Some small knowledge about large yellow croaker.
Large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) is a family of totoaba, yellow croaker.
The body is elongated, the side is flat, and there are many rows of luminous particles on the side and abdomen of the body.
The head is obtuse.
The mouth fissure is large, terminal, oblique, the snout is not prominent, the maxilla length is equal to the mandible, the maxilla posterior margin reaches the posterior margin of the orbit;
The inner teeth of mandibular teeth are larger and the outer teeth are close to the inner teeth.
There are 4 or 6 mental foramen. The 4 central foramen are arranged in a square arrangement around the suture. The first 2 foramen are small.
There are 2 nostrils and the oblong posterior nostril is larger than the rounded anterior nostril.
The lower margin of the orbit reaches to the horizontal line of the top of the anterior maxilla.
Anterior lamina posterior margin serrate, lamina with 2 flat spines.
The head except the back of the top of the head is rounded scale, the side of the anterior 1/3 is rounded scale, the rest is ctenoid scale;
The scales are smaller.
Otolith for the yellow croaker, that is, a shield - shaped.
The starting point of the pelvic fin base is behind the perpendicular of the point of the upper margin of the pectoral fin base.
Cudal fin wedges.
Anterior bladder rounded, not protruding into a lateral sac, posterior end apiculate;
Each lateral branch has ventral and dorsal branches. The dorsal branch is winglike, and the ventral branch is divided into two upper and lower branchlets.
The upper half of the side of the body is yellowish brown, and the lower half has golden glands under each scale.
Dorsal fin fawn;
Caudal fin fawn, terminal margin black brown;
The buttocks, abdomen and pectoral fins are bright yellow.
White inside the mouth, light red margin.
The upper part of the gill cavity is black and the lower part is pink.
It mainly inhabits the coastal and offshore sandy muddy bottom waters, mostly inhabits the middle bottom waters, and will enter the estuary area.
Hate strong light, like turbidities water, dawn, dusk or spring tide when more floating, day or neap tide is down to the bottom.
The main play to small fish and shrimp crabs and other crustaceans for food.
The bladder is a vocal device that produces a "gurgling" sound during the reproductive phase.
In a dense school of fish, the sound is like boiling water or pines.
When the reproductive season comes, groups will migrate to the estuaries or islands, inner-shore shallow waters.
Distribution in the northwest Pacific, including China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam coastal areas, in China in the south of the Yellow Sea, East China Sea.
Chinese fishermen usually catch large yellow croakers in the evening after sunset, because large yellow croakers will produce golden-yellow pigment in the dark environment to make themselves golden. However, this pigment is easily destroyed by strong light (ultraviolet light), so the fishing can only be investigated with red light.
After the fresh is locked on board, it is transported to the processing plant in the fastest way for specification screening.
Then box into the freezer or delivery.
Some will be processed into large yellow croaker products, such as dried large yellow croaker, semi-dried large yellow croaker, seasoned large yellow croaker, etc.
Our factory will deliver these products to domestic and foreign markets according to customers' requirements.