Before the beginning ( of creation) there was a harmonious energy of emptiness, and no concept of time. These energies, or types of frequencies making up these forcefields were a "Divine Hierarchy" containing all the wavelengths necessary, through the will of God, to create the universe.
The state space represents: even empty space contains energy. Quantum physics describes our universe as a vibrational universe. Complex wave functions interact to create matter. Energy creates matter from empty space. Frequencies from certain "particles" can interact with frequencies of other kinds to sync or form new matter. Some frequencies are not conducive to each other, so they stay separate.
The law of attraction implies we draw experiences into our lives that match the frequency at we vibrate. The law of attraction gives credit to your subconscious mind for putting forth its own frequencies, based on the beliefs or emotions derived from your thoughts. Thus, it is possible with his theory that by thinking and imagining your thought process, practice, and repeat, that you have the potential to affect like frequencies, or attract like frequencies into your life, and ultimately manifest ideas and tangible objects.
I believe in the Word of God. The translation of Genesis from which I learned the story of creation is not the Bible I am using to write this theory. I am referencing, with my own judgment in tact, Nelson King James Version Holy Bible/King James Study Bible (1988). Verse by verse I am combing and re-combing the scripture of the first seven days looking for clues to God's "Hierarchy of Frequencies" to do just as He said He did: created the world in seven days.
Gen 1;1- In the beginning [time/space/mass/temporal/material] God created [out of nothing, instantaneously] the heaven and the earth. Gen 1:2 goes on to explain a lifeless matter that was filled with water, void and with no form, in complete darkness.
In my opinion, the Creator had an idea, the energy used to form the idea was in harmony with the "Divine Order" of frequencies, and instantly the energy (or frequencies) created by God's imagination and His will to create yielded the raw materials for Him to begin his projects. The materials, including water, were void and formless, but nevertheless contained the "Divine Hierarchy" of frequencies for the Lord to survey to waters, then begin using his voice waves in the manner needed to materialize the divine mass and the creation of the universe.
Gen 1:2 describes a shapeless, dark mass that God took the opportunity to survey when he moved across the face of the waters. Water is essential for life, and it also rolls in waves to this day. It wasn't until after God swarmed the face of the dark waters of the planetary form that He commanded, "Let there be light" Gen 1:2-3. In order to introduce new materials (groupings of frequencies), God spoke in the true frequency necessary for instant results. He must have said it using electromagnetic waves that produced excitations in the forcefield, called photons. When God divided the dark from the light from the dark (Gen 1:4) He did not keep them from mixing during sunrise and sunset (or at that point dark from light), He rather instituted time. In Gen 1:5, God called the light Day and the dark Night; at the end of a Day through the beginning of a new Day was the first measure of time, the day.
On the third day, God spoke and instantly it was. He called for over half of the planet's water to be vaporized and suspended above the atmosphere, this firmament He called heaven (Gen 1:8). Not to mention, this property of water incubated the earth to a tropical climate, and foreshadowed the great flood. God separated the waters from the waters and it was so (Gen 1:6-7). Through a voice command (Gen 1:6), composed of the order of the "Divine Frequency," the Lord created a space above the planet that he called heaven (Gen 1:8).
The fourth day, His plans really start coming together. He speaks, it is already done. He commanded the waters to group up and named them the sea, and he ordered dry land to appear which He called earth (Gen 1:9-10). Thus far, the Lord has been pleased with the fulfillment of every command He spoke; He saw these things were good. After God verbally created earth, He began her garden. He literally spoke into existence, out of virtually nothing (considering the superficial and instantaneous "Divine Wavelength" reaction), mature grass that brought forth seed according to its kind, and mature fruit trees where the seed was contained within the tree to reproduce each of it's own kind (Gen 1:11-12). This answers the age old riddle, "What came first? The chicken or the egg?"
I will not go through each day of creation using my theory of a "Divine Hierarchy" of frequencies. What I would like to point out is this- God had and has and always will have the "Divine Hierarchy" of vibration at His disposal. Without trying He wrote the code, through measures of wavelengths, to this intricate, mathematical universe.