Some people are very private … a lot of situations where people are talking and twisting everything …part 260
These days, some people are extra private just to compensate for how generally public our lives have become. They do everything they can do "stay under the radar" because once you are on the radar, it can be very difficult to get off it. By this,
I am talking about the epidemic of oversharing that is occurring in today's culture. There are benefits to how easy it is for us to share with today's technology, but there are also a lot of downsides.
So someone that seems private, may actually just be less publicly exposed than others. Or they may truly want to keep their info private for fear of it being publicly exposed.
Some people are just quiet people and often times this becomes confused with private. I know some people who would never offer up information about themselves to anyone that they don't talk to on a regular basis.
However, if you are one of those people they normally talk to, they are going to tell you EVERYTHING. I guess I'm saying, some people are just shy, but once they warm up, they aren't so private after all. A better example of this is people who are shy in person, but post every thought or feeling on social media sites.
Some people simply don't feel the need to share their person lives with others that are not close to them.
Some feel they need to bare their own burdens alone. This could be for a number of reasons. Maybe they were screwed over by someone they told something personal too. Maybe they sustained some trauma when they were a child. Maybe they are surrounded by blabber mouths who they can't stand and so do everything they can to avoid being that way.
Some find comfort in being alone with one's own thoughts. They prefer to sit and think own their own than to socialize with others.
Some people also keep in a lot of personal details and opinions for fear of being ridiculed due to low self-esteem.
There are people who have deep dark secrets that they don't want anyone to know about.
Some people are genuinely paranoid. Some people honestly believe that the world is out to get them. That everyone they talk to could be a government spy looking to steal their life and as part of a giant grand scheme. No seriously, people do believe this.
And last but not least, there are also people who believe that they are just superior to you and I and that we don't deserve their time of day.
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Thank you …I am even more private around people I don’t trust. If I feel like I am going to have to justify myself to someone if they find out something about me then I will be very guarded.
For example, if someone finds out some information about me, finds it to be strange or unusual, and then expects me to justify it - it makes me really upset. I feel invaded or exposed unnecessarily.
It’s usually something that I wouldn’t even give much thought into but they focus on it and pick at it for some reason. It drives me crazy! When they expect me to justify things, I feel like they can’t just accept me for who I am and I don’t understand why they feel like I should justify myself to them.
An example of that could be this: I’m a quietly religious person. but I don’t talk about religious matters with co-workers, people I don’t know very well, and with people that I’m not sure are religious themselves and I certainly don’t try to convert people. If I didn’t tell you that I was religious, you would honestly never know that about me.
Then, when someone I’m not sure about finds that out about me and makes a big fuss over it like I was hiding a big secret or being ashamed it makes me really upset! Some people will try to get me to justify why I am religious or why I ‘hide’ it.
I know fully well why I do it, why I believe what I believe and I just think it’s enough to leave it at that. They might even try to ARGUE with me that religion is bad and try to convince me to change and come around. Ridiculous! I find this kind of person to be very difficult to deal with and they might try to discuss religion with me at all times or every time they see me.
Want to add word or two?
This is one thing that gets me into hot water with other people, and this is where we come around to the question that was originally asked: I am a private person because people will make weird assumptions about me if I don’t hide everything.
For many years, people would make assumptions about things I said or did that seemed completely bizarre to me. It took me many years to understand why this was happening because, as I noted above, I do not do this myself.
For example, a friend once asked me what I was doing, and I told her that I had been reading about Los Angeles because I thought it was a fascinating city. I was about to start rattling off all the interesting things I read, but she immediately interrupted me with a long lecture about how expensive and impractical it would be for me to move there. Of course, I wasn’t planning on doing that, just reading about LA because I was bored and when I get bored I read about random crap online, but she assumed that I wanted to move there.
Your comment ….?
Is it needed that we need to keep everything about ourselves private - need not be. We can be very open and still enjoy life - provided we are bold enough to accept the consequences.
Some keep things private with some people, while some keep things private with every one. It is their choice and depends on the experiences they went through when they grew up.
People who took the life as it came, and never bothered to consider some bad experience where people manipulated them using their information - which they would have had an option to keep it private, generally do not consider the bad experience as truly bad, and continue to keep things open.
But it is always good to be selective. As not that humans are objectively intending to hurt each other, but out of immaturity or oversight or some kind of blindness they do mistakes. So such an insecurity - is in a way some kind of maturity only. But whether it is needed or not needed is always debatable !
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
3 年I have found that the ones who are offended when their personal life is exposed are more honest and/ or have something to hide. Or they personally do not want you to know about them because they heard something about you... Experience is the teacher of when to be private. Things you say and do by "being you" are often manipulated by others for their benefit - when possible. Many people learn this lesson with a single bad experience - and "go private". The people that are opinionated-outspoken, "open and honest" - may not be. They are projecting themselves to you in a way that you will like them so you won't hurt them. Very few people, as I have found - I live in a city- are truly honest with others about who they are. The way to tell is when they trip with their words and appear to be hypocritical - or they don't look at you when they talk. Or they drink too much and lie.?