If the CP soft skills are in question, academics mention some general headings like communication, empathy, analytical/critical thinking, teamwork, emotional intelligence, etc. which blur your mind. However, nobody tells you about the details which might be encountered while executing the job. So, you try to figure out what is the best conduct to guarantee your comfort while operating here and there.
In order to give you some insight, here are some close protection soft skills which are considered lifesavers for operatives.
- Enhances his/her awareness, which means staying in the now and not being distracted by past or future events.
- Is always prepared for an immediate and unexpected departure (cars and drivers waiting in an appropriate position, available foot route, clear access to exits, etc.).
- Is always tactful, a diplomat in relation to people and the principal's staff. Never dictates to people unless there is an emergency (Information is the battery of a CPO. When he/she loses communication with any information provider especially the principal's staff, the problems start).
- Does not eat or drink anything in public view while standing or walking and never eats with the principal or principal's staff, even if invited repeatedly. Declines artfully and honestly ("You are gracious and I'm grateful for your invitation, sir/ma'am, but it will give me poor positioning/I will be distracted/and it is absolutely prohibited by my firm).
- Eats in an appropriate place in a restaurant while the principal eats and works as a low-profile CPO unless told differently. Prefers quick foods and gets ready for an immediate situation.
- Goes to the restroom while he/she can. It's tiny but very important. Does not underestimate it.
- Gets all the information beforehand by tasking an advance party. Goes to the places to be visited before leaving with the principal when he/she has time. Otherwise, prefers to research on the internet, Google, map assessment, etc.
- Notes all needed information (address, location, phone number, point of contact, pictures, etc.) in every place visited by the principal in order to be prepared for repeated visits.
- Maintains mental and physical readiness (briefly calculates the possibilities for departures, extraction points/exits, possible attack directions, accidents, embarrassing situations. Determines the possible covers under attack, make mental rehearsals, etc.).
- Does not chew gum while working. Mint might be preferred for mouth freshness.
- Maintains awareness of the environment at all times, even when talking with someone (does not need to look at that person).
- Has zero communication with reporters unless it is needed and approved by the team leader; otherwise, a superior CPO doesn't say a word.
- Keeps coat unbuttoned for quick access to gear at all times even if it is cold.
- Limits radio/mobile phone communication especially Signal/WhatsApp/Telegram, etc., that serves the mission.
- Does not stand close to other CPOs while ongoing duty unless otherwise will be weird or difficult.
- Drives with noticeable slowness while in public view and when media are present. Is ready to drive fast, aggressive, and uncaring of traffic rules in case of emergency. However, prefers, in general, to drive at a pace which is not boring or dangerous.
- Keeps head up and eyes working while radio communication.
- Doesn't sit or lean and keeps hands at the ready while outside with the principal.
- Is aware at all times that he/she might be filmed/recorded.
- Constantly re-evaluates physical position and improves position if possible (If you think you are in an inappropriate place, you are probably right, so change the position).
- Keeps extra radio battery and cell phone fully charged, carries a power bank.
- Maintains excellent personal appearance (gear covered, clothes clean and pressed, shoes polished, hair groomed, conservative clothing, clean-shaven, no cologne or scented products).
- Keeps appropriate nourishment on hand.
- Doesn't wear sunglasses unless otherwise unable to see (working in direct sunlight).
- Doesn't try to guide the principal when he/she (CPO) is not sure where to go.
- Remembers where the car parks, the floor on which they get in/out the elevator.
- Prefers a low-profile dressing (generally a casual smart dress is the best - not too tight or loose). Has a side/chest bag appropriate for the dress to carry all the necessary material. Carries his primary equipment on himself/herself like weapon, spare magazine, knife, light.
- Does not choose a tactical dress unless being told differently because it is attention-grabbing in a city environment.
- And of course, the most important; is ready to be flexible for any situation (dressing, preferences of principal, time, working hours, difficult situations mentally or physically, food, etc.)
I am happy to share the information above to help our colleagues maintain their job confidently. Some might not agree with all the items or might think there are some more to be added. But, I am confident those will give you some insight.