Some Techniques in Gestalt&Existential Therapy
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Which techniques are used by existential therapists??
Existential therapy has no exact technique in client-centered therapies. Existential psychology rejects the mechanistic views of the Freudians and instead sees people as engaged individuals in a search for meaning. Because existential Therapists don’t see clients as objects.?
Most common therapy type of existential therapy is logotherapy. Logotherapy focuses on only present time in the search of meaning. Logotherapy intends to help to find the meaning of the clients’ lives. In this process, main aim is not only to directly show the way, but also to help the client finding the way by asking questions. In logotherapy there are 2 techniques used by existential therapists that Frank1described. One of them is paradoxical intention. Paradoxical intention is a technique that triggers the clients' fears and anxieties by the reverse thinking technique, called “paradoxical wish”. For example, someone has a fear of speaking in front of crowded areas. In that case, the person should think a way to accept the fear and act along with it according to this technique, it should be expected of the person. In the end, the fear does not come out of the way as the person expects and person is most likely to receive good results. Other technique used by existential therapists is de-reflection. De-reflection aims that in order to reduce clients' negative experiences by ignoring them (symptoms, behaviours). Many clients are instinctively attuned to their own responses and phsyical reactions. De-reflection attempts to divert the client’s attention to enable more positive activities.?
What techniques are used by Gestalt therapists??
Basic notions: The main point on gestalt therapy is considering person as a whole collection of emotions, behaviours and cognitions. This depends on the awareness of the moment and person’s inner potential, if they are capable of overcoming problems.?
The now: According to Pearl, reality is now. Instead of deals with past or future, tries to get solutions in order to improve itself. Therapist shows awareness of the present time and solution of the problems of present time. As Pearl puts it, “To me, nothing exists except for the now. Now = experience = awareness = reality. The past is no more, and the future is not yet. Only the now exists.”?
Non-verbal Behaviour: Paying attention to the behaviours of the client. Therapist could see significant differences between expressions and therapist can use existing emotion to help the client.?
Dreams: Main concept of dream technique is client’s ability to identify himself by acting out. It is also the necessary tool to understand inner-self and exploring one’s personality.?
Top dog- Underdog: This technique involves two types of roleplaying in Gestalt therapy. While top dog is similar to Freud’s superego, on the other hand under dog is related with id. Including both sides of roleplaying during therapy, the individual can see the differences in the conflicting aspects.?
The defenses: Gestalt therapy contains games that client is involved in. By that technique, client’s awareness of hidden defenses behind the behaviour can be improved more. In the end, client can face all the anxieties, phobias or doubts.?
Responsibility: One of the most important things is to accept the client’s responsibility deeply. With responsibility, client cannot deny, avoid, fight, or ignore the problem anymore.?
Sayfa Sonu
The rules?
- Communication is present??
-Communication is between equals??
-Using ’I’ rather than ‘it’??
-The client focuses on immediate experiences??
-No gossiping about someone else??
-Discouraged to ask questions?
Moral Precepts?
-Live in now??
-Live here??
-Stop imagining??
-Stop unnecessary thinking??
-Express directly??
-Be aware of both the pleasant and the unpleasant??
-Reject all “shoulds” and “oughts” that are not your own??
-Take complete responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and feelings?
-Surrender to being what you really are?
In the end, these techniques can be manipulated (changed in a good way) by therapists. Although, most acknowledge that the efficacy of psychotherapy has beenis demonstrated, there is a little evidence to suggest that one form of therapy is in any sense uniquely effective for all problems. Therefore, one form of therapy hasis typically not been shown to be more efficacious than another for all conditions.?
Trull, T.J. (2005). Clinical Psychology 7th edition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.?
ISBN 0-534-63387-0?
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