'Something...' - cont'd
Mehul Dhulia
Life Coach, Learning & Development Professional, Key Note Speaker, Serial Entrepreneur, Believer
What do you think that ‘Something ‘is? Is it really important to find that ‘Something’?
Gasping and panting for some air, he slowly continued his jog. His mind spinning about finding what the ‘something’ is. As he started to increase the pace, in the distance there was thunder and lightning – unusual for this time of the year. As rain drops fell on his face, there was an unexplained happiness. He stood under some shelter; the rain had changed the environment. It was suddenly more pleasant than before. As he stood there looking at the rain, he pondered on that ‘something’. More he thought about it, traveling through places he seemingly thought he knew the same things kept becoming quiet alien to him. This journey took him through situations he had experienced, the emotions he went through then, how the outcomes slowly began to become his beliefs and these beliefs became the cornerstone of his actions/thoughts. He thought to himself – Am I beginning to become a ‘prisoner of my thoughts?..’
'Maybe' or 'Am already' – the answer didn’t matter, the preposition did. Am I alone or there are others too? – an answer he seeks as he starts to jog…..