Something dear to me...

To my dear friends: I assume that most of you have had the Zchus of basking in the light of my Rebbe, the Toldos Avraham Yitzchok Rebbe Shlit"a, at some point. Whether it was at a Friday night Tisch in New York, at a Simchas Beis Hasho'eiva in Yerushalayim, or entering for a Kvittel at any time over the years. Bley"h, the Rebbe Shlit"a is no youngster and has been through a lot of physical and medical challenges over the past few years. He decided a while back that he couldn't make another trip overseas, and we all sadly made peace with that. After years of his visits to the United States, we accepted that it was a thing of the past. And then suddenly, the news went around that the Rebbe was coming again! He's in the middle of a big fundraising campaign to build his Beis Medrash in Yerushalayim to accommodate the overflowing crowds that simply don't fit in any longer, and there is a huge budget to cover. Without his personal involvement and exertion, it wouldn't be possible to accomplish this. BH he made the trip, which wasn't easy for him. I don't know if you heard, but he was hospitalized after Tisha B'av with water in the lungs and infections, but BH was released and is plowing on with his Avodas Hakodesh. He is in no shape to make visits to fundraising events or to go to donors, but we, his Talmidim and Chasidim, are trying our best to help him accomplish this mission with the biggest success possible, and the least difficulty on his part. I have tremendous Hakaras Hatov to my Rebbe, and I want to help in this Heilige project as much as I can. If you share in the feeling of Hakaras Hatov to this Tzadik, or if you can please help me personally in reaching my goal, I will be most appreciative, and the Zchus in the Torah and Avodah of this Makom Kadosh will certainly stand by you to be helped with Bonei, Chayei and Mezonei for many happy and healthy years to come. Any and all donations will be greatly appreciated, but here's an incentive that I hope will motivate you just a bit more...

I'm no Gabbai, but for a contribution of $101+ to my page, I will iyH personally give over to the Rebbe Shlit"a a Kvittel with your name and ????, as a personal appreciation in helping me with this.? Additionally, for a contribution of $250+ to my page, I will send my new book, "Parenting Q&A with Rabbi Gruen" by mail, free of charge.

Here are my page details:

Phone line to donate: 7185405706 Ext. 5730


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