Someone gave me an empty glass and directed me to 10,000 free bottles of wine!
London Wine Show Olympia

Someone gave me an empty glass and directed me to 10,000 free bottles of wine!

I was asked if I could go to The London Wine Fair I had a press pass so went in free. If you like wine and want to learn more this is the place to go and here are some tips:-

  1. Point with your glass to a particular bottle and say "I would like to try that please"
  2. Make all sorts of noise when sampling and either spit or swallow both are fine
  3. Then say "that has a lot of character and a nice finish"
  4. They will then offer another bottle to try "is this one you would recommend you ask?"

Now you are off and using these steps you can wonder round for the whole day and you may actually find a wine that is really stands out. I did on a little table upstairs with a great group of real wine enthusiasts.

Organic and Vegan

Riesling Trocken 'Eastside' 2016 from [email protected] around £12 a bottle but really something special.


