Someone does prayers for you daily
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
If praying to a god actually achieved results then it is relatively easy to evaluate the outcomes and see some form of resulting difference that can only be explained by some supernatural intervention by the selected God. If the religious are so sure that prayer does in fact produce positive results one would expect the Pope or some other representative of God on Earth to have done such research and had it independently evaluated and confirmed. The fact that they never have is sufficient reason to be very suspicious of all claims in regard to prayers being answered.
Why would God be influenced by prayer when by definition he knows what he is doing better than we do and knows exactly what is going to allow to happen in the future. Why would God change his mind? Why would God be willing to intervene and cure someone of cancer just because some hack prays for them, and yet lets millions of other people die in horrible pain from such diseases? If the god actually does do that then he must, be a huge sadistic jerk and unworthy of worship and praise? /It is no wonder that people pray to gods thingies with their eyes closed. It is much easier to pretend there is God when you are not looking at the world around you.
When I pray, I talk to God for entire universe. I do this when I am awake, always saying something to Him. He is a constant presence in my life. He has always been there and I can not imagine Him not being there. There have been times when I did not acknowledge His presence. There were times when I believed that there was only me and no one else. That I was responsible for everything that happened. I Was responsible for what happened to me or to others. I wrongly believed that I was alone in this world.
That for me to survive, I had to become as strong as possible. No one would ever consider helping me, only hurting me. When I began to acknowledge Him and His power to change things, to make things happen, to do things in my world that I could never accomplish, it was then that my life started to change for the better. I pray to Him. I ask Him for forgiveness. I ask Him for wisdom; for patience; for knowledge; for help and for guidance. I speak with Him sometimes most casually, other times extremely formally.
But I always am in awe of Him, His power to make things happen. I am in awe of His ability to put things together over great periods of time and space. I read his Word and study its meaning. I look for Him everywhere and in everything. I see His hand moving through the people I know and those I do not. I can see His work being accomplished. I can see His rewards too. There is no place that I can go where he has not already been.
Sometimes His hand and His methods are so overpowering that others mistake it for “luck" or"good fortune.” There have been some who are amazed at the way events seemed to conspire in my favor, events that have no visible thread running through them but yet bring benefits to me. I have seen powerful things happen to people around me. I know that He walks and He rules in the kingdoms of men. I know only fools ignore Him, doing so at their own risk.
I have done things that I normally would never consider doing, just because it is “the right thing to do.” I have taken the consequences for that action, for good and for bad. I did those things knowing that what I did what I said needed to be done, needed to be said, needed to be acted upon. And I know that if I did not do those things, that He would appoint someone else to do them. I have accepted the fact that you either do His Will, or you watch from the sidelines someone else do His Will. Because you cannot stand in His way. He is an overpowering force that will carry you through, or go right over or past you to accomplish what He wants done.
All He wants from you is to acknowledge Him for who and what He is. You need to know that He is always watching you do everything. And that He is patiently waiting for you to call out to Him. He wants to carry your pain for you. He wants to bear your burdens. He wants to dry your tears and to comfort your broken heart. He is desperately waiting for you to just turn around and see Him there. He is waiting for you to just let him love you. He created you knowing when He did that you were created broken.
You were created weak. You were created to doubt, to worry, and to experience incredible amounts of pain and to suffer. He watches you go through this short time in this world waiting for you to reach out to Him. If you take one step towards Him, He takes one giant leap towards you. He is always there. When you do wrong, He is there. When you hurt others, He sees it. When you disobey His rules He knows it. There is no where you can go where He has not already been. You cannot hide from Him. He sees all, knows all, and is all in all. And with all that power, all that influence, and all that control, He is interested in you.
However, others will walk away from you. Others will gladly hurt you and try to destroy you. He only wants to help you. And all you have to do is to start talking to Him. Begin that way first. Then start to learn about Him. The more that you know about Him, the more you will find your place in His world. Your prayers to Him are sweet gifts. He always listens. He always answers. His answers may not be your desires, but the end effect will be positive for you and for those that you pray for.
The more you interact with Him, the more you let Him work through you, the better your life becomes. Through prayer, you make yourself available to Him to meet out His will. You make yourself His tool. It gets to the point that you begin to know when you are pleasing to Him. And you open yourself up for His rewards, both good and bad. You no longer live just for yourself. And life gets much better and it is much easier to deal with everything that comes your way. Life has meaning and purpose.
You become alive on the inside and the darkness that surrounds you is pushed back into the deep corners, where it can no longer hurt you any more. Your hand is never empty. Your heart is only heavy if you want it to be. You are overwhelmed with the details of everyday life, but if you take the time to stop and really look about, you can see that He has sent you help. All you have to do is ask. He makes the darkness small. He brings the light with Him wherever He goes. In Him, there is no darkness.
In Him, there are no lies. In Him, there is a peace that transcends everything else. He stills the turbulent waters and He calms the raging waves. And He is just waiting for you to take one small step towards Him. He wants to help you. He wants to deliver you from the horrors of this world, from the darkness. But you have to take the first step yourself. He will not do it for you. He will wait your entire life for you. He was there when you took your very first breath. He will likewise be there when you take your last. At no time in your life are you ever alone. He will never hurt you. He will never leave you. He will never ask of you more than you can bear.
This is what prayer has done for me. It has taught me about Him. It has shown me what I truly am. It has shown me what I am capable of. It has shown me that I am never alone. It has taught me compassion. It has taught me humility. It has shown me what is possible, what can be done through faith in Him. It has taught me my worth in this world and my value. And now I cannot imagine how truly lost I would be without Him in my life. I am nothing without Him in my life. Everything I ever was, everything that I am now, or will ever become, is all because of Him. I am nothing without Him. Without Him in my life, my life has no meaning. Without Him, I am less than nothing. All this is because of prayer.
Finally my advice to you is to start to get to know the creator of everything. I caution you to look with open eyes; to hear with open ears, to open your heart and your mind to Him. Not to impose your will or your desires upon Him, but to really listen, to really see, to really get to know Him. Do this, and He will make Himself known to you. I promise you that you will not be disappointed. Cheers!
Sports Director and NCC Officer in OET colleges, at Saurashtra University
3 年Great morning