Something has to change...
Steve Blampied
Mindset Expert, helping professionals change their thoughts, feelings and behaviours & overcome stress, anxiety, overwhelm & burnout. Healing minds - Unlocking potential
The people I work with generally have two things in common.
- They have a drive to make a difference in the world.
- They understand the significance of the statement:
- Something Has to Change
- It Has To Be Now
- It Has To Be Me
The decision that enough is enough,
that you refuse to live one more day without doing something about this,
no going back,
is vital if you stand any chance of achieving something big,
or fixing something that's costing you your peace of mind.
Deciding that you're going to do it today,
not waiting for an imaginary "right time",
might be scary,
but is it really more scary than the thought of never doing it at all?
Expecting your life (or business) to change without accepting that the change has to start from you will only lead to frustration.
Expecting the people around you to change without first changing how you relate to them,
how you behave towards them,
or respond to them,
places the responsibility for your life in the hands of someone who has different goals to you.
It hands your power to someone else.
From my perspective,
I've heard too many people say
"I wish I'd done this sooner"
To not be compelled to push you to make that decision.
Maybe it hasn't been the right time for you up to now.
And maybe today is the right time.
It took me until my mid-40's to figure this out.
Maybe if someone had nudged me a little I might have got here sooner.
So consider this your "nudge".
I don't care whether you choose to let me help you,
or you work with someone who's a better fit,
or you do it yourself.
Just know that I want you to succeed.
I want you to feel the overwhelming satisfaction and peace that I do every day,
knowing that you're doing something that matters to you.
Start now.