Something Gift-ish and Our Best Wishes

Something Gift-ish and Our Best Wishes

If you’re reading this the day we’re posting it, please accept our best wishes for a very happy holiday! Whatever, whenever, however you celebrate, we hope the next couple of weeks are filled with peace, love and joy for you.??

A Practical Gift for Caregivers

We also have something gift-ish for you.?

I mean, it’s not sparkly, cozy, blingy, zoomy or yummy. (That’s why I’m admitting that it’s gift-ish.) It is useful and offered with sincere intentions.??

Why Preparedness Matters for Caregivers?

First, some preamble… If you are a caregiver, or a family member/close friend who prefers the peace of mind that comes with being prepared, this gift will definitely help.?

The Caregiver Grab-and-Go Kit is a comprehensive document to print out and complete with an older parent, a sick loved one, or for a child with disabilities.

As lawyers, we’re so familiar with the critical information people need to have on hand when they’re assisting and advocating for loved ones, whether that’s in day-to-day caring, or in an emergency.?

Especially in an emergency.?

In a crisis situation, time is critical, and being unprepared can add unnecessary stress. You may not have the chance to:

  • Ask difficult or time-sensitive questions.
  • Hunt for insurance cards or other essential documents.
  • Search for important phone numbers and contacts.
  • Gather the information needed to make the best decisions for your loved one.

Having everything organized and accessible can make all the difference when every second counts.

This Grab and Go Kit pulls all that together, so you don’t experience the chaos and frustration of making critical financial or medical decisions without the right documents, numbers, or information in place.?

Share the Gift of Preparedness?

If you have this information pulled together already — kudos to you! And let the gifting ripple outward!?

Make copies of the completed kit and give them out to other caregivers in the family (siblings, parents, friends, neighbors) who could also be called upon to help in an emergency situation. This will help keep everyone on the same page and empower all decision makers with the information they need to give fast and accurate answers if needed.?

Plan for Yourself, Too?

While we’re on the topic — pull together your own kit too.??

We have many clients who are “sandwiched” between caring for adult children and for elderly parents at the same time. And we know that often, when you contemplate decisions for aging loved ones, you can’t avoid thinking about the day when your own kids will be managing these details for you.?

Gather your own Caregiver Grab-and-Go information as well. When the siblings and kids are together over the holidays, make sure they know where to find your identification, medical, and financial information, just in case.?

Download the Caregiver Grab-and-Go Kit?

We can’t stress enough how having your loved ones’ information pulled together and easily accessible can make a world of difference when you’re facing the stress and pressure of caring for someone. Thinking ahead to gather your own information will make a world of difference to those closest to you, if they’re thrown into a situation where they need to assist you. ?

Take some of the pressure off by downloading the Grab-and-Go Kit now, and getting it completed as soon as you can.???

It is our decidedly un-blingy-yet-super-useful gift to you. Download it for free here.


Tracey Ingle - Estate Planning, Elder Law, Trusts and Estates Attorney的更多文章

