Some Websites Containing Business Articles….
Simon Callier
Procurement and Supply Chain Management Made Simple: Increasing sales, profitability and customer service through the eradication of commercial costs, waste and risks.
Business Law Made Easy:?Organisations operate within an ever-changing environment and must constantly adapt and evolve to meet these changes. Hiring legal expertise is expensive and can lead to further inefficiencies if the advice sought or given adds little to organisational efficiency and profitability.
Commercial Management Made Easy:?Management risks can threaten an organisation's ability to achieve its goals. Commercial risks are centred on an organisation's trading plans that may not turn out as originally planned.
People Management Made Easy: When forming a team, it is crucial to recognise that each member brings different skills, knowledge, experience, beliefs, and values. This diversity is a strength as it allows various perspectives to be considered in decision-making.
Procurement Made Easy: A procurement function negotiates terms with suppliers to eradicate commercial, legal, and safety risks to maximise customer satisfaction and service.
Supply Chain Management Made Easy: Supply chains can vary in length and complexity depending on the specific industry and sector they operate in and the end user's demands. By allowing supply and demand to function independently, supply chains reduce costs, expedite economies of scale, and maximise productivity.
Operations Management Made Easy: An organisation's most prominent issue is translating its strategic intent into the tactical and operational plans required to establish and achieve its goals and objectives.
Procurement and Supply Chain Management Made Simple: A look at procurement and supply chain management issues to increase the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of product and service delivery to the delight of customers'.