!
He has told!
How wonderful!
He has revealed!
*He revealed the top secrets!
In Bhagavad Gita in His words!
*Has any one else told you?
What is actual doing?
*But Sri Krishna tells in Gita!
Actual doing by mind, not by body!
*If you understand this!
You can know true religion!
*Then you can know yourself!
Then you can know Sri Krishna!
*His teaching for Hindu Muslim!
His teaching for all religions!
His teaching for all genders!
His teaching for all nations!
15 Jan 2022
No Partiality in God
*For selection in worldly exams!
For Worldly success!
There may be partiality!
You may be successful!
Even if you don't deserve!
*But in case of Almighty!
You have to really deserve!
Even if you don't deserve!
Your level needs to be raised!
Without which nothing possible!
*In worldly exams!
Buttering, cheating, back-biting!
Leg-pulling, every thing possible!
And you can get the success!
*But in case of Almighty!
You have to be pure!
By body, mind, speech!
No cheating , leg-pulling etc!
No unfair means allowed!
You can't get success by these!
*In politics and worldly fields!
You may favor your relatives!
They need not deserve!
But for knowing Almighty!
You can't favor your relatives!
They need to deserve!
11 Jan 2022
That is to be removed
*Whatever is in your mind!
That is to be removed!
*Your most wanted thing!
Needs to be removed!
*Whatever you give most importance!
That needs to be removed!
*You have to give!
Top most importance!
To divine and Almighty!
Then only divine available!
*How to remove!
Either you must get it!
Or you have to remove!
By force with your power!
*If you feel weak!
Then you need Almighty!
To get his shelter!
To get His power!
10 Jan 2022
Love is never disturbing
*Love is never done!
To create sorrows for you!
To disturb you!
To harm you!
*Love is always done!
To please you!
To bring joy in your life!
For your advantage only!
*Once you start to complain!
About love!
Once you feel annoyed!
Then love doesn't remain love!
*Then it is better to leave!
The path of love!
Then it not true love!
Then it is burden on you!
*Love makes you free!
It removes your burden!
From body, mind, soul!
It makes you light!
*Never complain about love!
If you want to complain!
Then it is better!
To leave the path of love!
2 Jan 2022
Amavasya and Purnima
*Amavasya and Purnima are two important days connected with the moon.
*On the day of Amavasya if you do any task for God like chanting or listening of Mantra, reading
or listening of Gita or any scripture, donating food or money to deserving people. Then you get
many times more benefit than doing in normal times.
*Today is Amavasya. During Amavasya we get cooler due to no moon.
During the Purnima, we get hotter due to full moon. Hence incidences of quarrels are more.
* It effects on the working conditions of ocean also creating more tides in the ocean during
Amavasya and Purnima. It impacts on the working conditions of our minds also. Hence there
are more accidents on the road, more people get sick. More incidents of fire are there during
these days.
*Most of the cases of stampede, road accidents, fire incidents etc are during Amavasya or
Purnima or nearby days. Hence Police or Administration needs to be more vigilant specifically
during these days.
Hence, please take care.
* During Amavasya and Purnima if we donate some things to deserving persons or if we feed
cows green grass, bread, etc then the effect of Amavasya and Purnima on our minds is
overcome up to a certain extent.
* It is connected with our mental alertness.
Our Rishis, Munis, saints and sages have told about the same since thousands of years.
20 December 2021
You can't touch me
*You can't know me!
You can't touch me!
*You can't catch me!
You can't notice me!
*Except with divine knowledge!
Except with total surrender!
Except with divine love!
*If you want to know me!
If you want to touch me!
If you want to catch me!
If you want to notice me!
*Just surrender!
With body, mind, intellect!
Leave selfish knowledge!
Gain divine knowledge!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
1 December 2021
You will be with Krishna
*If you speak truth!
You will be with Krishna!
*If you speak lie!
You will be in the world!
*Krishna is full of joy!
World is full of sorrows!
*It depends upon you!
What you want!
*Krishna is Almighty!
Krishna is Allah!
Krishna is Atma!
Krishna is Jesus!
*Just try this! Speak truth!
By body, mind, speech!
Only for three days!
And be with Krishna!
22 November 2021
Sampatti Vipatti Ki Jad Hai
*Its meaning -
Attachment is the cause of sorrows!
*Don't have any concern with any one!
Don't have any concern with any thing!
*Keep distance from Social media!
Keep distance from WhatsApp!
Keep distance from Facebook!
Keep distance from Twitter!
*Even if living with them!
Keep distance with them!
*Keep distance from politics!
Keep distance from TV!
Keep distance from News Papers!
Keep distance from crowd!
*Since you are contaminated!
By all these things!
You are very pure!
But you are spoiled by these!
*You are happy and joyful!
But they spoil your happiness!
*It is the initial stage!
Of your divine journey!
But after that you have to learn!
To remain happy!
Even if you are with them!
*Your mind is very sensitive!
When it is exposed to any thing!
It is attached with it immediately!
Thus it feels joy and sorrows!
*On receiving any thing!
Mind feels happiness!
On leaving any thing!
Mind feels sorrows!
*Whatever you receive!
One day you will leave!
*World is the cause of sorrows!
Hence keep distance from world!
*But those are most fortunate!
Who keep distance from mind!
Since from body you can't do it!
Every where you find the world!
*Don't live in the world!
Even after living!
Do thy duty!
As per your capability!
Talk 512.
11th September, 1938
Sri Bhagavan said: All mistake the mind-consciousness for Self-Consciousness.
There is no mind in deep sleep; but no one denies his
being in sleep. Even a child says on waking, “I slept well,” and does not
deny its existence. The ‘I’ rises up, the mind turns outward through the
five senses and perceives objects, this they call direct perception. Asked
if ‘I’ is not directly perceived, they get confused, because ‘I’ does not
announce itself as an object in front and only the perception with the
senses can be recognised by them as knowledge: this habit is so strong
with them. A stanza in Thevaram says: “O sages, eager to get over all
misery, worry not about inferences and examples! Our Light is ever
shining forth from within! With mind clear, live in God!”
This is direct perception. Will the common people admit it? They want
God to appear in front of them as a bright Being mounted on a bull.
Such a vision once originated must also end. It is therefore transient.
Thevaram speaks of the Eternal and Ever-experienced Being. This
Thevaram takes one directly to the Reality.
21 November 2021
True Knowledge is Eternal
*If we begin any thing!
It must end one day!
*We start to know!
Any God riding on bull!
*Earlier we were not knowing!
But we are told to assume Him God!
And we start to assume Him God!
Thus our knowledge begins!
*Whatever begins!
It must end!
*It was just assumption!
Assumption is not true!
*We start to assume!
We must end to assume!
When we know the truth!
*Why we need to assume!
To know the reality!
Once we know the reality!
Then no need to assume!
*Truth is eternal!
It is never ending!
*It does not need assumption!
It does not need any base!
*Who assumes?
Self assumes!
*Self assumes with whose help?
Self assumes with help of mind!
*Mind consciousness shows us dream!
Self consciousness shows us Self!
*Mind consciousness shows!
Different people and things!
Self consciousness shows!
Only Self and nothing else!
*Mind is my tool!
Which shows!
Different people!
Different things!
*I am not the body!
I am the Self!
16 November 2021
If mind thinks something bad
*If mind thinks something bad!
Let it think!
You are not the mind!
It is the nature of mind!
*Mind has been created!
Only for this purpose!
To confuse you!
To trap you in the world!
*Don't listen of mind!
If you don't like its words!
*And this is the reason!
You are asked again n again!
To remember Krishna!
To have good company!
*Mind will become bad!
In bad company!
Mind will become good!
In good company!
*Have good company!
Of friends, books!
Scripture, songs etc!
Thus purify the mind!
10 Nov 2021
My Tools
*I give existence!
To this beautiful world!
With my tools!
*I give existence!
To all forms and names!
With my tools!
*I am seeing!
This beautiful world!
With my tools!
*Senses are my tools!
Subtle mind is my tool!
Intellect is my tool!
*Tools are not different than me!
I become these tools in dream!
When I wake up, only I am left!
9 November 2021
They do my partition
*Senses, subtle mind, intellect!
They do my partition!
They act like my goggles!
*I see without goggles!
All things without color!
If I put green goggles!
I see every thing green!
*It depends upon me!
Which color I want to see!
*Whatever I want!
Same thing will reflect to me!
*If I see with the goggles of love!
I find love every where!
If I see with the goggles of hatred!
I find hatred everywhere!
*Whatever I do!
Same thing is reflected to me!
9 November 2021
Who else is there except me?
*I give existence to everyone!
I give existence to everything!
By my senses, mind, intellect!
*Senses are my tools!
Subtle mind is my tool!
Intellect is my tool!
*Who else is there?
Except me!
9 November 2021
This universe does not exist
*All this is relative existence!
This world does not exist!
*Your body is visible by senses!
This world is visible by senses!
*Senses are visible by mind!
Mind means subtle mind!
Mind is not the brain!
Mind is different than brain!
*Mind is visible by intellect!
Intellect is visible by Atma!
*Atma is Self!
Atma is Paramatma!
Atma is Krishna!
Atma is Ganesh!
Atma is Durga!
Atma is Allah!
Atma is Jesus!
Atma is Nanak!
*Everyone is Atma!
Every God of every religion!
That is Atma!
Every Guru is Atma!
*No one is different than Atma!
Nothing is different than Atma!
*Everyone enveloped by Atma!
Every thing enveloped by Atma!
*Atma is inside of every one!
Atma is outside of every one!
*No one is outside of Atma!
Nothing is outside of Atma!
*Everyone in the dream of Atma!
Every thing in the dream of Atma!
*Life purpose of every one!
To know this Atma!
*Even if you know any God!
Of any religion!
But if you don't know Atma!
Then you are still trapped!
*Unless until you know Atma!
You can't be liberated!
You are still in the cycle of!
Many births and deaths!
*You know Atma, you are immortal!
You don't know Atma, you are mortal!
3 November
What is Chhoti Deepavali?
*Chhoti Deepavali!
It is Narak Chaturdashi!
*What is Narak?
It is Hindi word!
In English!
It is called Hell!
*Narak Chaturdashi!
It means!
Don't do any such work!
That you may have to go to Narak!
During or after this birth!
*It is preparation for!
Happy Deepavali!
To welcome Goddess Laxmi!
Next day in your home!
*What is home?
Home is your material home!
And your real home!
*Your visible home must be cleaned!
Your invisible home must be cleaned!
To welcome Goddess Lakshmi!
*Do cleaning of your home!
Clean your mind, body!
Speech and Karma!
To welcome divinity!
In your home and body!
*Thus celebrate!
Happy Chhoti Deepavali!
A real Happy Diwali!
2 November 2021
I become subtle mind
*I am Chinmay!
But when I desire!
I become subtle mind!
Since I give reality to dream!
*I am Chinmay!
When I get attached!
When I am attracted!
When I desire!
When I grieve!
When I sacrifice!
When I accept!
When I am pleased!
When I am angry!
Then I become subtle mind!
Then I become bonded!
30 October 2021
Body Mind Intellect
*You are not body!
Body is not yours!
*You are not mind!
Mind is not yours!
*You are not intellect!
Intellect is not yours!
*Mind is different than brain!
Brain is in the body!
Mind is not in the body!
Mind means subtle mind!
*But in fact!
Body does not exist!
Mind doesn't exist!
Intellect doesn't exist!
*Only you exist!
And nothing else!
Only I exist!
And nothing else!
Only Self exist!
And nothing else!
*Self Almighty Atma!
Paramatma Krishna!
Ganesha, Durga!
Allah, Jesus etc!
All one Almighty!
That is Brahman!
26 October 2021
My Nature
*Knowing is my nature!
Seeing is my nature!
Speaking is my nature!
Listening is my nature!
*Thought obstructs my knowing!
Eyes obstruct my seeing!
Speech obstructs my speaking!
Ears obstruct my listening!
*I am infinite!
My nature is infinite!
I am limitless!
I am unending!
*My nature is limitless!
My power is limitless!
My intelligence is limitless!
More than all the creatures!
*But senses limit my power!
But mind limits my power!
But thoughts limit my power!
But intellect limits my intelligence!
*They have been created!
To create illusion!
They have been created!
To trap you in the world!
*Senses are the only bondage!
Thoughts are the only bondage!
Mind is the only bondage!
Intellect is the only bondage!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
20 October 2021
Solution of Anger
Solution of anger-
Just wait!
*No one is bad!
Only time is bad!
Only planets are bad!
*Time is making one dance!
Planets are making one dance!
Hence don't take immediate step!
*Just wait!
His anger may be finished!
Planets are making him dance!
Time is making him dance!
*Anger in reply of anger is not answer!
Have sympathy with him!
He is burning with anger!
*Calm down!
Remain silent!
*If any one is angry!
He can not control his anger!
But you can control your anger!
Since you are more powerful!
*Remember, he is not at fault!
Time is at fault!
Planets are at fault!
Which are creating anger in him!
*Just wait!
Planets will change!
Time will change!
His mind will change!
*You are more powerful!
You are more sensible!
30 Aug 21
Real Meaning of Janmashtami
*Ham Krishna Ko Mante Hain!
Krishna Ki Nahi Mante!
*We worship Krishna!
But we don't worship Him!
Since we don't follow Krishna!
We don't respect His words!
*Krishna says!
Love all!
Serve all!
We do this?
*Janmashtami is a matter of heart!
Janmashtami is not a matter of mind!
*Today when earth is burning with fire!
Yes, the fire of hatred!
We have to quench this fire!
With the cool water of love!
*Then only Krishna will be happy!
Then only we celebrate!
Real Janmashtami!
Happy Janmashtami!
25 Aug 2021
Everything in My Memory
*Everyone in my memory!
Every thing in my memory!
*My body is in my memory!
My intellect, mind, senses!
Your body in my memory!
Every body in my memory!
*This world in my memory!
All worlds in my memory!
Sun, moon, in my memory!
All planets in my memory!
*All living people in my memory!
All dead people in my memory!
*Every God in my memory!
Every Guru in my memory!
*If mirror hanging for years!
Without cleaning it!
It will be covered!
By many layers of dust!
*Same is the case with us!
Our memory is covered!
By layers of dust of forgetting!
Since hundreds of years!
Since so many births!
*You have many lovers!
Many wives, husbands,
Children, parents etc!
Of your many past births!
*When dust is cleared from mirror!
You can see your face clearly!
*When dust is cleared from your memory!
You can remember everything, every birth!
25 Aug 2021
Nothing is required to know yourself
*For knowing yourself!
What may be required?
*You are the Self!
You are Atma!
*Nothing is required!
To know yourself!
*No worship required!
No chanting required!
No meditation required!
No fasting required!
*Why any external effort required?
You are as it is without body!
*You see every thing!
You see every one!
With your body!
With your senses!
With your mind!
*You are in the body!
You are out of the body!
*You are in every one!
You are in every thing!
*You are the Self!
You are Atma!
*Atma is Paramatma!
Paramatma is Almighty!
*Where is the doubt?
Why any doubt?
*Just do only one thing!
Don't mix with contamination!
Of this world!
And remain as you are!
*And what are the contaminations?
Ego, show, seeing others, anger!
Comparison, popularity, wants!
Desires, greed, lust, attachment!
*Don't see others!
See only yourself!
*Help others if you can!
But don't expect anything!
*Don't live in the world!
Even after living!
19 Aug 2021
What is true Religion?
*Why religions were made?
What was their purpose?
*Basic purpose of religion!
To make humanity happy!
*Religion doesn't bind you!
For doing or not doing!
*Whatever you feel best!
To make you happy, do it!
*But do you know?
What is actual doing!
*Actual doing from mind!
Not from your body!
*True religion can't prescribe!
To wear any dress or not!
To keep beard or not!
To do this or that or not!
*True religion doesn't prescribe!
Different rules for men, women!
*Since purpose of religion!
To change mind, not body!
*Even if you change your body!
But not your mind!
Then no use of that change!
Then everything is for show!
*Since purpose of religion!
To make you happy for ever!
Since aim of true religion!
To make humanity happy!
*There is no space!
For any violence!
In true religion!
Its aim is joy only!
*True religion doesn't impose!
Any restrictions on others!
Since true religion is only!
To improve yourself, not others!
*Forward to all concerned!
In the required language!
To wake up all concerned!
To tell the truth one and all!
Which is true Religion?
Why religions were made?
What was their purpose?
Basic purpose of religion!
To make humanity happy!
Religion doesn't bind you!
For doing or not doing!
What ever you feel best!
To make you happy, do it!
But do you know?
What is actual doing!
Actual doing from mind!
Not from your body!
True religion can't prescribe!
To wear any dress or not!
To keep beard or not!
To do this or that or not!
True religion doesn't prescribe!
Different rules for men, women!
Since purpose of religion!
To change mind, not body!
Even if you change your body!
But not your mind!
Then no use of that change!
Then everything is for show!
Since purpose of religion!
To make you happy for ever!
Since aim of true religion!
To make humanity happy!
Forward to all concerned!
In the required language!
To wake up all concerned!
To tell the truth one and all!
My Spiritual Birth:
My spiritual birth took place at the age of thirty though I was religious and spiritual minded since
my childhood.
People say that youth is not the age for Spirituality and religion.
They are wrong. Tomorrow never comes.
Hence today and now is the right time for starting spiritual life.
And what is Spirituality?
Spirituality is a way to be loving to all.
Spirituality is a way to be happy and blissful for ever.
Spirituality is a way to be immortal for ever.
Spirituality is a way to be beyond life and death for ever.
And hence they will be only fools who do not choose this path.
But Spirituality requires infinite patience!
Since it is an art to know yourself fully!
5 August 2021
Those are wise
*Those are wise!
Who are never offended!
*Since they understand!
Self is not offended!
Only mind is offended!
They are not the mind!
*They understand!
They are not body!
Mind is offended!
Due to the body!
*They understand!
They are different!
Than body and mind!
They can't be offended!
*Those are wise!
Since they see all!
As their reflection!
Hence not offended!
4 Aug 2021
Even if you fast
*Even if you fast!
You don't fast!
*Even if you don't fast!
You fast!
*Main thing is not body!
Main thing is mind!
*You can't eat anything!
You can't do anything!
*Assume yourself non-doer!
Assume yourself non-reaper!
*Do you know real fast!
Real fast from body, mind!
All senses and intelligence!
By non-doer and non-reaper!
1 Aug 2021
Only I am subject
*My body is object!
Only I am subject!
*Body of everyone is object!
Every forms and names object!
Form of every God Guru object!
Only I am subject!
*I see form of every God!
I see form of every Guru!
I see form of everyone!
But I am without form!
*Whatever I see!
Whatever I listen!
Whatever I touch!
Whatever I taste!
Whatever I smell!
Every thing object!
*Every movable, immovable!
Every living, non-living!
Every visible, invisible!
Every thing is object!
Except myself!
I am only subject!
*I see them!
I give existence!
I don't see them!
I don't give existence!
*I think them!
I give existence!
I don't think them!
I don't give existence!
*Mind intellect senses!
They are my tools!
*If I use these tools!
I give them existence!
If I don't use them!
I don't give them existence!
*I am without shape!
I am without form!
Only I exist!
And nothing else!
28 July 2021
If you remain under control
*If you remain under control!
That is good for you!
*If you are out of control!
It is bad for you!
*You must remain!
Under control!
Of any one!
To control your mind!
*If you are not under control!
Your mind may be out of control!
*Then you will be under mind!
Mind will make you dance!
From one place to another!
From one birth to another!
*Then you will never be satisfied!
Then you will never be peaceful!
24 July 2021
If you want this Gyan
*If you want this knowledge!
If you want this Gyan!
*Your total surrender is required!
You must have nothing with you!
*You have to surrender your ego!
You have to surrender your pride!
*Why you are asked to provide?
Something or some documents!
It is to check your surrender!
It is to check your ego!
*Less surrender, less eligible!
More surrender, more eligible!
*You have to surrender your body!
Along with your every thing!
All things connected with your body!
Surrender your mind, intellect!
*You have to surrender!
Your family children!
Money property!
All your possessions!
*Surrender from mind!
Not just for showing!
*After that it depends upon me!
I return all these things to you or not!
*Then you will be eligible!
To receive this Gyan!
Then you will be eligible!
To receive this knowledge!
*Come without any ego!
Without any possessions!
Come empty handed!
And receive this Gyan!
*Even after this!
It is not guaranteed!
That you will receive!
This immortal Gyan!
*If you fail in first time!
You should not think!
That you are not eligible!
You may pass later on!
*Never be disappointed!
Continue your journey!
*Since it purely depends upon you!
And your surrender, ego!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
O My Loving Krishna!
O My Loving Krishna!
Please make mind!
Very pure, very sacred!
Very loving and peaceful!
And always accept!
My infinite love, thanks!
And Pranam for your lotus feet!
21 July 2021
If you want this Gyan
If you want this knowledge!
If you want this Gyan!
Your total surrender is required!
You must have nothing with you!
You have to surrender your ego!
You have to surrender your pride!
Leave the Aadhaar Card or Photo!
You have to surrender your body!
Along with your every thing!
All things connected with your body!
You have to surrender!
Your family children!
Money property!
All your possessions!
Surrender from mind!
Not just for showing!
After that it depends upon me!
I return all these things to you or not!
Then you will be eligible!
To receive this Gyan!
Then you will be eligible!
To receive this knowledge!
Come without any ego!
Without any possessions!
Come empty handed!
And receive this Gyan!
Even after this!
It is not guaranteed!
That you will receive!
This immortal Gyan!
Since it purely depends upon you!
And your surrender, ego!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
14 July 2021
Mind Acts As A Mirror
Whatever I think!
Mind makes its image!
Mind reflects it!
Thus mind creates it!
Mind is nothing!
But bunch of thoughts!
Thus Sanskars are created!
Thus births are created!
Brain is different!
Than mind!
Brain visible!
Mind invisible!
Like in cinema!
Image is magnified!
By focused light!
From distance!
In the same way!
Thoughts are magnified!
By our focus!
If we distance them!
If we see thoughts as our waves!
If we see that we are the thoughts!
If we see as thoughts are Chinmay!
Then thoughts are our waves!
Likes waves are not different than ocean!
Same way thoughts not different than us!
Waves are coming n going in sea!
Thoughts are coming n going in us!
Like in Cinema everything is standstill!
But it seems to move as we run it!
Same way everything standstill in life!
It seems to move due to we Chaitanya!
In cinema if lights are on!
Movie is not visible!
In the same way!
When we are in full light!
When ignorance is removed!
World movie is not visible!
9 July 2021
O My Beloved Krishna!
O My Loving Almighty!
I don't want any other things!
I only want to make my mind pure!
Like shining gold or glittering diamond!
No bad thought should enter in me!
O My merciful Krishna!
Make my heart and mind!
As pure as water of Ganga!
Even if bad things enter in Ganga!
But it makes them holy like Ganga!
Since you can always change!
From impossible to possible!
And always accept!
My infinite love, thanks and Pranam!
At your lotus feet!
5 July 2021
It takes years
It takes years!
Or many births!
To know Almighty!
To achieve God!
As people do penance in forests!
Leaving their family, job, business!
You can do same penance in home!
Without leaving any thing in home!
Leave value of everything from mind!
No need to leave any thing physically!
Give value only to Almighty!
Don't value any other thing!
But those who receive Gyan!
Those who receive knowledge!
They book their seat for it!
In this birth itself!
First of all it is very difficult!
To believe on Almighty!
To have faith on God!
To believe on Atma!
If you believe on Almighty!
If you have faith on God!
Your half journey is complete!
Your half work is over!
Remaining half you have to do!
By Abhyas and Vairagya!
Practice and detachment!
As told by Krishna in Gita!
As you do your daily routine!
As you take daily food!
In the same way!
Continue your divine journey!
Do you ever ask?
I have to take food daily!
Same way, never ask!
I have to do penance daily?
Then you can know Krishna!
Then you can know Almighty!
Then you can know yourself!
Surely without any doubt!
5 Jul 2021
Garland of Snakes
There were some occasions!
During initial stage of my Sadhana!
Someone tried to offer me!
Garland of snakes!
But it became garland of roses!
As I saw it as a play of Krishna!
Here garland of snakes means!
Any thing bad for you!
If you see any thing good for you!
It will be good for you!
If you see any thing bad for you!
It will be bad for you!
It is your mindset!
Which makes any thing!
Good or bad for you!
Not the action of other!
Happy Father's Day
In Memory of My Father
My childhood and my father
I was the most loved one of my father among all his children. I used to sleep with my father. At
that time I may be about five years old.
I used to accompany my father when he used to go to the market. I used to think that Almighty
God has made very good arrangements in the market. We can get fruits, sweets, toys every
thing in the market.
I used to think that all these items are freely available. All these beautiful items have been
arranged by God for us. Once I lifted one item from the shop. Then my father explained to me
that these items are not free of cost. We have to pay some money. Then I understood.
But now I feel that child mind is correct. These items are like free of cost only. We can't replace
any eating item by money.
We can't eat money in place of eating items. The procedure of paying the money for items has
been made by the human to compensate.
There was a nest of pair of birds in my house. One day I asked my father - Papa, I saw these
birds daily in the morning and evening. Where do they go in the morning daily and return in the
My father replied - These birds go in search of their food for their babies. They return during
evening hours for sleeping in their nest when they are tired.
Same is the case with every father.
We were seven siblings. My father used to tell in the family that I am the most brilliant among all
his children.
He used to tell all in my family that my this son will be IAS. He dreamed to be an IAS Officer but
he could not fulfill his dream.
Hence he used to tell, no problem I could not fulfill my dream but my this son will fulfill my this
dream. I was selected in IIT in first attempt without any coaching. Then he was too much happy.
After selection I went to Roorkee for studying and I used to live in the hostel. But I was missing
my family. I was having home sickness as I left my home first time. Hence I couldn't concentrate
on my studies. I was feeling lack of love of my parents in hostel life.
He used to teach me Maths and English.
I used to return to the home after playing with my friends leaving my game in between before
the arrival of my father from the office.
18 Jun 2021
You don't behave
You don't behave bad!
Toxic in your body behave!
Whatever you fill!
In your body and mind!
They behave!
You are neutral!
You can't behave!
Hence fill good!
Fill good foods!
Good thoughts!
Good company!
Fill good surrounding!
Fill good environment!
Whatever you fill in your body!
You become accordingly!
World become accordingly!
Thus you make the world!
World has no existence!
Without you!
If you are good!
World is good!
If you are bad!
World is bad!
You make the world!
As per your thoughts and actions!
17 Jun 2021
Sthir Buddhi and Asthir Buddhi
Sri Krishna tells us in Gita!
There are two types of Buddhi!
There are two types of mind!
Stable mind and unstable mind!
Unstable Buddhi has many branches!
Causes many thoughts and changes!
Stable mind is the cause of joy!
Unstable mind is cause of sorrows!
Stable mind leads to!
Immortality or liberation!
Unstable mind leads to!
Bondage birth after the births!
Stable mind is the firm in decision!
Unstable mind always changes it!
Unstable is like mind of a bird!
Flying from one tree to another!
If you join any group or party!
Or Job, WhatsApp Group etc!
And you continue to change it!
Then you are of unstable mind!
If you want success in life!
If you want permanent joy!
Don't have mind of bird!
Have stable mind for ever!
Unstable mind creates illusion!
Stable mind removes illusion!
16 Jun 2021
Daya Dharma Ka Mool Hai
Its meaning in English!
You start your journey!
For finding the truth!
By compassion only!
If you have compassion!
For humans, animals, birds!
Trees, plants every thing!
Then you are eligible for divine!
If we are soft!
From body mind and speech!
Then we are beloved of Krishna!
Since He is Himself merciful!
We can do selfless action!
Only if we have compassion for all!
See the part of Krishna!
Allah, Jesus, Almighty in all!
Irrespective of their religions!
Thus know Atma and Paramatma!
13 JUN 2021
Never Mind
People react as per their understanding!
There are different levels of understanding!
If anyone says bad!
For you or your work!
Never mind!
He does not understand!
You or your work!
It is his shortcoming!
It is his incapability!
Same person will understand you!
When his understanding will improve!
When his ignorance will be removed!
Hence it is your duty!
To remove his ignorance!
Directly or indirectly!
Thus spread the light of knowledge!
Thus spread the goodness on the earth!
12 JUN 2021
Mind Separates
Mind separates you from Almighty!
Mind separates you from others!
Ego separates you from Almighty!
Ego separates you from others!
During deep sleep!
You are one with Self!
But when you wake up!
Mind creates illusion!
Of many things and world!
Mind separates you from other!
When mind is same with other!
You attract love and cooperation!
When mind is controlled!
Ego is defeated!
You attract love and Almighty!
Mind is controlled!
By practice and detachment!
As per Sri Krishna in Gita!
14 FEB 2021
Krishna : The love incarnate
Krishna, the biggest lover of all the times!
He is the incarnation of love!
He is love Himself!
What you consider love is not the love!
Love is to become one with your lover!
Not by body!
But with mind!
With intellect!
With Atma! Soul!
It is not for saying!
But in actual!
And it is the aim of your life!
It is the purpose since many births!
It is the goal since many deaths!
To achieve this unity!
It is wrong to say achieving!
To know this unity with everyone!
Since you are already united!
Only to know is the purpose!
Then no one can separate you!
From your lover!
She may be beautiful girl!
He may be handsome gentleman!
Or He may be Almighty Himself!
10 JUN 2021
Everything conception of mind
Whatever you see visible invisible!
Whatever you notice and think!
Everything is conception of mind!
All names and forms!
Conception of mind!
You are beyond conception!
You are beyond thinking!
You are the Self!
Self is Atma!
Atma is Paramatma!
Paramatma is Krishna!
Paramatma is Allah!
Paramatma is Almighty!
10 JUN 2021
Do not be trapped by miracles
Don't be trapped by miracles!
Miracles are also illusion!
Like this universe is illusion!
Like every thing is illusion!
If you treat the world as true!
You will have to repent at last!
If you treat miracles as true!
You will have to repent at last!
Everything except yourself is illusion!
Everything except yourself cheats you!
Since every thing is just illusion of mind!
Mind is different than the brain in body!
Mind means subtle mind!
Which is not visible!
Which is accumulated Sanskars!
Since your thousands of births!
5 June 2021
Birth and Death only in Mind
Birth only in mind!
Death only in mind!
Body only in mind!
Mind is not in body!
Bondage only in mind!
Liberation only in mind!
Mind is the cause of bondage!
Mind is cause of all problems!
Krishna tells!
Win the mind!
By Abhyas and Vairagya!
Practice and detachment!
You are more powerful than mind!
Don't consider yourself as weak!
Don't treat yourself as body!
Treat yourself as Atma!
And this is the best Yoga!
This is the actual Yoga!
31 May 2021
I give existence to all
I alone exist!
I give existence to all!
I feel every one every thing!
I see every one every thing!
I touch every one every thing!
I taste every one every thing!
I smell every one every thing!
I speak to every one!
I listen to every one!
I think about every one!
I think about every thing!
During deep sleep!
I only remain and nothing else!
I give existence to all!
With the help of my mind!
Hence I give existence to all!
Hence I alone exist nothing else!
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost my all posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost my all posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal
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Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-
You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-
What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-
Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-
Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-
My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-
Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-
Whomsoever I see that is myself-
Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-
Scenes do not exist even now-
Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-
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Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-
More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
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