Something To Consider If You Want To See The World Change - Getting Our Psychology To Work With Us
Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.
Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (800+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal
I hear it a lot.
"I wish the world worked differently!"
I get it, most people do, including me.
Though there are truly incredible things in the world and many of our Lives, many Problems still exist.
It is difficult for us, as Humans, to see all the Problems that exist.
What makes it more Challenging is that most Problems are actually Multiple Problems that create one larger Consequence.
We often only see the "Consequence" and believe it to be "the" Problem.
Then we see all the factors that go into the "Consequence", all the smaller Problems that combine, and we feel Powerless.
How can "I" solve "all" of that?
That question leaves us feeling small and helpless, with no way to move against the current.
It is a horrible feeling, especially when you truly Care about the World.
To truly desire something, while feeling there is nothing you could ever do to attain that is one of the worst feelings in existence.
Perhaps even worse, is our Psychology plays a role that adds tremendously more weight to those feelings of Helplessness.
See, our Brains function like a Search Engine.
Whatever you Focus on, your Brain will Actively look for more of it.
If your Focus is on how you feel Helpless, and the weight of having No Power to Change something important, what do you think your Brain's Search Engine will look for?
Everything that is outside of your Power, and all the things that make you feel Helpless.
It acts similar to a whirlpool.
More Results are added to your Search, all of which tell you how you have No Power, all of which tell you how you're Helpless.
The whirlpool pulls you closer to its center, closer to doom.
You gain new life experiences, hear about current events, and see more problems in the World.
These too are all seen with the same filter of Lacking Power and feeling Helpless.
They feed the Search Results further.
The whirlpool eventually drags you to the depths of Davy Jone's Locker.
It is there that all Hope for a Better World is Drowned.
But does it have to be like that?
Are all who have Hope for a better world doomed to this Cold Fate?
But to change this, we must have our Brains work "with" us rather than against us.
The Brain's Search Engine is inherently Neutral and only gives us information based on what we Focus on.
So when we Focus on being Helpless, the Brain finds "Helplessness".
But we can simply change the Search, and to do this we must Change our Focus.
Instead of Focusing on what is outside of our Control, we must Focus on what "is" within our Control.
What you find at first may "feel" small, and you may be correct.
But you are missing the point.
All Change begins small, there is no way around that.
Plus, Small Change is better than No Change.
Yet, we still aren't at the point we must understand.
The more and longer we Focus on something, the better our Search Engine becomes at "Finding" what we are looking for.
We only Find "small" things at first because our Brain hasn't Adapted to Finding better Results... yet.
To Find better Results, the Brain must have Time to Change.
What you will discover is that the longer you ask what you "can" Control, you'll begin to Find "more" ways to Positively Impact the World.
As you Find more ways, you'll also notice something else.
Others will begin to "see" you Changing things.
This can Inspire them and Open up even Further Opportunities.
The Reality is that the Larger Change you want to Create, the more People you will need Involved.
The fastest way to get others Involved?
Show them.
Show them how you are Changing the World around you.
Show them that it is Possible to do more Good.
Show them that if You have Power, so do They.
As more people become Involved, then Large Change becomes Possible.
But it only happens if you Change Your Focus.
What "is" in Your Power?
Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (800+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal
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