Some of the Top Games for the iPod Touch
Alex karanja
Online Entrepreneur.Professional Web Developer,Forex&Crypto Trader and learning Defi
If you are looking for some good games for the iPod Touch look no further. Here are a few of the most popular games according to fans of the iPod Touch. They are a few years old but remain popular even today for a lot of different people and age groups.
Doodle Jump – This is a game where the player needs to guide the “Doodler” by using the tilt controls that are present while on a spring journey. Along the way the player picks up jet packs by springing up onto a sheet of paper, and blasting the “baddies” with help from nose balls and avoiding black holes.
Zombie Smash – Zombie games just don't seem to want to go away and this one is considered a survival comedy for the iPod Touch. It features a castle theme of the undead and it is quite entertaining for players. It is also considered a physics type game and offers all kinds of different scenarios for defending the castle with plenty of humorous scenes and is considered among one of the top games for iPod Touch by some.
Skee-Ball – Everyone loves a game of Skee-Ball so why not have one for the iPod Touch. Here the player rolls the ball up the ramp with the help of a little flick and then make the ball move into one of the numbered holes just like the real deal to collect tickets to be able to unlock different table achievements.
Guerrilla Bob – This is a very fast action shooter game for those who love shooting games. The game has a nice variety of options for weapons and has really top quality visuals in the game. It has nice visual effects, good controls and great graphics. It also has a multi player plot.
Bejeweled 2 – This game is offered by PopCap games and it has a variety of different versions. Most people have played the game before and if they love it, they may find this to be one of the best game apps for iPod Touch ever. The graphics are great and can be played in both landscape and portrait modes.
Plants vs Zombies – Yep another zombie game where the player can use cherry bombs, walnuts, peashooters and a lot of other items to weaken and slow down the zombies. There are 26 different kinds of zombies in this game and the idea is to slow them down, confuse and mulchify them before they get to your front door and take over.Rolando 3 – This is a nice fantasy game that has Rolando trying to save the Kingdom of Rolando as he ventures through the tropics trying to find the fabled “golden orchid” that is what he needs to help cure and save his people from the “royal plague”.
There are tons of different games that can be found for the iPod Touch but these are a few of the more popular ones that gamers have been enjoying for several years now.
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