Some thoughts re Finances and other Matters for a Committed Believer

I wrote the article that follows for a Committed Believer who is very close to me and who is in serious financial difficulty. She has invested huge amounts of time and money starting up a new business with a clear value proposition but she is NOT getting revenue and is progressively having to cut back on her expenditure.

This article was originally written as a letter to her but I thought that it was relevant to any believer who is struggling financially and so I have generalized the article.


Dear …, herewith the notes I promised you.

I am acutely aware that there are some challenging points in this document that you will need time to pray over and consider.

Many of these points I have been aware of at some level for quite a long time relative to you but it only now seems appropriate to share them. Please accept my apologies for not sharing them sooner but sometimes one has to come to the sort of place you were in yesterday to be able to make the difficult changes that are part of this journey with Yah.


As overall context I would like to make the following points:

1.     I sincerely believe that Father Yah has said that you are …… closest to Him on Earth today albeit you still have a long way to go and have some key issues you need to attend to before He will call you “Friend”.

Comment: Yah is most commonly called “The LORD” and “God” but both of these are pagan and therefore blasphemous names, His correct name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” or “Yahooeh”, less accurately “Yahweh”.

2.     I sincerely believe that Father Yah first called me “Friend” in 2001 and that until the middle of last year I was His ONLY Friend on Earth, Chris de Wet became a Friend last year. Father continues to call me Friend.

3.     I sincerely believe that Father Yah has said that I am closer to Him than anyone has been since Yahooshua {Jesus}. He has also said that in some respects I am closer to Him than Yahooshua {Jesus} because I have walked in deep revelation of the errors of this generation since 2001 and because I know Father Yah better than anyone else has known Him since Yahooshua. I have walked under a strong anointing since 2 January 1994.

4.     Father earnestly desires for you to become His Friend and I know you do too so, this document is first and foremost intended to help you achieve this goal.

These are HUGE statements to make and you need to take them to Father for confirmation.

The Current Dispensation

As I said yesterday the spiritual dispensation started to change radically in 2000 and has since changed dramatically:

1.     Either on 31 December 2000 or 1 January 2001 I Father Yah, speaking through me, proclaimed the end of Grace for the errors relating to the names “God”, “The LORD” and “Jesus” and also with regard to failure to observe the Saturday Sabbath and other set-apart Sabbaths as well as wrong observance of Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc. All of these practices are gross sin but Father had extended Grace because of the almost universal deception that existed.

2.     From December 2000 I started to live according to correcting the above disciplines and write about them. I wrote two articles on the “Wrath of Yah for the Church” at that time and preached those messages at a small assembly of perhaps two dozen people. At this stage things started to change in the Spiritual realm.

3.     On 3 May 2003 the Spirit of Yah came upon me, I called the Court of Heaven to order, commanded Gabriel and Michael (the principal messengers = Archangels) to arrest Satan and bring him before the Court. By the Spirit I read out the charges and Satan was convicted of his sins against Yah and humanity. I then asked for a sentence of 1,000 years in the Pit which was granted and I then commanded Michael and Gabriel to cast Satan into the Pit.

4.     At this point it became illegal for Yah to grant any form of clemency to believers in error, i.e. believers who believed Satan’s lies and from that point on believers in error were brought to judgement by the forces of darkness resolutely and without mercy.

5.     In the years that followed things have become tougher and tougher till today the Earth is an extremely harsh environment for believers especially deeply committed believers like you and I.

These factors have impacted all believers and particularly those, like you, who have really been seeking a close relationship with Father Yah and this is, in large measure, why you have had such a rough ride since 1999.

Comment: It is NOT possible to understand the current dispensation without understanding that Satan is in the Pit for 1,000 years and that, in order for him to be sentenced ALL Grace for wrong belief and wrong teaching had to be withdrawn such that people who previously were strong believers have suddenly fallen away dramatically and are therefore no longer serving Father Yah at the level they were previously.

Spiritual States regarding Finances

Broadly there are four spiritual states of human beings that affect finances:

1.     Deeply committed believers in Satan

These people are actively provided for and supported in their endeavours by the Forces of Darkness – the Satanic (Satanic messengers {Angels}) and Demonic (spirits of deceased unbelievers) realms but because of their sin and deception many are in poverty, like most of Africa a few hundred years ago.

2.     Unbelievers

The general mass of billions of Unbelievers – these people are at some level provided for by the Satanic and Demonic realm – they receive NO support from Father Yah but some walk in the blessings of their forefathers who were believers.

3.     Weak Believers

The general mass of millions of believers that are in so much error that they are close to useless to Father Yah and are, to all intents and purposes, serving Satan – Yah DOES listen to their prayers and try to bless them but they are largely provided for by the Satanic and Demonic realm and that realm does nothing to oppose them receiving blessings because they are in such great deception that they achieve nothing of relevance to Father Yah.

4.     Deeply committed believers in Father Yah

This includes you and me and some of your close associates, including …. These people are walking in Emunah {Faith}, they are doing much to seek to serve Father faithfully, they are focussed on a place in Heaven and they are trying to draw closer to Father.

These people can ONLY receive blessings and provision from Father -- the Forces of Darkness are only interested in opposing them. The Forces of Darkness do everything they can to secure judgments against these people and to use their sin as a basis to kill, steal and destroy in the lives of these highly committed believers.

We are talking here of a few hundred thousand people on Earth today at the most and, in fact, are probably talking more realistically in terms of a few hundred, so great is the error and deception in this age.

It is extremely difficult for these people to do anything more than survive financially let alone prosper at anything approximating the level that you and I aspire to.

For the balance of this article I will focus only on this small group of people that includes the two of us.

Comment: The last point relates to a very small number of people and thus the vast majority of teachings and the vast majority of experience with regard to finances are of NO relevance to these people.

Judgement in This Life

Judgment in this life is as follows:

1.     People refer glibly to the “Throne of Grace”, the “Throne Room”, and such like oblivious to the fact that the Throne is the “Throne of Judgment”.

2.     They claim “Yahooshua is my Advocate” {Jesus is my Advocate} – oblivious to the fact that an Advocate exists to operate in a Court Room to defend someone facing Criminal Charges and that, therefore, Yahooshua is pleading on our behalf to defend us against charges relating to our sin and error.

3.     They refer blithely to Satan being “The Accuser of the Brethren” totally ignoring the fact that the Satanic Realm are the Prosecutors of the Brethren and constantly scrutinizing the lives of the believers looking for opportunities to bring charges to the Court of Heaven for sin and error and to secure sentences for that sin and error.

4.     These sentences can range from some minor judgment to massive personal loss and, in some cases, death or severe injury or illness.

5.     It is vital to understand that NOTHING of significance “goes wrong” in the life of a committed believer UNLESS there has been a judgment against them.

So, the fact that you have very limited revenue and that opportunities keep slipping away and associates keep falling away is clear evidence that the Forces of Darkness are giving serious consideration to you AND actively seeking to destroy you or, at the very least, bring you to poverty so that you cannot achieve your high goals of making a huge difference for the Kingdom of Yah. Rest assured that either you will overcome your sin and error and be victorious at some level or they will reduce you to abject poverty and defeat until you reach a point where you are almost entirely useless to Father Yah.

Comment: To better understand the above, following is a more detailed explanation:

1.     At conception every human being is given a Guardian Messenger {Guardian Angel}. That Messenger is a servant of the Almighty Creator, Yah and records EVERYTHING we do and that happens to us in a book that is preserved in Heaven for Eternity and which forms the basis of the legal documentation based on which we are judged by Yah at the end of our lives. This messenger will also, under specific circumstances, protect us.

2.     At birth we receive a collection of demons that have been handed down from our parents or are put on us as a consequence of generational curses, etc. These demons will travel with us throughout our lives and do all they can to lead us into sin and increasing deception and error UNLESS they are cast out by repenting of associated sins and praying the necessary prayers to get free – see the document “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” cited at the end of this article for detailed guidance on how to get rid of demons.

3.     When we join to others sexually a replication of demons takes place between the parties so that each party ends up with a comparable portfolio of demons after the sexual act.

4.     When one becomes a believer a Satanic Messenger {Angel} is assigned to one to monitor all sin and wrong behaviour, also in a book. This messenger will travel with us wherever we go and will control the assignment of new demons. They will also report back on our sin up the Satanic Hierarchy and, where required, will give evidence in the Court of Heaven with regard to our sin in the context of a Charge brought by the Satanic Realm for sin.

5.     That same messenger will execute the judgment assisted by other messengers and demons assigned by the Satanic Hierarchy.

6.     The closer we get to Father the more senior the Satanic Messenger assigned to watch us and the more senior the Demons assigned to tempt us, test us, torment us and lead us astray.

7.     Thus, if we break ANY law the closer we are to Father Yah the more likely we are to be brought to judgment and the more severe the judgment is likely to be when it is granted. Thus, as a young believer you can get away with most things, when you are very close to Father, as the person is to whom this letter is directed, that no longer applies and the Forces of Darkness will do all in their power to destroy that person. If they are unable to destroy them they will do all they can to distract them or marginalize them by constantly bringing them problems, stealing their finances, attacking their health, attacking their immediate families, etc.

8.     If something is wrong in your life and you are a committed believer, then YOUR SIN IS THE CAUSE of that problem!

9.     It is vital to understand that as a committed believer you CANNOT afford to carry on with sin and wrong belief, you WILL be constantly attacked and constantly suffer loss. So, IF you are suffering loss it is inherent that there is SIN OR ERROR in YOUR LIFE!

Different Roads and Perspectives

In considering what follows it is vital to recognize that you and I come to this point down very different roads and with different perspectives:

1.     You have a DEEP revelation and experience of the Universal Spirit of Yah that supports the entire Universe – “in whom we live and move and have our being” -- I have a DEEP revelation of the person of Yah Himself and a deep relationship with Him where I talk to Him constantly and look only to Him – I have no comparable experience to yours and was largely unaware of these things till I met you.

2.     You are very aware of being reincarnated – I am here for the first time – I have no comparable experience to yours and was totally unaware of these things till I met you.

3.     You have deep experience of being guided by your leader [head of the fellowship attended by the addressee of this letter] and hold her in high esteem and place a lot of reliance on her guidance – I have never really relied on any other believer and have always been led directly by Yah and always looked only to Yah for guidance and direction – I have no comparable experience to yours and was totally unaware of these things till I met you.

4.     You have deep experience of being guided by Ascended Masters and Messengers {Angels} – again I have been guided only by Yah – I have no comparable experience to yours and was totally unaware of these things till I met you. I knew Messengers only as servants -- I have 12,000 who protect me and I know them only in that capacity.

5.     You have deep experience of communing with nature, hugging trees, etc – I have no comparable experience and was largely unaware of these things till I met you.

The impact of this has been that there are many areas of what you believe that I have been reluctant to comment on because I have been aware that our experience sets are so dramatically different in these areas. Father yesterday released me to raise these issues with you and you yesterday also gave me that permission, so I am choosing to be bold in what follows.

Comment: It does not matter what road we follow to get closer to Father, the basic principles of judgment, etc remain the same so, while you may have successfully walked a very different road the day will come, when you truly decide to go ALL OUT to serve Yah that you WILL experience problems and judgement, no matter which road you took to get to that point.

… [name of business] IS Yah’s chosen way of providing for you

At this point I would like to stress that I remain certain that … IS Yah’s way of providing for you. You have been delayed in getting where you need to be and Yah has therefore had to make other plans to provide for you.

That said it will be difficult to achieve the full level of prosperity you have visualized simply because of the forces opposing you, key thing now is to provide fully all your needs so you can live comfortably then you can seek to go to the next level of income. In other words, right now you need to focus on seeing that you are well provided for. Once you are firmly in that position you can look at engaging the services of other team members.

It is also important to understand that … is the way that Yah gave you to provide for yourself, it is NOT in itself a core mission of Yah’s His core mission for you is for you to become His Friend as soon as possible and to make a huge difference in this Earth. Whether this happens through … or some other way is of much less concern to Him – He will drop … if it reaches a point where it is no longer serving His objectives for you.

Points to Address

Following are specific points that I believe Father Yah is saying you need to address in order to break through financially:

Positive Confession

You are very focussed on Positive Confession and not using “negative words” and there is a LOT of teaching around this.

Simply put it is NOT valid – Yah is not confused or deluded, He knows our situation and expects us to be honest with Him regarding our circumstances and what we need His help on. 

By speaking out positive words that deny the reality of negative situations we are lying and putting ourselves in bondage to the Forces of Darkness because these statements are lies and ALL lies are from the Satanic and Demonic realm – so this puts one in bondage to the Forces of Darkness.

Positive Confession WORKS for the mass of believers in Gross Error and also for the Unbelievers because their trust is in the Satanic and Demonic Realm and that realm is only too happy to answer them because it confuses them into believing that “God” IS hearing their prayers.

I encourage you in future to be honest and frank about the situation, particularly with me.

Comment: I am NOT advocating careless or wrong words, I AM saying that there is nothing wrong with owning the realities of your situation so, if you are “struggling” say you are struggling, etc.

Yah is NOT “The Universe”

Insofar as Yah holds the entire Universe together He IS “The Universe” but in the sense that people refer to “The Universe” in the way I have heard you use it He is NOT. Referring to the Universe in this way is Pagan and sin.

Comment: The Universe does NOT provide for you, or give you or, whatever else it may be that you may believe about the Universe. “The Universe” is a convenient way for unbelievers to refer to the Almighty given that they believe He does not exist.

The Authority of Other Voices

You are listening to a lot of voices regarding how to prosper, how to run the business, etc – Yah needs you to turn to HIM and learn to be guided by HIM – none of these voices, except mine, know how to prosper in the circumstances that you are experiencing and therefore what they have to say is at best noise and at worst confusing you, wasting your time and money and getting in the way of your relationship with Father (and to an extent with me). As far as I can see this includes … and ….

Comment: For nearly two decades now I have relied almost exclusively on Father Yah to guide me in business and in my spiritual walk with Him. Prayers like “I ask that I will hear only that which you want me to hear, think only that which you want me to think, see only that which you want me to see, speak only that which you want me to speak, write and covenant (with the right hand) only that which you want me to write and covenant and walk only where you want me to walk” and “Father I ask you to lead me every second of day by Your Spirit” amongst other prayers are vital, see   If you do this intentionally and with strong Emunah {faith} you will find that after a while it becomes increasing difficult to read, listen to or watch the vast majority of material that comes your way.

There is HUGE error in the world today and huge amounts of irrelevant and distracting material and voices and, therefore, Yah does NOT want his Friends and Servants paying attention to this material.

Tithing in Advance

I am under the impression that you are tithing in advance “by faith against future revenue” – I also did this at one stage. Father told me clearly that this was NOT admissible, He is NOT deceived and NOT ignorant of our circumstances so tithing in advance is fraudulent and, ultimately, from the Satanic Realm and therefore to be repented of and avoided going forward.

Comment: Tithing on the proceeds of pension funds and other investments is also generally not appropriate because it is your money coming back to you. IF you are going to give then give only on the increase.

Any form of giving yokes you to the person you are giving to and therefore you become a partner and investor in their sin and error and you will be judged accordingly so be very careful who you give to financially on a regular basis.

The Authority and Veracity of Ascended Masters

I get that you have deep experience in this area and I have none.

Father has pointed out to me that only relatively junior Ascended Masters have time to help individual humans for the most part. The more advanced and more senior Ascended Masters are busy ruling over planets, constellations, nations, cities, etc and do not have time to assist individual believers. Further an Ascended Master is constrained by the “Rules of Engagement” from disclosing anything that the Ascended Master did NOT know when they were alive on Earth so they are seriously constrained.

Further, in that they are at a relatively low rank in Heaven they are NOT able to assist you to achieve a high rank.

Comment: Senior people in Heaven do not have time to assist individuals AND Yah in any event desires us to turn ONLY to Him. Thus, while there ARE believers in Heaven who earnestly desire to help believers on Earth they are of limited value to anyone who is seeking to become a FRIEND of Yah. If you think about it, it does NOT make sense to devote attention to the servants of the King when the King desires a deep personal relationship with you – you insult Him by claiming to desire to be a Friend and then relying on his servants to lead you.

Thus I have to advise that in the rank that you currently hold in Heaven – …… Closest to Yah on Earth today you are beyond the point where any Ascended Master can help you. The basic reason to hear from Ascended Masters is that one has not reached a point where one hears from the Almighty clearly – it is now imperative that you focus on building your relationship with Father Yah and seeking to hear Him Clearly!

Comment: I cannot stress this enough, IF you are serious about serving Yah it is VITAL that you learn to hear Him clearly, see the articles cited at the end of this document for more on this.

The Ability of Messengers {Angels} to Teach

For the same reason (Rules of Engagement) Messengers cannot teach you things that you do not know or that you do not have access to in other ways. Further, since they ARE Messengers they can ONLY give you messages from another Human being or from the Almighty. The basic reason to hear from Messengers is that one has not reached a point where one hears from the Almighty clearly – it is now imperative that you focus on building your relationship with Father Yah and seeking to hear Him Clearly!

Comment: I cannot stress this enough, IF you are serious about serving Yah it is VITAL that you learn to hear Him clearly, see the articles cited at the end of this document for more on this.

The Authority of Other Reincarnated Ones

In considering the authority of those who have been Reincarnated it is vital to recognize that these are people who failed the test first time round. A person who qualifies as a Friend or Overcomer is not going to choose to come back to Earth for a second attempt, it is only those who have messed up in this life and who deeply realize their mistake who are going to choose to come back for a second attempt.

All the teachings about millions of years and numerous past lives, etc are, regrettably mistaken. At most a person is likely to come back once, if they do not cut it second time round they are unlikely to make further attempts. Further, we are 6,015 years from Creation. Refer my teachings on the Global Flood, see so all teachings about people being reincarnated over millions of years are fundamentally false.

Note also that, as you have experienced, when one is reincarnated you forget almost everything you knew in the past life barring a basic awareness that you need to do better this time round.

Thus a Reincarnated Being has limited Authority on Earth and as a teacher. Again, they can lead you a certain distance but you are now past this point, it is VITAL that you now concentrate directly on seeking a Deep Personal Relationship with Father Yah.

Comment: The fundamental point in this section is that NO human being can lead you into a Deep Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator – it is a contradiction in terms – He wants a relationship with you, only HE can lead you into to that position so, in time, all time, money and effort devoted to being led by or following others becomes a waste of time AND AN INSULT to Yah. I am closest to Yah, I have published MUCH information that will answer MANY of your questions and help you on your journey but, at the end of the day I am ONLY A MESSENGER to give you the news and challenge you to reach for the highest prize of being Yah’s friend. At the end of the day YOU must build a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP DIRECTLY WITH FATHER YAH!! At that point all the other voices, no matter how much you esteem them and no matter how much they have helped you to grow, become spurious, incidental and distracting and need to be let go of and, in some cases, renounced. IF they are valid messengers in touch with the Creator they will confirm my statement above. No one who is truly serving Yah and wants the best for those who follow them will contradict my statement and tell you that they are the way to deep personal relationship with Yah.

Your Teacher

By extension of all the above I have to say to you that you have outgrown your Teacher, you are closer to Father than she is, you have taken on board truths that she lacks. She is limited by the points above and by the Rules of Engagement as are all the other sources you have been relying on.

Your continued dependence on her has become idolatry and is NOT pleasing to Father – He wants you to give HIM that time, energy and finances. It is time to thank her for what she has done and esteem her as a trusted Mentor and Guide but it is time to move on.

Comment: This is an extremely important and challenging point, I have seen a number of deeply committed believers who were on track to become Friends of Yah who were derailed by their insistence on continuing to esteem a leader or teacher who had profoundly influenced them for the good over many years. The fact is that there are very FEW people who are truly on track to become Friends of Yah and that in most cases the people who have helped them get to that point have taken wrong turnings or have lost the resolve to drive all the way through to the end goal or even mistakenly believe that they have reached the highest point possible. For whatever reason they have taken this detour they are NO LONGER valid guides on your journey to become a friend of Yah. Thank them, if appropriate keep in touch with them but, whatever you do, do NOT worship them and give them inappropriate esteem and service and, in particular, do NOT give them your money!

… Sources

There is considerable error in the teachings in the books you referred me to such as “…” and, in order to draw close to Father Yah you will need to course correct on what you believe on a number of fronts but that is a discussion for another day.

Comment: Every belief set has SOME TRUTH and some error. As a consequence, most publications of any grouping contain some truth and some error. The challenge is to “seek truth and NOT error” and move on, see

IF you TRULY want to become a Friend of Yah you must keep moving forward constantly and constantly leave behind those who can no longer help you on your journey to becoming a Friend of Yah.

The … Ministy

I may be missing something but, apart from a …, I saw nothing at the … Ministry or at the meeting in … on Sunday that suggested that the … community are, in fact, serving Father in any material way. You will know what happens at the meetings you attend but …, praying for Peace in the World and suchlike are NOT from Father and are NOT pleasing to Him.

I fully accept that Father DID lead you to the Teacher and the group as a whole but such introductions are always only for a Season and that season in your life is now passed. It is time to move on.

Comment: As with teachers so with Communities of Believers who follow such teachers. They have some truth and some error and membership of and engagement with such Communities and Assemblies is ALWAYS only for a Season and then Father will move you on. That is, of course, IF you are serious about becoming His Friend!

Tithing and Giving

Tithing yokes you to the sin and error of the person or organization you give Tithes or Financial Gifts to – your Tithes to the teacher / ministry are yoking you to their error and getting in the way of Father blessing you financially. You need to stop doing this, particularly when you have no money and are effectively stealing from your creditors.

Comment: This is a critical point, IF you are truly seeking to draw close to Father and have grown a great deal in this direction and you are battling financially this is the FIRST place to look. If you are giving money to a ministry or person who is in greater error than you and / or is more distant from Father than you are you immediately give the Forces of Darkness legal right to steal from you, waste your money, keep customers away from you, etc.

You have two choices, you can continue to give to these people or ministries and remain in lack OR cut your financial ties with them and employ your finances ONLY for your own survival and your OWN ministry with possible gifts at times to ministries or individuals who are clearly closer to Yah than you are and who are helping you draw closer. Do this with the understanding that, IF you are serious, the time will come when Father will tell you to keep your money to yourself and use it only for your own ministry. Don’t think you have a ministry? – you are mistaken, Yah wants YOU to tell people about Him and tell them that He wants people to draw close to Him and become His Friends. Contact me for suggestions as to what you can do with your tithe.


This is a very heavy letter with a substantial number of difficult points.

It is going to take time for you to assimilate and digest what is contained herein and decide what actions you will take. There is a fair possibility that you will reject at least some of the message and, as a consequence that you may reject me.

I hope not, I am here for you and want you also to qualify to become a Friend and sit on a very high Throne with me.

Comment: There is very little awareness of the difficulties associated with drawing close to the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, I hope that this article will assist you in this.


To understand how you can draw closer to the Almighty Creator and get free of sin I recommend that you read and apply the following articles:


Please read the article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” – pray the prayers and take the actions outlined in that article. See

MOST IMPORTANT -- Read the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator”. There are a large number of prayers, processes and actions that are presented here – systematically read the article and step by step apply what you find there. In particular, go on several sets of seven three day fasts at weekly intervals with clearly focussed prayer as outlined in the document.

Read also “Where will YOU Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for eternity?” at

It will potentially take you several years of applying all that is specified in these documents to start reaching your full potential and full anointing wherever you are in your life right now.

May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.


May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.


Warm regards and blessings,




James Robertson

Emissary and Spokesman of Yah

11 September 2018


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