Do you ever wake up and feel that there’s something missing in your life? You follow your daily routines, take care of your work and family needs, deal with the frustrations and finish the day with a sense of relief that you can finally relax. But is that all there is? Work, family weekends and an occasional vacation? Most people would admit that they sometimes feel an emptiness, a longing for something intangible, a way to feel complete. Do you ever pause to ask yourself what could be missing?
We have access to so much technology today yet our obsession with external distractions keeps our attention diverted away from the world that’s waiting to be explored within ourselves. We use the excuse that we’re already too busy, too tired and too occupied with daily life to begin a quest for something that's hidden and intangible. Yet our potential for fulfilment is only revealed when we make a little time and space in our lives to turn our focus inwards. That’s the origin of our lingering sense of dissatisfaction. No matter how successful we become, no matter how many possessions we accumulate, the whisper from our hearts calls us to pause, to meditate, to enter the world of silence and stillness where a different perception informs our lives.
In our dualistic world, we lurch from one extreme to another in the quest for balance. The inner silence that is our goal does not instruct us to absent ourselves from the material world. Rather it encourages us to free ourselves from the constant flow of thoughts and feelings that disturb our inner peace. When we discover the inner world of silence, we begin to see more clearly. We discover a natural inner calm and balance. We are no longer impelled by fear or doubt or anxiety. We feel a stronger connection to the present. We become less attached to the past.
Taking a few minutes each day to meditate is called the Great Work by generations of teachers, mystics and philosophers. It is the only pathway that leads to a lasting sense of fulfilment. There is no app that can take its place.