Some of the Toughest Job Interview Questions and Their Model Answers
Getting job interview answers correct is one of the keys to fulfilling your career goals and landing your dream job. Best of luck at your next job interview.
Q. What part did you play in a recent success?
A. Another question where the interviewer is giving you a chance to shine. However it is interesting to see how many people attend interviews and never have a suitable example to share for this type of question. The whole point of the interview is for the interviewer to find out what BENEFITS you are going to bring to the organization. The simplest way to do this to talk about your successes.
As always you can use the Situation, Task, Action, Result formula for constructing an answer.
We recently had a major order for an important client that needed to be complete and shipped by the end of the weekend. We had been let down by our main supplier and were short of materials. I worked long into the Thursday night contacting other suppliers across the state until we found what we required. With time running short I hired a van and went and collected the material myself.
I then organized for an extra two shifts to work the weekend so the order would be completed. I supervised the weekend working as well which was two 16 hour days.
We all pulled together as a team and shipped the order on time to the client. They were delighted with our commitment as they had been informed of the struggle we had to complete the order. It resulted in further orders and a great deal of goodwill with the client. They remarked that they felt we were a company that went the extra mile to make sure deliveries were completed as per schedule.
Such an answer has many positive points that the interviewer can pick up on and assimilate wit the role you are applying for. Teamwork, commitment, ingenuity, hard work and dedication are all characteristics that can be transferred between roles. Are you a team player and if so demonstrate how this could be beneficial to the organization.
Firstly you want to make the point you are a team player as the very suggestion by the interviewer implies you will be working in a team. You need to confirm that working in a team is something you have done in the past, you have done well and that you agree team work is an essential benefit for any successful organization. Demonstrating you are part of a team requires you to show you can listen, encourage, empathize, persuade, lead and reach a successful joint conclusion to the task.
Although I enjoy working on my own using my own drive and initiative to get a task completed I have found that working as a member of a team often yields additional benefits, I have found it particularly beneficial when there is a complex issue to be resolved where two-heads are better than one. Team working is about giving everyone a chance to air their opinion, sounding their opinions with others and reaching an effective solution. A team environment will often stimulate thoughts and suggestions which would not necessarily occur if you were working alone.
It is important to remember that the group as a whole needs to be creative, constructive and reach a consensus. Therefore the airing of all facts, opinions and ideas is to be encouraged. An example of this was when I was faced with a problem where the office I was managing had run out out of desk space and we had some new starters to accommodate. I tried various methods of re-arranging the office space but there was no likelihood of succeeding given the number of individuals and the available equipment.
I convened a meeting with the other heads of department to share my problem. IT turned out they too were facing similar problems and again were trying to resolve o their own, After reviewing the total workforce numbers and the facilities required a resolution was found within 30 minutes. It was clear that all departments were using valuable office space on duplicate services such as photocopiers, stationery cupboards, meeting rooms, break out areas. All such areas were often under used. By combining these across the whole organization we managed to free up over 10% additional space for all departments to use.
Here is another example you could use....
I recently had a project for a client. I was the project manager tasked with delivering the end product. I organized the team and took the project from the requirements stage though the full project life cycle to completion. The project came in on time on budget and to the client specification. There were very few errors during the user acceptance testing and I received plenty of praise for a job well done as the client was thrilled. It was a fixed price contract so there was no room for error or cost over runs. We had a lessons learned phase at the end of the project as we always do. The results were that there were so many positive lessons we could share with other departments.
Q. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?
A. This is another opportunity to talk about YOUR positive attributes. You need to answer in a way that lets the interviewer know you have these traits. There is no point in listing ten items that a candidate should possess and then the interviewer has to ask whether you have these or not. They want you to tell them that you have these qualities! So tell them! Here are some examples of how to reply.
In my current role I have found that being organized, conscientious and an effective time manager has resulted in me exceeding my targets. Often I find that if you have an organised plan of activities and assign time limits to each I am more focused and an effective manager.
A detailed knowledge of the companies product ranges while not necessarily required has enable me to spot issues in the manufacturing process and also offer valuable suggestions which have resulted in increased productivity gains.
Q. Where do you see this industry in 5 years time?
A. Here is another question that will allow the interviewer to judge your knowledge of the industry which goes beyond the narrow question of can you do the job?. It will test whether you have an all round view of factors which will influence the job you do. The question allows for the interviewer to judge whether you have additional knowledge (and therefore bring additional benefits) about the role.
Although this is the type of question that would be asked in a more senior position everyone should know something about their industry. The interviewer is not asking for a prediction but looking to see that you understand the current issues facing the industry and what the future trends may be. Although possible answers are unlimited and will be tailored to each type of business you may find the following suggestions helpful:
- More industry consolidation into larger corporations
- Move away from retail outlets to e-commerce web selling
- More niche players in the market
- Globalisation of the supplier network
- Stronger sales growth in 3rd world countries
- Wider diversity in product ranges
- Increased reliance on software to run the business
A more senior managerial position will require you to have an in depth knowledge of the future direction of the industry. This is because your decisions may have a direct impact on the long term direction the company is taking. If you are going for a more junior position and the question comes up be grateful. By answering with a full and carefully considered reply it will clearly distinguish your application and elevate you above the competition.
Q. What has attracted you to this job?
A. You may find that you only have a limited amount of information on the role. Your understanding of the role may be limited to what you have read in the job description. However there must be a reason for you applying! You may need to reply to the interviewer looking for clarification about some of the aspects of the job. Concentrate on describing the challenge, rewarding career, and the experience you will gain.
Do not mention money if you can help it. Definitely do not say anything negative about your previous employer/boss and wanting to leave. ''I just cannot wait to leave my existing employer'' will not go down well. However the question will not just be role related but will include the wider organization. Additionally describe what you perceive to be the forward thinking elements of the organization and what advantages they appear to offer. For example their use of new technology.
Hope this helps to land our dream job!