Someone Who Doesn’t Want To Work For “The Man” Any More

Someone Who Doesn’t Want To Work For “The Man” Any More

I met someone recently who started their own business because he didn’t want to “work for the man” any longer. I understand this in the macro and understand it will never work in the micro. Everyone entrepreneur I know has “the man” they answer to. I’m very independent and my advice to this man was not initially well received. With additional conversation he did eventually saw my point of view. What I explained was two-fold.

What Problem Can You Help To Fix? We all have problems. In fact we all have 88 problems. Everyone with a problem needs or wants that problem solved. Everyone he’s ever met has 88 problems they’re working through at any given time. Some problems are huge and some are small. The bigger the problem he has the ability and willingness to solve will determine his place in this new world. What problem can he solve and who can he solve it for? How much is that problem costing the person? “A lot’ is a shitty answer. Boiling down the cost of having the problem and the total impact of that problem into dollars and cents and things become more clear. Doing this also allows him to place a value on his solution.

Embrace Your Ability To Serve Someone Else. The idea of serving someone else was something he found to be demeaning and subservient. I disagree! I am blessed to serve incredible people. I promise they are completely able to personally handle anything they need to get done and they know that changing their focus would take them away from what is the highest and best use of their time. Those I serve have made the choice to allow me to solve a few of these 88 problems for them. This is NOT called being subservient… this is called trust. One of the great blessings in my life is not just being willing to serve but having the ability to serve while being trusted to do so and doing it in my client’s best interest.  

Everyone serves someone. It finally dawned on me about two decades ago that I was called to serve people. I serve with two personal injury attorneys I deeply respect who they take calls from their clients 24/7/365 not because they need the business but because they also have a drive to serve. I have a client who’s been working 60+ hours a week serving medical facilities to deal with the issues surrounding the pandemic. I have a client in the hospitality industry working to retain staff and customers and while he and his team have dealt with travel restrictions and power shutoffs it’s been an honor to be called into service. My last question was “Who are you willing to serve and what are you willing to do?”  

My name is Steven Clauson.  I coach people who want help getting where they want to be. The people I coach are typically already taking action, getting results and ask what’s next and what actions to take to make an even greater impact. They aren't afraid to ask for help. How can I help you? What actions are you taking?  Those who have a plan and implement that plan lead the pack. Planning, preparing to win and taking appropriate action means you hear the word "YES" more than ever. Only if you are one of the few willing to take action, do what's required and play full out are you likely to hear the word yes more often. People hearing the word "YES" are winners on the playing field because they play full out and dominate. For these people results matter. Tired of results less than you know you can produce?  Call me at 916-230-0176 or visit


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