Some Steps update firmware of the extender
jolly gupta
Hey I’m Jolly Gupta and I’m a Software developer .you looking for software installation help or other support then you can contact with me.
The clients are prescribed to refresh the firmware of their Belkin Extender Setup for better execution of their Device. Thus, gather the data gave beneath and apply the means wrote underneath to play out the means to refresh the extender's Password.
- Prior to continuing further, the clients are proposed to download the firmware. Along these lines, for that, go through the means recorded underneath.
- Open an internet browser and go to the authority site of Belkin Setup.
- When the site gets open, enter the reach extender's model number in the hunt bar and press the "Enter" key.
- From that point onward, the clients are prescribed to choose their gadget.
- At that point on the reach extender item support page, hit on the "Downloads/Firmware" to open the download document.
- Presently the clients are recommended to choose the equipment form and tap on the "Download" connection of the extender's firmware.
- At that point pick the save document radio catch and snap on the "Alright" button.
In the wake of applying these means, the clients can without much of a stretch download the firmware of their reach extender. Hence, in the wake of downloading the firmware, continue further with the update method.