Some thoughts...

Some thoughts...

In my opinion, one of the most important things we can do and practice is having as much perspective as we can on things that are happening in our world. We are always playing two different games: a long game and a short game. As life goes, our ability to separate which game we need to play in that moment is vital. If we get too caught up in the moment and become more irrational, or reactive, we can impact the long-game. We see this all the time. The farther we get away from something the harder it is to get back to it. This is why our moment to moment decisions matter. If we are too careless, we wake up 5, 10, or 20 years from now not being who we want to be, or having accomplished what we had set out to initially. This is often hard to understand if you haven’t experienced it, but if you have, you know 2 things: you cannot undo what has happened and to get back on track requires “simply” setting course on positive, daily decisions. Although if we can avoid pain of regret we should do that however, we are always going to be in battle with the pain of discipline if so. This is a good thing because testing who we are and what we can become is the ultimate goal. What’s better than unlocking something in yourself that was once undiscovered?

I started off with the idea of having perspective. Another way to say this is to be detached and of course think of how what we are doing now is impacting the long-game. And if you didn’t know, we are playing many games. Just one more thing that makes life so complex, but so awesome. Ultimately, we are in control of only ourselves, nothing else. Playing the long-game requires strategy. It forces us to think about the impact things have beyond this moment. We can use tact and be successful playing games for our immediate gratification, but this is short lived. Maybe we do something that was not right, but it got us to the next point in the game. Win for now, but not a long-term win and rarely does a lack of congruency with what is right result in long-term success. Eventually, things catch up with us and in this game of life, all inputs matter. Let’s focus on playing the long-game. Let’s focus on doing things right now because in the end it does make a difference.


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Take Your Game to the Next?Level

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