Something New On Death: World is the cause of sorrows

Something New On Death: World is the cause of sorrows

Something New On Death

Here's the real meaning of death which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost my all posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost my all posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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World is the cause of sorrows-

World is the cause of sorrows.

If you are in the world, no one can prevent you from painful experiences.

But if you are divine, no one can prevent you from joyful experiences.

And that will not be worldly joy.

That will be a divine joy.

Which can not be compared by any Worldly gain.

But no one should run away from the world by suicide or any other means since it will give more

pain even after death!

You can run away from the world but not from your mind.

Note - If you want you can share it with others.


Secret of death-

Death is just to deceive you!

Death is just to cheat you!

Death is just to befool you!

Really death doesn't exist!

Almighty is so lovely!

Almighty is so beautiful!

Almighty loves all of us!

How can He kill us!

He loves us so dearly!

He is the only father of us!

He is the only mother of us!

Since our infinite births!

How can a father kill us!

How can a mother kill us!

That too father of infinite births!

That too mother of infinite births!

It was due to our mistake only!

We considered us mortal!

Since We considered us body!

But we are not body!

It was our mistake!

Not of Almighty!

How can the son be mortal?

If father is immoral!

How can the son be body?

If father is supreme soul!

He is supreme soul!

We are Jeevatma!

When supreme soul doesn't die!

How soul can die?

How Jeevatma can die?

It was due to our foolishness!

We considered us mortal!


How Maharshi Valmiki Opened His Eyes?-

Maharshi Valmiki was a robber. He used to loot the property of innocent people on the roads and kill the persons.

Once upon a time Saptarshi i.e. seven sages were passing by. Valmiki saw them and asked them to hand over their wealth. But the sages don't have any material wealth. Valmiki threatened them to kill them if they didn't hand over their wealth.

Sages don't fear death. They told him to kill them. But before killing them, they asked him to reply one question -

For whom are you doing so many sins?

Valmiki replied- It is my profession. I am doing it for the livelihood of my family.

They asked him - Go and ask your family, if they will share your sin for whom you are doing all these killings? Are they ready to go to jail in place of you?

Valmiki tied all of them with a tree and went to his home.

He asked his wife.

Wife replied - Why will I give company to your sins? Why shall I go to jail in place of you?

It is your duty for our livelihood.

Then he asked his children. Children also replied the same thing.

This reply opened the eyes of Valmiki.

He returned and untied Saptarshi and fell on their feet. He was weeping with repentance that so many innocent people I have killed for the sake of money till now.


You can not be two!-

You can not be two!

You are one and only one!

Same is the case with God!

Same is the case with Almighty!

How can Krishna or Allah!

May be different!

He is one and only one!

Hence can not be different!

If I keep your name Krishna!

I change your name after some time!

I keep your name Allah!

Will you become different?

Almighty never changes His name!

Only man changes His name!

Same is the case with liberation!

You can call it Mukti!

You can call it Moksh!

You can give it any name!

Do you know what is liberation!

Liberation is knowing yourself!

It is not bookish knowing!

It is knowing yourself fully!

And you can't be two!

Hence they are just different names!

Once you know yourself!

It is just start of your spiritual journey!

There are seven stages of liberation!

Till you know yourself fully!

A life beyond life and death!

An immortal life!

A life without any sorrows!

It is called liberation!


Not After the Death-

What is liberation?

Knowing yourself fully is liberation!

It is irony that today man is trying to know about mars and different planets but man doesn't

know himself!

Though it is not bad, first you must know yourself for which you have come here!

You boast to know about others that he doesn't know anything. But you don't know about


When you don't know about yourself, how can you know about others?

You do not know who you are!

You do not know what you are!

You do not know where you have come!

You do not know where you will go!

You do not know what your life purpose is!

Reply to these questions is liberation!

And reply, not in theoretical form!

That reply, you must experience!

That is called liberation!

That is called Mukti!

And this can not be achieved after death!

This can only be achieved only when you are alive!


When you are in most sorrows-

When you are in most sorrows!

When you are entirely disappointed!

When you find no other way!

Then you are most fortunate!

Then you must consider!

He is loving you!

He is remembering you!

He wants you in His path!

Then it is the best time!

To knock the door of Almighty!

When you loose last Ray of Hope!

Then you find His shining Rays!

When your entire power is finished!

When your entire ego is finished!

When you become incapable!

When you become entirely helpless!

When you find no friend in the world!

When you can't do anything!

When you don't know anything!

When you don't have anything!

Then you find His helping hand!

Then you find His helping Rays!

Then you see that!

How much He loves you!

Even death can not touch you!

Since you are His beloved son!

You have got most powerful father!

He has not died so far!

Since He can never die!

He is still alive to help you!

He is not only father!

He is the only mother!

Of your thousands of births!

You know your mother!

How much she loves you!

When mother of one birth is so much loving!

Then you can imagine!

Only mother of thousands of births!

Will be how much loving!

When you go to Almighty!

It looks like you are going back to your own home!

After so many births!

To meet your most loving mother!

I remember!

When I was IIT student!

I used to live in the hostel!

I used to miss my mother!

At least for six months!

During vacation!

When I used to get the opportunity!

To meet her!

How much happy I used to feel!

While going to home!

It is the same type of feeling!

When you want to meet Almighty!

Since He is our true mother!

Of our thousands of births!


Real Birth of Sri Krishna!-

We are celebrating birthday of Sri Krishna since so many years!

But do you know what is the real birth of Krishna?

Real birth of Krishna is inside of you, very inside of you!

Then you know that you are actual son of Krishna!

You are an integral part of Krishna!

You are not the mear body!

You are beyond body!

You are beyond life and death!

You are immortal soul!

You are immortal Atma!

Diseases can not touch you!

Death can not touch you!

Sorrows can not touch you!

You are the ocean of joy!

Since you are a drop of ocean!

You are a part of Almighty Himself!

Accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam on this very auspicious occasion!

Wishing You all the best for your happy Spiritual journey!

So that you may celebrate daily Janmashtami!

Wishing you a really Happy Sri Krishna Janmashtami!


How to pass very difficult time?-

When you have very difficult time. When you are likely to have depression.

Then following ways may help you to make you stronger:

1/ Know that Spiritual world or divine world is opposite to this world.

If you are having difficulty in this world, you will be having comfort in divine world. And you can

enter in this divine world only when you are alive, not after the death.

2/ Nothing is free. You get something by spending some thing. If you are having comfort, then

your bank account of virtues is reduced. If you are having difficulty, then you must be happy

since your sins are reduced.

3/ Know, this world is an Examination Hall. You have to pass the exam. Almighty is taking your

exam. And you have to pass this test. You must be happy that He has chosen you for this exam.

Since He takes the exam of only those whom He loves most. He considers you fit for the exam.

4/ You must come out of your comfort zone if you want to be stronger.

5/ Remember that you had difficulty many times in the past and you had overcome it.

Today you don't even remember them. Hence this difficult time will also pass like old one.

6/ You forgot your difficult time, worries, beloved persons and things to whom you loved most

ten years back. Hence this difficult time also you will forget after ten years.

7/ Gold glitters only after heating. Rose gives fragrance only after living with the thorns. Hence

this difficult time is also for shining you so that you can give fragrance.

8/ You are brave. You are not coward. Hence you can not run away from difficulties.

Remember, you can run away from the body but not from your mind.

9/ Think this universe as movie. Hence whatever is going on here, think it is in a movie. Are you

effected by movie? See the movie and enjoy good and bad both.

10/ Think this universe as a dream. Hence whatever is going on here, think it is in a dream. Are

you effected by dream? See the dream and enjoy good and bad.

11/ In fact, there is no difficult time or easy time. There is nothing good or bad. Only your

mindset and attitude makes it such. Hence try to make your attitude accordingly.

12/ Thank God you are breathing. Thank Almighty you are alive. About one and half lakh people

who were alive yesterday, they could not see the dawn of today morning. And this happens


13/ Go to any hospital. See, how people are sad, how much sorrows they are having!

They are more unhappy than you! Their difficulties are much more than you!

14/ Even Gods had difficult times. Lord Rama had to go exile for 14 years along with his wife.

Life of Sri Krishna was full of difficulties right from His birth. He took birth in Jail. Lord Shiva had

to drink poison. No one can be greater without drinking the poison.

15/ If autumn comes, spring will also come certainly. If night brings the darkness, then day will

also bring brightness very certainly in your life. Day and night are cycle of nature. Joy and

sorrow are cycle of nature. Why do you worry?

16/ If you want to make use of your education, please share this with others to enhance peace

and happiness. You must consider yourself fortunate if you can remove the pain or sorrows of

even one person.


Life and Death-

Life is bad, death is good!

Death is bad, life is good!

Both are true!

Facts of life!

Life is bad!

Since it gives you!

Many troubles!

Many pain!

Body is impure!

Body is impurity!

Due to which!

You are bound!

In painful world!

With miseries!

Body is a knot!

Which binds you!

With Dukhalaya!

Means universe!

Life is good!

Since you can!

Free yourself!

From miseries!

Body is like a boat!

By which you can cross!

Deep ocean of universe!

Full of miseries!

Life is very precious!

You can get eternity!

With eternal joy!

In this life itself!

Never fear death!

If Life is good for you!

Death brings eternity!

If Life is bad for you!

Death brings chance!

For another birth!

Suffering is a way!

For realizing Almighty!

Birth after births!

Till you realize!


What is Sudarshan Chakra?-

Sudarshan means!

Su plus Darshan!

Su means good!

Darshan means seeing!

Always see good!

Think good! Do good!

Thus be safe during Corona!

By Sudarshan Chakra!

See every one as Atma!

Immortal soul!

Without any impurity!

Thus become pure!

See every situation in Atma!

Immortal soul!

Without any impurity!

Thus become pure!

Once you become pure!

Once you know soul!

Once you become Atma!

No one can defeat you

Then no disease can defeat you!

Then no virus can defeat you!

Then you will have no fear!

Then death will be a pleasure!

Then you become immortal!

Then you become pure!

For ever without any birth!

Then you will be of Almighty!

And this is the aim of your life!

For which you have died many times!

For which you have taken many births!

But can be done only if alive!

After death you can't do anything!

After death only weeping is left!

Don't miss this golden time!

Know yourself! Become immortal!

By this Sudarshan Chakra!

And be happy for ever without sorrows!


Do you know what is suicide?-

If you are going for suicide!

First, know what is suicide?

You want to end your life!

For ending your all problems!

Then, you don't know!

What is suicide!

Since real suicide!

You can not do!

Know, you can run away!

From this world!

But not from your mind!

Since even after suicide!

You will remain alive!

Your mind will remain alive!

Which will give you more troubles!

Even at present!

Your body is not giving!

Any trouble to you!

Only your mind gives pain!

And mind can not do suicide!

Even after death!

Your mind will remain alive!

Hence suicide is not end of pain!

If you want to end the pain!

If you want to end your troubles!

Go immediately to any!

True Spiritual Master!

Tell your problems!

He will show you the light!

If you don't find true Master!

Then, tell your problems to Almighty!

And Almighty is everywhere!

Promise to Him!

You will not repeat mistakes!

He will set everything right!


Where you can run away from death?-

Where you can run away!

From death?

Wherever you go!

In entire universe!

You will find death!

There is no place!

In the world!

Where you can go!

And hide yourself!

To escape death!

Death is the truth of life!

Reason may be any!

But you can't run away!

From death!

It may come in any form!

You may be clever most!

You can cheat any one!

But you can't cheat to death!

You may be the most smart person!

You may be the most handsome!

You may be the wisest!

In the entire universe!

You can hide yourself!

In the Moon or Mars!

You can do anything!

But you can't escape death!

It may come any time!

Reason may be snake, fear,

Corona or any disease!

Fire, water, sky, air!

Or any accident etc!

But death is inevitable!

Always remember!

Death to body only!

Never to your self!

You remain as it is!


Why I create depression?-

Why I create depression in you!

To make you alright!

Since you are sick!

With the sickness of Bhavrog!

And what is Bhavrog?

It is more dangerous than Corona!

And AIDS, Cancer, etc!

Since they can be cured in one life!

But Bhavrog can't be cured!

Even in many lives!

Bhavrog is taking birth!

Again and again!

And dieing in every birth!

Again and again!

Thus having many sorrows!

Again and again!

If you know me!

If you come to me!

Then you will not die!

Again and again!

You will be in joy!

For ever!

For this I have to give you depression!

And many other problems!

So that you must find out the time!

To remember me!

You have forgotten myself!

Due to attachment!

In worldly toys!

Like name, fame, beauty, job etc!

Hence I create problems for you!

To remove your attachment!

Now it is the time!

Remember me!

Come to me!

Love me!

Since you can know me!

Only if alive!

Not after the death!

See My beauty! My love!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


Why you have depression?-

Why you have depression?

Why you have tension?

Why you die before actual death?

Did you born with your own wish?

Remember your childhood!

You did not have any fear!

You did not have any depression!

You did not have any tension!

When you were baby!

Did you fear from fire!

Did you fear from snake!

Who protected you?

When you were baby!

You used to run to touch the fire!

You used to run to touch the snake!

Who protected you?

Go back to your childhood!

You have forgotten many things!

Which were very dear to you!

Same will happen for now!

Today you are worried for some things!

You will forget them after some years!

Leave the things!

Many people were very dear to you!

When you were child!

But now you forgot them!

Many people are very dear to you today!

You will forget them after some years!

One day you will forget!

Your parents, your children!

Your siblings, your friends!

Your spouse, your relatives!

Your car, your bungalow!

Your wealth, your property!

And above all!

One day you will forget!

Your name!

Your face!

Do you remember?

Your face of childhood!

Do you remember?

Your face of last birth!

Circumstances change!

Problems change!

Your face changes!

But you remain as it is!


Everyone is useful, Everything is useful-

Almighty has created everyone!

Almighty has created everything!

In such a manner that!

Everyone is useful!

Every thing is useful!

Since it is created by the beloved!

Since it is created by Almighty!

And He can't do anything wrong!

Even our enemy is useful!

Even poison is useful!

Even hatred is useful!

Even jealousy is useful!

Even celibacy is useful!

Even sex is useful!

Even young age is useful!

Even old age is useful!

Even an ant is useful!

Even an elephant is useful!

Even a grass is useful!

Even a tree is useful!

Every religion is useful!

Every language is useful!

Every color is useful!

Every gender is useful!

Even Corona is useful!

Even death is useful!

See everything positive!

Never see negative!

Don't see anything created by Almighty!

With hate! See everything with love!

If you really love yourself!

If you really love Almighty!


Enlightened persons never die-

Those who know Almighty!

They never die!

Since they become immoral!

Only their body dies!

They know!

They are different than body!

They know!

All are different than body!

Hence they are not worried!

Whether body lives or dies!

Whether it is their body or other's!

They don't grieve the death!

When they go from this universe!

If any one weeps or grieves!

They feel as some one is beating them!

Guru Nanak told same thing!

They celebrate their departure!

As if they return to home!

Since they will remain full of bliss!

Then no sorrows can touch them!


Don't fear-

Don't fear!

Even if you have Corona virus!

Only a few people die not all!

Who have lesser immunity!

Take precautions!

Don't hide it!

Keep distance!

Take treatment!

You will be all right!

Don't fear!

Increase immunity!

By Pranayam!

By devotional songs!

Remembering me!

Making mind strong!

Taking vitamin C!

And other ways!

Follow Doctors advice!

It has been done by me!

But actually by you!

Nature balances itself!

Don't fear!

Don't shake hands!

Greet by Namaste!

Keep your hands clean!

Keep yourself clean!

Keep your mind clean!

Avoid all pollutions!

Avoid thought pollution!

Don't fear!

I am with you!

When you alive!

Even after death!

Don't fear!

Have faith on me!

Have faith on my nature!

Nature will set right everything!

Don't fear!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


If you love me-

If you love me!

You will get!

Divine joy!

You will come to me!

If you touch me!

You will get!

Divine bliss!

You will come to me!

You will come to me!

While living alive!

Since after death!

You can't get me!

No need of loudspeaker!

For showing others!

No need of creating crowds!

In religious places!

Just love me in your heart!

Just speak to me in your heart!

Just speak to me in your mind!

For entering into my silence!

But you must love me!

Without any want!

Your love must be pure!

Without any selfishness!

Then your life will be changed!

For ever!

Then you will change the life!

Of others!

Then your all sorrows will be vanished!

For ever!

Then your all miseries will be vanished!

For ever!

You need not visit temple!

You need not visit mosque!

You need not visit Tirupati!

You need not visit Kaaba!

Just love me! Nothing else!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


Violence and its support-

Those who do violence!

Or support it!

They remain in miseries!

Even after death!

There should not be!

Even slightest of doubt!

They are thrown!

As dogs, cats etc!

In next births!

They can never get peace!

Until they change their path!

Since it is the law of nature!

Like third law of Newton!

Whatever you give!

You get the same in multiple!

Almighty does not do anything!

Only nature is created like this!

Nature supports love and peace!

Nature punishes hatred, violence!

What one feels during the last moments?

Just before the death!

One feels that he is going from this world!

Without doing anything for the world!

He repents with tears if he has done so!

One feels!

If he could have got another life!

If he could have got some more breaths!

He would have done something now!

But it is too late now!

He can not get even single breath!

He repents!

Such a precious body was given to him!

But he couldn't utilize it for good deeds!

Thus he departs from body full of sorrows!



Why it is said to do good Karma?

Why it is said to remember Almighty?

Why it is said to do charity?

Why it is said not to trouble anyone?

Just before the death!

Within few seconds!

One gets the flashback!

Of his entire life!

What he has done!

Throughout the life!

Then one repents with tears!

If he has not done any good Karma!

After this one looses entire memory!

And one is departed from the body!

One feels at this time!

How much precious body was given to him!

But he did not utilize it properly!

He weeps inside at this time!

It is the nature!

Whatever one does throughout the life!

One can remember the same!

And the things he wanted to do!

During the last moments!

Not any other things!

That is the reason!

If one always remembers Almighty!

If one always does charity!

If one always does good Karma!

One can easily remember Him!

During last moments!


Main thing-

Main thing is not your body!

Main thing is your mind!

Even if you hate me by body!

But you love me in mind!

You actually love me!

But the best are those!

Who are same!

By body and mind!

Body dies!

But mind remains for ever!

Even after death!

And that is not physical mind!

That is subtle mind!

Which is the cause of

Your next birth!

Once your subtle mind dies!

It is called liberation!

And that is possible!

After thousands of births!

And after liberation!

No further birth!

Then your entire sorrows

Are vanished for ever!


Happiness is not in mortal things-

Happiness is not in papers!

Rupees are just papers!

Happiness is not in bricks!

Bungalow is just bricks!

Happiness is not in gold!

Ornaments are just gold!

You become happy by all these!

But momentarily!

It is your ignorance!

Since they are mortal!

Since these things can not be happy!

How can they make you happy?

They are not having life!

How can they make you happy!

You are happy due to life!

Not due to death!

You are the mixture of

Mortal and immortal!

You are unhappy due to mortal!

You are happy due to immortal!

You can become happy!

Only by yourself!

Since you have life!

Hence you can feel happiness!

The eyes don't see!

The eyes don't see!

The ears don't listen!

The mouth doesn't speak!

The nose doesn't smell!

The mind doesn't think!

Since after death!

Even if they are intact!

One can not see!

One can not listen!

One can not speak!

One can not smell!

One can not think!

There is subtle eye which sees!

There is subtle ear which listens!

There is subtle mouth which speaks!

There is subtle nose which smells!

There is subtle mind which thinks!

But, actually they don't act!

There is someone else!

Who actually acts!

Who actually governs all of them!




Should only those people try for liberation who are old?

Do you know what is liberation?

People generally think that liberation can be achieved only after death. Hence only old people

must try for liberation.

This is their wrong conception.

Even a child can try for the liberation!

Take the example of Dhruv who was only five years old when he started to be liberated.

Prahlad, he was also a child when he was liberated.

And they did not die after their liberation.

It was the start of their happy, joyful and blissful life!

Else, ordinary living is not the actual living!

It is like living in a jail!

Whatever you are doing today, you can do after liberation also. But, then your mental attitude

will change!

Then your all the works will give you love, joy and happiness!

And that will not be temporary happiness like today.

Today you are happy at present. But tomorrow you may be unhappy.

But in that case you will be always happy, loving and blissful.

Liberation is a life beyond life and death!

And that is immortal life!


You are playing life game-

You are playing life game.

We all are playing life game.

You are in a universal drama.

We all are in a universal drama.

You are seeing a life movie.

We all are seeing a life movie.

You can not do any thing in this movie.

You have to act as per the directions of Director.

And the Director is Almighty.

You are given every thing to perform in this drama.

But you can't take any thing after the drama.

You don't know anything in this drama.

Since next instructions will be of Director.

You are doing the drama of birth and death in this drama.

And between birth and death you act as per the wish of Director.


Some Miracles of Almighty encountered by me-

Everything in life, created by Almighty is miracle right from birth to death.

When a baby keeps first step on the earth, it is itself a miracle.

When a bird flies first time in the sky, it is itself a miracle.

From baby to man , you have become now. From a very small body to this big body, you have become now. This is also a miracle.

You breathe every moment. This is the biggest miracle in your life!

But besides this, I have encountered many miracles in my life. Some of them I can can't share with you.

But some of them I am sharing here.

When I first time visited to Tirupati for Darshan. I got Darshan very easily in morning hours, I think within half an hour.

During the return journey. I had to catch a train. I was at much distance. The train was about to leave the platform. I prayed to Lord Tirupati, the train should not start till I reach there. To my surprise, train did not depart from the railway station. Just after catching the train by myself it started.

I was in Jammu along with my wife. One day we planned to go for some picnic place or shopping, etc. We caught a bus. After some time I asked the conductor where the bus was going. He told me that it is not going to our desired place. It was going to Katra for Mata Vaishno Devi. Then we changed our plans considering our good fortune that Maa Vaishno called us!


Why people do not want to join Spirituality?-

They think that everything will have to be left.

This is their wrong conception.

People think that they are living comfortably. Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they are living royal life.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they are earning too much money.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think they are too much popular.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they are having good designation and posts.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they are having beautiful family.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they are having good education.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they will have to leave everything.

Why to disturb themselves.

People think that they will become poor.

Why to disturb themselves.

All these are wrong conceptions.

You are not required to leave anything.

You have to leave by mind not body.

Yes you are living comfortably.

But in dreams.

But in movies.

But in mirage.

You are not living actual life.

Since it is not true happy life.

Happy life is one.

After that you can never be in sorrows.

Happy life is the one.

Which is full of love.

Which is beyond birth and death.

Which is immortal.


Always Think -

If I die right now!

What I am doing at present!

Will it be useful after my death!

What would be of my wealth!

What would be of my post!

What would be of my name and fame!

What would be of my car, bungalow!


Which may be useful!

After your death!

For yourself!

And others!


The most useful is Almighty!

And nothing else!

For yourself!

And others!

Before death!

During death!

And after death!


24 Mar 2019


The day you was born on this earth!

You started to die!

Every day you are dieing!

Every moment you are dieing!

What you are doing on this earth?

You are waiting to die!

But you are entangled in other issues!

Hence you forgot this!

You are just passing your time!

On this planet!

But you are engaged in other things!

Hence you forgot this fact!

When you were in the womb!

Of your mother for nine months!

You were praying to Almighty!

I can't wait any more here!

O Lord! Please get me out of this!

This time I will fulfill my purpose!

Of taking the birth!

So that I will never be in the womb!

But just after coming out of the womb!

You forgot this prayer!

And entangled in other things!

You forgot Almighty!


To bloom into a plant

A seed has to die.

To blossom into a flower.

A bud has to die.

To see the world by chicken.

An egg has to die.

To wake up.

Your sleep has to die.

Without death nothing is possible.

To get a new birth, a spiritual life.

You have to die, ego has to die.

Then only you can witness.

The fragrance of the divine.

This is not your real birth.

You have to take new birth.

A spiritual birth.

A divine birth.

To enter infinite kingdom of divine.


Hate the sin, not the sinner: Its Meaning

People are confusing its meaning. People think that sinner should be left without punishment.

No, sinner should not be left without any punishment.

Sinner should be punished.

And sinner is punished by the Almighty also.

Provision of death has been made by the Almighty only for this reason so that the sinner can be


And every thing is automatic.

No one can escape his karma.

Karma is as true as third law of Newton - Reaction against action.

But the aim of punishment is to improve the guilty.


You are playing life game-

We all are playing life game.

You are in a universal drama.

We all are in a universal drama.

You are seeing a life movie.

We all are seeing a life movie.

You can not do any thing in this movie.

You have to act as per the directions of Director.

And the Director is Almighty.

You are given every thing to perform in this drama.

But you can't take any thing after the drama.

You don't know anything in this drama.

Since next instructions will be of Director.

You are doing the drama of birth and death in this drama.

And between birth and death you act as per the wish of Director.

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NOTE - In some places you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

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Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal

More Than 1000 Likes-

My Nature Sets Right Everything-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-

People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-

How to be Enlightened as per Ashtavakra Gita-

Rules For Living In Your Family-

Family Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

Some Important Linkedin Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

Miraculous Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

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Something New On Death: Everyone Is Waiting To Die-

Something New On Death: What happens after death?-

Peace can't be achieved without divine-

The Most Secret Knowledge - Adhyatma Vidya-

Your sins can not be washed by religious places-

Powerful Ganesh mantras to get you through tough times-

Miraculous benefits of 5 powerful Shiva Mantras-

Secret of Yoga By Pravin Agrawal-

28 Punishments for OUR SINS - GARUDA PURANA-


Historical Proof that Lord Shiva Reside in Kailash-

23 Shocking Secrets of Black Magic-

English Meaning and Translation of 16 Kabir Ke Dohe!-

If your wife has these 4 qualities consider yourself lucky!-

Gems Of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra To Know The Self Part 2-

How to be Enlightened as per Ashtavakra Gita Part 4-

25 Astrological Tips For Getting Pregnant-

Nine Ayurveda Tips for Weight Loss-

Know These 9 Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water With Turmeric In The Morning-

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List Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

Pravin Agrawal`s True Incidents Linkedin-

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Yakshika Singh Somvanshi

Executive at Patient Care Service

1 年

Jai shree Ram




Jay Hanuman

sonu tyagi

Student at davv indore

1 年

Jai Shri Ram ji....



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