This publication, divided into nine articles, is the new Home Page of SPAWHE, as it better summarizes the latest innovations developed virtually, with only scientific reasoning and with small updates of the state of the art technology, but with the complete remaking of all purifying and world energy systems, fixed and mobile, who used in wrong way the general principles of physics, legislated by the fathers of science, before the industrial age. I publish it on the occasion of the last patent filing of the undersigned, concerning a new version of calcareous greenhouses, which would also produce hydroelectric energy, studied in a particular way, to neutralize the most polluting fossil plants in the world, which are steel plants and incinerators. The entire publication will revolve around the following question that the undersigned poses for twelve years: "It is possible that the United Nations, which manages the International Patent Offices, the International Court of Justice, the World Bank, cannot afford the scientific advisers able to tackle environmental problems globally in terms of plant design and not simple research aimed only at raising awareness among the authorities and citizens?“ This question is based on the fact that in twelve years of solitary work and not recognized by the scientific and civil authorities, I clashed with ambiguous silences of science and world institutions. Anyone can challenge my solutions, entering the scientific details, especially if it represents the world institutions. I hope that someone will explain to me the reasons why the world has never exploited the two most powerful and widespread energy in the world for energy and purification purposes, which are the gravitational force and the compressed air. The latter, in particular, for the undersigned, to be efficient, must be used as the first: statically.  If it is allowed to expand, as it currently does, in cylinders and autoclaves it is not an energy source but an instrument for the transformation of other energy sources, less efficient and more polluting. In fact, atmospheric air that has the pressure of one bar, thickened by gravitational force, is the most basic form of compressed air. Nature, in its infinite wisdom, uses it statically, circulating the water that is incompressible and has a medium density, about 830 times higher than air, therefore, with the same flow rate and pressure, it produces an energy 830 times higher. But science has preferred to use combustion fumes and steam, both of which are greenhouse gases, which are produced by the heat produced from fossil fuels, which obviously have a much higher production cost than compressed air. Furthermore, the exhaust gases should be completely purified, but, at most, they are filtered only. The United Nations, governments, world public science, lawmakers, justice, to save entrepreneurs, that create work, by mutual agreement, have accepted the limits of toxic emissions into the environment, which gradually, in addition to bringing, diseases, especially pulmonary, they also created global warming and multiplied the atmospheric perturbations, which add other damages, which completely cancel the few benefits. All this could be avoided simply by substituting thermodynamics with fluid dynamics as the main world energy principle.


The problem of global warming is due and scientific choices and industrial and economic development are wrong. The undersigned, has realized that science must be applied globally, otherwise, it cannot protect the environment. He spent twelve years to prove it on the website http: But it does not find interlocutors available to listen. Who globally represents science in the world? This question cannot be answered that each discipline responds autonomously. Global warming is evidence that specializations have failed and that inventions must be studied globally. Who can invent global solutions Lacking the original flaws that are the low yields, the high cost of energy and purification works, the opening of unwanted collateral cycles that cannot be closed and risks of dangerous nuclear accidents? Who should be able to design the systems by closing perfectly all the cycles that opens? I'll give you the answer: "Only the world public bodies can do it". When I proposed, back in 2013, to combine the thermal plants with limestone greenhouses with artificial rains, to purify the fumes from CO2, and to produce alkaline waters, the multinational ENI, replied that they was not interested in my solution because already respected the public regulations. All the other multinationals have not replied to me, including environmental ministries, public research bodies and legislators. Five years later nothing has changed. Alliances between governments and multinationals have intensified. Those who remained outside this great world alliance of world power centers are only small private inventors. They cannot physically prove their inventions because no one finances them. They are in difficulty because those who created global warming have subordinated intellectual property to industrial property. This means that an inventor cannot choose between the two types of property. By inventing a global interactive, energetic and depurative system, it should be implemented against the will of public bodies and multinationals, at the same time paying the maintenance fees paid by industrialists. The industrialists dealing with commercial inventions, profit from the sale of patented machines and plants, which damage the environment.

I read with great interest, the book by Marco Santagata: "Dante the novel of his life". As a retiree, I would have preferred to leave aside technical and scientific problems, instead, the tongue beats where the tooth hurts, and I rarely manage to relax with this type of reading. I found it curious that some famous and powerful people, whom Dante condemned to hell, were still alive after his death, which unfortunately took place as soon as he had finished his great literary work in 1321. I was also struck by the fact that at the time of Dante Alighieri, without the industrial activities, the bulk of the wealth of the powerful of the Earth was produced through wars, the confiscation of land and property to the defeated. In this cruel game of power, everyone participated: There was a continuous war between the most powerful families. The municipalities fought each other, while the European powers and the Catholic Church tried to subdue them. Dante, despite his talent, siding on the wrong side, was forced into exile for life and lived looking for powerful and culture-sensitive men who would allow him to survive.

If we think about it, the situation is better now, where the war is fought in the world stock exchanges, but in this game, not everything happens in the light of the sun. In secret, those with power prevent the advancement of the state of the art to avoid more equitable distribution of wealth and to defend wrong investments. This is also a cruel game in which everyone participates. Unfortunately, those in power also possess science and prevent it from being applied globally, keeping separate specializations in universities and multinationals.  If science worked synergistically it would not have allowed the realization of public and private plants incompatible with the environment, but, very strangely, respectful of existing regulations. Which, if it is true that they are adequate to the state of the art achieved, it is equally true that every scientific or technological sector grows autonomously. This creates a big excuse for rulers, powerful men and scientists. Probably, Dante would put in hell many scientists among the fraudulent councilors, where he also places Ulysses. Who was guilty of having wanted to overcome the boundaries of terrestrial knowledge delimited by the columns of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar) but above all, of having conceived the deception of the Trojan Horse. Personally, I would not have put Odysseus to hell, because my invention of the "pump with the second separate supply until the impeller" is strategically very similar to the Trojan horse, but it is done for good, to conquer energy sustainable and interactive, of which I have spoken extensively in many publications and I will also talk about it in the present. On the contrary, I would put in Hell, among the fraudulent councilors, those who prevented the realization of sustainable inventions like this, which cost nothing to the community, but would change the world. The fraudulent councilors are those who do their duty specifically, but establish rules and regulations in watertight compartments that prevent the creation of complete anthropic plants, favoring commercial solutions, which are gradually ruining the planet, but also the way of working to do research and planning to build a better future.

Global rules should have been identified through the scientific organization of work. This is also a scientific specialization, theorized in 1911 by Frederick Taylor, applicable to all human activities, but applied only to the industrial manufacturing sector. The example cited in the summary of the calcareous greenhouses not realized for the cleaning of fossil energy and the alkalization of the waters with the same system, while the planet goes towards the total acidification, the melting of the glaciers, the raising of the water level marine, is mainly attributable to world public science. This works hand in hand with multinational companies but does not collaborate with private inventors, such as myself, who do not even have the money to file patents. These waste their time studying logical and rational solutions, precisely by deepening the organization of environmental work that they have neglected. In addition to wasting their jobs, they are forced into debt to find the money for national and international patent deposits, which the multinational corporations worldwide, do not want to implement in order not to update the world's state of the art, remedy the mistakes made and share world wealth more equitably. But this cannot be said openly. Better hiding behind incomprehensible silences. For this it is necessary that the inventors honest unrelated to this perverse game, continue to file patents, spending as little as possible: depositing them in one country and demanding, not the industrial property, but only the intellectual with copyright, waiting for the rules on industrial patents to change. If they do not, they accept the current incomplete environmental solutions that by not allowing the progress of the state of the art globally, they can not fight global warming. Personally, I did not want to believe this bitter truth, because in order to prevent the advancement of the global state of the art, the complicity of a large part of the world's population is needed. But how does the world people believe in imaginary environmental and energy solutions that seem like urban legends, that nobody knows in detail? I have come to the conclusion that complicated implants are not needed. Only complete systems are needed. Who complicates the plants cannot design them and leaves them incomplete, producing pollution.

This is why I created the website http: www //, where these inventions are explained in detail and theoretically, everyone could realize them, obviously, without claiming industrial property, because the energy and purification principles identified must belong to the property intellectual, which does not always coincide with the industrial one. They are the poor inventors who have the best ideas because the necessity is the mother of invention. This would not prevent manufacturers from patenting industrial property of plant details, if they differ from those currently on the market.  But, of course, what disturbs the current centers of economic power is precisely the identification of new energy and purification principles, which force to change the model of world development and then to review all the wrong investments.

These days we are talking a lot about the contrast between the Italian and European governments. This clash is based on serious problems: immigration, public accounts, stability pact. However, neither the European government, nor the Italian government, nor the whole world have yet understood that it is necessary to scrap the current model of development from a technical and scientific point of view, otherwise the wealth we produce will not be able to repair the damage that climate change will produce If we do not do it immediately, the immigration will multiply because of the submerged lands, those inside the continents dried up by desertification. Public finances and economic stability pacts will only make sense if we implement a model of impartial development by selecting the best industrial purification and energy systems, and these will be universally applied. Only on this basis can the society of the future be built.  In words, these things would like to do them all, but those who design the plants in the world are always the same, that these problems have never solved them. However, the world sciences continue to make alarming complaints. These complaints, paradoxically, are used to ask for more funding going into the hands of multinationals and governmental public bodies that continue to design plants that do not work globally.

 The situation is paradoxical because the scientists are civil servants or multinationals that realize the plants by mutual agreement.  Today, there is no sustainable and complete plant on the entire planet, because interactivity is a word unknown to public and private world science and technology. If those who plan industrial development and environmental protection do not change the way to design the plants to not go against the directives of the employers, who have produced global warming, it is useless to make environmental complaints. Who can challenge the great world choices of hydroelectric plant engineering, the usefulness of methane pipelines, oil pipelines, large purifiers, and in the industrial sector of current means of transport?  Of course, public planners and multinational designers, who are the absolute majority of world designers, cannot. Private design studios live in procurement and sub-contracts, so they are just as powerless.  They too can only make general complaints so as not to lose the opportunity to work. With this system, in the end, they all earn us, but the industrial, environmental and energy solutions do not change substantially. The protection of the environment globally does not advance, despite the significant advancement of the state of the art in all sectors.

The undersigned knows these things well, having been an employee for thirty-seven years. But doing my daily work as a plant installer designer, first in industry and then in the environment, I could not help but notice that the current state of the art cannot be improved, if the public procurement rules are not exceeded, that already set the projects in general with the wrong energy and cleansing principles, that nobody dares to challenge in order not to leave the business set in motion by public procurement of buildings and management of the environment and energy. Therefore, the specialized companies, which participate in the realization of the great global energy and cleansing works, only have to develop the executive projects, of the civil and electromechanical works, without upsetting the general projects. I would have approved this way of working if I had not noticed that many cycles left open could be closed by changing the way of designing the plants.

Today, even when choosing the best machines, the state of the art cannot move forward because the plants have been designed with limited and local objectives, due to the limited scientific and technological skills of the plant designers. If we do not change the way of designing human plants, the percentage of CO2 in the environment will continue to grow. In order to correctly design the anthropic plants it is necessary to be inspired by the nature and organization of industrial work. It would be enough to think that nature alone, in about four billion years, without any technological help has transformed the terrestrial environment full of unbearable gas, non-potable water, non-aggregated land, in the earthly paradise that was before the industrial era.

Science had to understand for a very long time that all the anthropic chemical and biological cycles that open up must also be closed. If he wanted to accept the principles of thermodynamics as a major energy principles also had to close its chemical and thermal cycling side opened. Or, the research of an alternative energy principle, which does not open chemical and thermal cycles, must continue. World public science has done no such research, while private science has continued to develop solutions that improve the quality and productivity of inventions based on irreplaceable thermodynamics. Nuclear energy has been a failure, not only from an environmental point of view, but also from an economic point of view, while solar and wind energy cannot exceed the current market share due to the large limits of size, discontinuity and low yields.

The only complete and rational environmental and energetic research was SPAWHE, on which the scientific and industrial world are silent, because they cannot accept their failure, or that their complicity in not advancing the state of the art globally has been discovered. With their multimillion-dollar power they have captured small scientific and technological mice, while a pensioner, armed with a slingshot, has hit the Goliath giants of the economy and world science in the vital points. I did not think I was forced to declare, as a SPAWHE seller, because I never thought about replacing science and multinationals. I simply tried to do the job I learned to do in a work life, but which I could not do as an employee, for reasons that are easily understandable to those who still have the opportunity to reason freely and scientifically. Strangely, what helped me the most to understand the problems of the environment was my previous experience in the manufacturing industry (automotive) that has nothing to do with the environment, but requires a better understanding of the organization of work and of the state of technological progress.

My reference to the work of Dante Alighieri was random because it coincided with reading a book. But it made me reflect on the motivations that have driven Dante, despite the difficulties experienced as an exile and in poverty, and away from family affections, to realize such a complex work. Dante, from what I read, was convinced that he was a special person and that he was called to carry out a special mission among men. He completed it, despite the considerable difficulties he encountered in the time he lived. I do not consider myself a special person, like Dante Alighieri, but I have always thought that in the world of environment and energy a global scientific work was needed, such as the "Divine Comedy". I did not think I was the predestined one to write this work or even to collaborate on its realization.  But, having experienced first the experiences of the organization of industrial work and then those of the installations of environmental public works, as my second experience grew, I realized that the other workers in the environment and energy, not understood the importance of organizing environmental work differently from the usual one, and consequently of modifying the way of designing plants, machines and work cycles. Unfortunately, changing the mindset of purification and energy production designers is even more complex than writing the "Divine Comedy". I would not have known how to set up a book that would treat such a vast field. But, almost unconsciously, as soon as I could get the minimum pension to survive, I started the adventure. I began to learn how to store small and simple patents on domestic systems, from which I would leave to go to those sewers, depurative fossil energy, biological, hydroelectric, modifying them all to make them interactive with each other. Following, not the path of production of consumer goods, but that of the pollution produced by these and all human activity to establish global purification cycles of water and air together. This rather logical work setting does not allow the advancement of the state of the art if all the details are not developed, all the workplaces are organized and the means of transport and automations are established to make the necessary components converge in the same place, evacuating what is not needed for the main cycle, but without abandoning it. In fact, in industrial systems, nothing can be thrown away that can be recovered to make secondary components with collateral cycles to the main ones. Only by developing the details can the environmental designer realize if the plant can work and how it can be connected to other plants in order to participate in global cycles integrated into natural systems, such as the universal carbon cycle (  Only by developing the connections with the other systems, the inventor designer of global systems, can see if he has planned everything to continue with the following phases. Many times, developing the subsequent plants, it must goes back to modify the plants developed in previous years; otherwise, the connection does not work perfectly. This determines the progress of the global state of the art. In current systems, the progress of the global state of art cannot take place because the work done by the undersigned has not been done. Therefore, no interactive work cycles were identified with the previous and subsequent implants.

How could science allow this total incoordination? All hang from the lips of the most important scientists, as if these could give answers to all the questions. But these only respond to their specific skills. Each branch of science, after giving its answers, advises those who want to know the complete truth, for example to an International Judge, to turn to another branch of science. Science, the ruling politicians and world entrepreneurs cannot hide behind the divisions of competences, when there is a website ( that clearly explains how the systems are designed globally with the status of current art of science and technology. But it also explains how the state of the art can advance greatly through small modifications to individual machines, such as pumps, which can also be used as turbines. But the world plants must be totally changed because not being studied globally, they have not identified the best energy and purification principles to be used, therefore, they damage the environment and the world economy. However, there is no need to be a world expert to understand that it would be better to produce hydroelectric energy by recycling water in plants, large and small. Instead of using it one-way only once.  Above all, recycling it several times before discharging it can improve the characteristics of oxygenation and alkalinity to combat the acidification of lakes and seas. These simple concepts can also include judges without consultants. The question that judges must ask the world experts is very simple: Is it possible or not possible to do everything written on Unfortunately, it seems that this question is too embarrassing for the world leaders of the political sciences and even the International Judges want to do it.

I cannot say I felt inspired by a superior entity, as Dante Alighieri, to solve the problems of global pollution. Many times, faced with the silences collected, I thought of giving up the inventor of environmental solutions. But when I was about to give up, an idea arrived to solve an important detail that allowed me to move forward. This is how, in small steps, I arrived, at least virtually to the global protection of the environment and to the sustainable energy production of SPAWHE, where the more energy we produce, the more we purify the environment In the meantime, in the twelve years that I have used to complete the entire journey, the world of purification and energy, despite the great deployment of forces and capital, has not made any progress, apart from the palliative of battery-powered cars. Even prototypes of small battery and hybrid airplanes have been made, but as a primary source they always use fossil energy. The batteries are another commercial affair with the relative disposal costs that will be added to the depurative ones of the fossil energy that is still not rationally and globally, as indicated in the SPAWHE system (modifying the chimneys and using the calcareous greenhouses). The big mountains of the multinationals have given birth to a little mouse. But, according to world public science, they are silent on the compressed hydropower that could easily enter the bonnet of any means of transport. While it is even simpler for fixed installations. But certainly not a simple pensioner can. Between saying and doing, the sea is involved because the whole model of world development must be changed and starting from zero with all the details. Although the technologies and capabilities of civil constructors, machines and systems would allow it, those holding back are the holders of world wealth. The others simply execute the orders received. They talk about other things. SPAWHE does not exist. How long can you hide?

For representatives of the world science of purification and energy, being humiliated by a simple pensioner, without a penny of public and private funding, is a punishment worthy of Dante Alighieri's Hell. They, who have never wanted to investigate the sustainable directions to accommodate the desires of the bosses, and continue to keep quiet. Probably, they hope that the same scientific principles of the fathers of science Newton, Torricelli, Pascal, Bernoulli, Henry, Maxwell, Pacinotti, Tesla, do not work applied synergistically with other principles. But this is a vain hope, because what works individually, works even better synergistically. The only way to demonstrate that the state of the art in environmental protection cannot advance is to not finance the patents published on SPAWHE and they are doing it very well.  As I wrote, many times I regretted having thrown myself into this desperate undertaking, but this is also a confirmation of the usefulness of my work to give some points of reference to those who are really interested in justice and a more sustainable model of development. Without an alternative design you do not go anywhere. And at the present time in the whole world nobody has been hired to develop it. Not even at the United Nations.

Even Dante wanted to go back to the beginning of Hell. It is justified that a she-wolf blocked the road. Virgil, however, persuades him to undertake the journey by revealing to him that the journey is wanted by Heaven, After a few days of travel in the world of the otherworld, the temptation of not obeying the task assigned to him reappears. The great-great-grandfather Cacciaguida, will tell him about the exile that will change his life for the worse: ?You will feel like he knows salt / the bread of others, and how hard it is / the descent is the ascent of others steps?. Absent from fear, Dante manifests his perplexities to the great-great-grandfather and is once more spurred to fulfill his mission. In reality, when he wrote the Divine Comedy, Dante was already in exile, so the prophecy of the great-great-grandfather was a poetic fiction.

To me, if no funding has been granted, no poetic or technical or scientific licenses have been granted. I was accused of violating the principles of energy, with a few lines from those who certainly do not represent science and do not even understand it. No one seems to have read the thousands of pages written by myself, that everyone can download free from If I had published them for a fee, readers would be even less.  

I do not deny that this system allows human survival. Thanks to it I was able to feed my family of five people, but I also think about the survival of the grandchildren and this system does not guarantee it for the pollution it produces and the resources it wastes.

Even if the majority of people are not competent on the topics covered, given that the current plants do not solve the problems of global warming, what does it cost to demand the verification of the truth in the interest of all? Those who play the reputation are not those who ask the truth, but those who propose new solutions. That's the undersigned.

Many publishers write to me asking me to publish new unpublished articles. I answer that they can visit my website (, choose the files they want, if they find them interesting, publish them. I do not write articles on request, but those that come to mind that are connected to my inventions, which have never been made anywhere in the world. I am honored if they also publish my articles, but I do not pay publication fees to any publisher because no one has ever paid me for my work. If readers download or read them directly from my website, readers can consult them in a book and can better understand how the state of the art has been virtually advanced in twelve years of work. Twelve years ago, there was no public or private designer or inventor who reasoned with my working method: "Developing the details of the plants and connecting them virtually to the territory, purifying water and air together and producing biological or hydroelectric energy with the recycling of water as the state of virtual art progressed This method of work still does not use anyone and all the purification and thermal plants are still disconnected on the world territory. The state of the depurative art has not advanced and hydroelectric energy with the recycling of water has not been realized. If this logic were not described in a specific website, it would be dispersed in the big internet network and nobody would be able to understand the complete reasoning. A single article is not enough to understand the mistakes made jointly by public bodies and multinationals, which continue to commit with impunity, because no one has carried out comprehensive energy and purification studies at the same time, as I did. I do not earn merit for publications because I am not an academic, but a retired inventor. However, people must know that there could be much more efficient, economical and even protective interactive energies in the environment and human health. I think that publishers should not only publish original articles. Above all, they have to publish articles that talk about sustainable scientific and technological solutions that have never been implemented by public bodies and multinational companies despite their publication. Continuing to publish them, sooner or later, the leaders of governments and multinational companies must explain the reasons why they do not want to implement these solutions ".

Certainly, at the beginning of my adventure, I could not imagine that behind the planting hell, which I saw with my eyes as a technician, I would have found the universal silence of the insiders and the indifference of the non-employees to the jobs that protest against global warming. This strange connivance led me to try to complete my work as soon as possible, before the physical forces gave way and discouragement took over. Considering that Dante Alighieri died at fifty-six, as soon as he had finished his mission, and that I had started my job at fifty-seven, it seemed like a desperate undertaking already at the start, but I hoped that someone had given me a hand. Having had no help and very few encouragement, I had further confirmation of the usefulness of my work, because the world is going in the opposite direction and I believe that for many centuries still, nobody would have investigated my direction. If the world's ruling class does not include global purification systems and interactive energy, it is necessary to start again from scientific education in elementary schools. But who trains teachers? The retiree company lasted over twelve years, while that of the writing of Dante's comedy was over twenty years, partly because Dante, lived in much more difficult times and often had to interrupt his work, change cities and look for new ones. protectors. It was not easy to survive in Italy between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. But Dante also in his previous works, "La vita Nova, The De Vulgari Eloquentia, the Convivio", had declared to feel invested by an important mission, probably divine. The undersigned, referring to his work, would never have affirmed such a thing, but when finished, he believes that what he did probably would not have done anybody else. Scholastic training and technicians who are being trained in universities, public bodies and multinationals are increasingly going into single-subject specializations and they would have been unlikely to put together transversal reasoning to design global solutions, going into details of work cycles, and changes to plants and machines. Public research bodies and multinationals, despite the huge deployment of forces and capital, continue to offer only partial solutions. Yet, at least public bodies, they should have reasoned globally, like myself.  This convinced me at the end of my work, that I too, like Dante, had a mission to accomplish. Even though as an inventor I have nothing more to say, my mission is not over yet if I do not fight against the current anti-bodies, especially institutional, that kill sustainable inventions, which could involve the entire world population, protecting the environment and giving a job to everyone, instead of unemployment benefits to the excluded World politicians, not knowing how to create useful environmental work, have relied on the wealth produced by individual work and multinationals, creating global environmental anarchy based on thermal energy and the intensive exploitation of land. While the useful work could be created above all, thanks to the expansion of the anthropic protective cycles of the environment. Today, these cycles are all interrupted because there are interactive solutions positively with the described environment on and consequently, there is global warming. The politicians call the economists and the ministerial bureaucrats technicians, but what do they know about the global cycles of work, if they do not even know those who work in industry, in agriculture in purification and in energy production? The expertise of economists and world exchanges would have been useful if we had achieved a perfect state of the art also on an environmental level, but under current conditions, the global stock markets slow down the development of sustainable solutions and reward solutions directly or indirectly linked to those that they have produced global warming. Instead, we should go in the opposite direction of SPAWHE.

I have not realized a classic scientific work, but forty deposits of patents that start from the Hell of the sewers, which do not separate the mud at the origin aggravate the work of the purifiers, and from the chimneys that shoot fumes and vapors in the atmosphere, through useless filtrations. I do not know what the worst hell is, if the one imagined by Dante or the real one we can see on earth seven hundred years later, while world science tries to conquer space, without solving terrestrial problems and without having found a sustainable energy and free of unwanted side effects. Not even NASA has realized that by trying to completely clean the fossil energy and trying to make the purification system economical, it has been born the compressed hydropower energy, which is a primary energy, without costs and indestructible, powerful and of small encumbrance, which does not need reactors and does not produce unwanted heat. They, who have all the necessary funds, should couple this energy to the development of electromagnetism and the Lorenz currents to multiply this primary energy to the maximum, letting go of the nuclear energy, which created only damage, and that anyway to produce energy electric needs electromagnetism. Interactive energy would also have the advantage of more easily reconstructing man's natural habitat on the spaceships of the future (, 


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