Something doesn’t settle right with the whole #LuluDotCom fiasco. #Amazon #Profiting from #BookSales while #Creatives get nothing? (#Rollcall) It’s ti
DISRUPTIVE FINE ART ?? Disclaimer: Views expressed in old posts may not reflect my current opinions.
Years ago, it was a pretty big accomplishment to have your books sold at brick and mortar stores such as Barnes & Noble, but like anything else (including BN), times change. Technology is constantly reshaping the way we buy, sell, and discover new consumer products.
Coming into the publishing industry during the social media revolution; I was a young arrogant hotshot, who happily disrupted the snobbish closed off industry by utilizing my knowledge of collective behavior, making myself appear bigger than I was.
Since having no working capital, POD companies such as Lulu were lifesavers for self-promoting.
Lulu was great; because for $20.00 you could have your book available for purchase on every major shopping channel, including Amazon, which at the time was a kick in the face to traditional publishers, and banks who required circulation for credibility.
Sadly, like every good thing, it has it's end.
Now, I don't know what's really going on with Amazon and Lulu, but all I do know is that I'm not getting paid for known books sales... Which is highly illegal; but as of right now, there's not much I can do, just have to wait in line to be part of a giant upcoming lawsuit.
Does that mean I'm gonna take my book down off the shelves? No, that's a lot of work, why ruin already existing PR and SEO? What I am gonna do; and what I would encourage other authors to do also, is switch to MagCloud, make your new content exclusive for them only. MagCloud does not provide ISBN numbers, no detail on why that's golden.
You're new strategy should be "straight sales;" not relying on Amazon or Barnes & Noble for anything, forget they even exist, instead just hustle and sell your books!