Instead of being threatened by the success of your friend, let it motivate you.
All the time when I'm with a fellow entrepreneur, I always emphasize the power of collaboration.
If people who are already at the top are not willing to help us climb the ladder to success, then lets work together collectively so that we find ourselves up the ladder or at least on the way to the top.
The problem comes when we see our fellow mates as rivals and stop collaborating with each other.
I always talk about revisiting our ancestor's way of doing things, where they exchanged what they had with someone else for what they wanted from them, barter trade Today we may not be able to afford each others services, but in need of them, so we could come up with a way to fairly exchange services then. But today eyes do not always meet because some of us are after money, to the point where it blinds us from seeing the bigger picture.
To my fellow youth entrepreneurs, lets form joint ventures to work on certain projects. Lets uplift each other instead of being threatened by their success because at the end of the day, no man is an island.
If you feel envy in your heart, go to the person, congratulate them and ask for tips of how they are making it.
There is power in COLLABORATION.????
Please comment your thoughts about this????
#success #tia_moko_saan #leadership #newbeliefsystem #leadership #jointventure #youthbusinesses