Some Ways to Handle Travel Anxiety

Some Ways to Handle Travel Anxiety

  • Make a list: If you know what you need to bring with you so you can eliminate any of the anxiety that comes from travel. Having it all written down and crossing things off will help you feel more in control.
  • Do your research: Being informed about what you need at your place of destination can help you handle travel anxiety as well.
  • Control what you can and don’t overdo it: Plan when you are leaving for the airport and book direct trips whenever possible to try and avoid multiple layovers. Remember that spending too much time worrying about your trip will only worsen your travel anxiety and impact your life leading up to the trip. So make sure you know what you need to know and don’t overdo it.
  • Comply with local regulations: Familiarize yourself with what the rules and safety measures are wherever you are going and make sure you respect them. Not just while you travel there, but once you arrive. You will be less likely to struggle with travel anxiety if you know if you’ll be needing.
  • Plan things in advance: Make sure you plan things in advance, it’s one of the best ways to handle travel anxiety before it can get bad. Since so much of it comes from uncertainty, being prepared for your destination will make it easier for you to relax in the knowledge that you’ve done what you can to take care of yourself and others.

If Travel Anxiety Strikes

  • Breathe: Just breathing deeply can achieve absolute wonders when trying to handle anxiety in general. In fact, stress can speed up the rhythm of your breathing so it makes sense that slowing it down will help you feel better if anxiety strikes while you’re traveling. If you’re starting to feel anxious, find a place where you can sit and try box breathing – inhaling, holding your breath and exhaling in four second intervals until you are feeling more relaxed.
  • Walk and stretch: Get up and walk or stretch before and during your flight. Moving your body can help you reduce anxiety so try to walk around. A session of yoga, running or even just dancing before your flight could help you make a difference and feel more relaxed and focused when it’s time to go.
  • Avoid your triggers when possible: If you know that drinking too much coffee will make it harder for you to handle travel anxiety, then maybe skip your morning coffee or switch to decaf before a flight. You know yourself better than anyone so trust your instinct and do what you need to make this work trip as smooth as possible. Have breakfast, get a good night’s sleep, wear comfortable clothes – no one does you like you, so make sure you’re taken care of.
  • Distract yourself: Download on your phone or computer the feel-good shows you love, a game, or book you know will help you handle anxiety. If you’re traveling for work, you can do a little revision to make sure you’re well-prepared. And if you’re not traveling alone? Ask for help keeping your mind off potential stressors.

Be safe, take precautions, and try not to let your thoughts spiral into chaos. There’s a lot you won’t be able to control while you’re on your trip and accepting that will help you handle travel anxiety. Remember to breathe and enjoy your trip!


