Something Better Is Out There…Relationships aren’t perfect ….boring at times during CoVid-19 times…part 195

Something Better Is Out There…Relationships aren’t perfect ….boring at times during CoVid-19 times…part 195

You’re living in a fantasy. Having the perfect portrait of a relationship is vastly different than the real deal, so stop fooling yourselves.

Even if the date goes horribly wrong and you really don’t want to see the guy again, give him two more chances. Everyone is human and a lot of people get first date jitters. A really awesome part of his personality could be hiding behind nervousness, so give him a chance to let his true personality shine through.

Guys, the Internet has made you believe you deserve a perfectly airbrushed housewife on your arm. She wears heels in the kitchen, has beautiful eyelashes without mascara..

How about you start focusing on one at a time for a change?

Online dating, and dating as an adult in general, isn’t an excuse to behave like a spoilt girl

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It doesn’t matter what he looks like, how old he is, or what he does for a living. If he asks you out, you have to say yes. Don’t get it twisted, though—this isn’t about settling or even about finding the perfect guy. It’s really about boosting your confidence and figuring out what you truly want.

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate. 

Thank you …Realistically, it’s a pretty easy to see that dating with so many “options” leads you into getting caught in a constant cycle of revolving women. You date one and you think, “Well, she’s pretty rad” and you start to feel like you’re The Man, so you figure,

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“Hmm, I wonder how much better I can get.”

So, you break our hearts and send us on our way. Letting a great woman go because your ego is inflated from getting our attention in the first place makes you a moron. Sorry, not sorry.

It’s getting really annoying as a woman to meet a guy we think we’re having a great time connecting with, only to find out that you’re trying to stick your penis in a handful of other women, as well. How about you start focusing on one at a time for a change? Online dating, and dating as an adult in general, isn’t an excuse to behave silly.

Realistically, it’s a pretty easy to see that dating with so many “options” leads you into getting caught in a constant cycle of revolving women. You date one and you think, “Well, she’s pretty rad” and you start to feel like you’re The Man, so you figure, “Hmm, I wonder how much better I can get?” So, you break our hearts and send us on our way. Letting a great woman go because your ego is inflated.

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Want to add word or two?

A lot of guys seem to run from the first sign of flaw. Heaven forbid a woman is anything less than perfectly poised and polished at all times.

We’re humans, and we have imperfections just like everyone else. Instead of running from the first little thing that rubs you wrong, understand that if you ever want to have a relationship with anyone, you’re going to need to accept that everything good comes with its downsides, too. Just as you’ll want someone who accepts those hidden secrets about you, you’re going to need to be open to the same on your end.

Your comment ….?

It’s baffling how so many men think that good women just come along so easily these days. If you’ve caught one that you really like, but you’re getting lost in an idea of “what if?” and decide to cut us loose, don’t be surprised if you’re eventually hit with immense regret because you messed up, bro.

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Life isn’t a reality TV series, and we’re pretty annoyed with being treated like contestants. If you really think you’re The Bachelor, then where are our dates on a yacht to a tropical island? Go big or go the home. Sit down and take your seat back in the little leagues.

Millennial men seem to be so terrified of settling down. Commitment has become the Ebola of being an adult in our dating culture — it’s heavily feared and avoided like a plague. If you’ve found someone amazing in your dating encounters, you need to hold on to that woman and pay us the attention we deserve. It could turn out to be something really amazing — the problem is, you’re not giving us a real chance.

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Dating in 2020/21 has become so excruciatingly exhausting, and the constant hopping from woman to woman is causing more women to be jaded and closed off when it comes to love.

If you want to be a player, then by all means, do so (so we know to avoid you), but stop creating false hopes out of mini relationships when you live in a constant state of thinking someone better is just one swipe away.

Most of the time, it’s not and you’re just wasting great opportunities while ruining good women along the way.

Dayal Ram

Managing Director at DAYALIZE

3 年

It doesn’t matter what he looks like, how old he is, or what he does for a living. If he asks you out, you have to say yes. Don’t get it twisted, though—this isn’t about settling or even about finding the perfect guy. It’s really about boosting your confidence and figuring out what you truly want. Dating is a way for a woman who’s been single for a long time to “get back out there,” sure, but it’s hard to do that when you’ve spent so long on your own. The best way to counteract the awkwardness you’re feeling about getting back out into the dating field is to see duty dating as practice. You aren’t expecting it to go anywhere; if anything, you’re hoping it won’t go anywhere. What you’ll find is that the more practice dates you go on, the less nervous you’ll be about dating in general. Dating apps have made duty dating extremely easy. Just say yes to the first few guys who ask you to meet up for drinks or dinner and you’re set for the week. You’ll have to deal with flaky dudes here and there, of course, but assuming you’re getting 20+ messages a week, there will always be another guy who’s happy to take you out. Awesome, right?



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