Some Thoughts About Race
50 years ago Senator Robert Kennedy said, "There are people in every time and every land who want to stop history in its tracks. They fear the future, mistrust the present and invoke the security of the comfortable past which, in fact, never existed." 50 years ago is a very long time. Our nation wasthen plagued by riots in many cities. We were deeply divided. In response, President Johnson appointed a commission which in less than a year issued a report that bluntly concluded we needed to make fundamental change. Today we are also divided and perhaps we can learn from what that commission found and how we reacted. And so I wrote this commentary. Please feel free to share it. Kevin
Emeritus Professor & Dean, University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis
6 年Well done, your Honor! I actually read this report when it came out 50 years ago. I was graduating high school that year. It was an eye opener to an advantaged white student about to hit college. Some things have improved since then. But miles to go... Thanks for this thoughtful commentary.