SoMe The Numbers: 2016 Lessons, 2017 Advice

SoMe The Numbers: 2016 Lessons, 2017 Advice

Another year has come and gone and it’s been a year filled with ups and downs when it comes to my social media activity. It’s time to reflect on what went well and what can be improved and to discuss with you how you can get more out of your social media activity. Let’s start with the bare numbers.

All in all, I published just as many articles as in 2015 but what jumps at you is that I’ve only had a mere two posts featured on Pulse in 2016. If you wonder what Pulse is it’s simply LinkedIn’s publishing platform where editors and algorithms sometimes choose to feature certain articles to be broadcasted to everyone who follows a specific channel. It boosts all your stats and helps you go viral. Anyway, I had to manage without those features in 2016 but look at how my total views still went up with 20% to more than 55,000! Moreover, despite seeing a drop in likes and comments I still grew my total follower count with 60%. I only started separating followers and connections in my stats since mid-October so I can’t tell you exactly the split for the whole year but since I started tracking the split the growth in followers is roughly 50/50 between pure followers and connections. Another factor that fueled my follower growth was that I started a group on LinkedIn called "Finance Business Partner Forum" to create a community where we could discuss thoughts on how Finance is changing. Initially, I had invited all of my connections I thought would find the group relevant and after that, I would create a link to the group in each of my new posts as well as broadcast the growth of the group frequently to all of my followers. A bit of growth hacking if you will. Every time someone whom I wasn't connected to then asked to join the group I would send an invite to connect which has led to hundreds of new connections as the group which was formed in February had nearly 400 members at the end of 2016!

So despite being "on my own" in terms of promoting my content I still managed to boost my stats. With that in mind let's take a look at some of the most important lessons I have learned from my blogging and SoMe activity in 2016 that helped me to achieve even better results.

  1. You need to build a blogging platform you control yourself so you’re not dependent on support from others to share your content i.e. features on Pulse which can be done for instance by promoting your blog in LinkedIn Groups instantly giving you access to an audience of millions.
  2. You need to build an effective system for sharing your content. I wrote about that in “Why Writers Should Be Like Portfolio Managers”.
  3. Don’t lose hope just because your articles don’t gain immediate traction as over time you can easily get several hundreds and even thousands of views from re-sharing content and linking to it from new articles. In fact, 42% of my views in 2016 came from posts published in 2015 and 2014. Looking at the top 10 list of viewed posts in 2016 it’s also obvious that you need to keep all of your articles active frequently or at least the popular posts. Four out of the ten top posts were published in 2014 and 2015 including the most popular one.

In addition to above lessons, I found that when towards the end of the year, I decided to focus my writing on topics related to Finance (the function and the people) only and mostly write articles in series, it helped me build even more traction, kept readers engaged because they came back for more and allowed me to go in-depth with a specific topic. You can also see from the quarterly developments that this approach boosted my stats and in particular the number of followers (+21% from Q3 to Q4). Q4 2016 also turned out to be a record quarter in terms of views despite not having a single article featured on Pulse.

In conclusion for 2016, there’s much to be satisfied with when it comes to SoMe and then I haven’t even begun to talk about all the interesting conversations and opportunities it leads to like writing a book, speaking to finance students at university or having my articles featured on other sites and publications. I’ve also had the pleasure of speaking to many companies about their finance transformation efforts and every interaction leads to new insights. So let that be a reminder for us to catch up in 2017 and become smarter about what happens in the finance function!

Now looking ahead to 2017 I’ve decided to become even more focused in my writing and explore one question in particular. A lot of my writing has already been centered around this question but not with a clear focus. That’s why in 2017 you will see most of my posts exploring the question: “How Can Finance Help Add Value To The Business?” Because that is exactly what my own career has been about up until now. Finding a way to make the finance function respected by the business which can only be achieved if Finance helps the business achieve its goals. It’s so simple really. Just think about it for a moment. You're working hard on solving a challenge and along comes someone who offers to help you solve the challenge by providing different insights and perspectives than what you’ve thought of yourself. All that person asks for in return is that you mention her or him when talking about how you solved the challenge and achieved a great result. Now who wouldn’t accept that offer? SoMe play an important role in answering this question and also leads me to the advice I will give to you for your social media activity in 2017.

1.      Know what question(s) you’re trying to answer

2.      Always engage with your audience so you never miss out on an opportunity i.e. strike up a conversation to learn new insights and different perspectives on the question(s) you're trying to answer.

3.      Be consistent and persistent to continue to build your audience as well as exploring different angles of your chosen question(s)

In 2017 I commit to keeping going at the question I’ve chosen and I hope you will help me? I will make sure to engage with you every time you offer your opinion on my answers to this question whether it’s sharing articles, commenting on same or publishing your own content centered around the same topic. I will continue to publish on a weekly schedule and look forward to talking to you every week.

In addition to above commitments, you can look forward to…

  • …several co-authored articles with thought leaders across the finance profession…
  • …the publishing of “my” first book which I have been invited to co-author…
  • …the go-live of my new Twitter account (@LiuLindberg)
  • …and a lot more news which I don’t even know about myself yet because that’s what’s really exciting about your SoMe activity. You never know what happens next!

I’m really excited about 2017 and can’t wait to see what it brings. I hope you will reach out to stay in touch and I will try to do the same. I realize there was a lot of ME and too little YOU in this article but publishing my numbers and talking about what I’ve learned is what keeps me honest in my writing so I will continue to do this on a quarterly basis in 2017 as well. As always, I appreciate any like, comment or share you can spare but most of all I hope you will continue to follow me in 2017 and a big thank you for tuning in during 2016! Without you, it wouldn’t be much fun.

For previous SoMe and personal branding posts please continue reading below.

Anders Liu-Lindberg is the Senior Finance Business Partner for Maersk Line North Europe and is working with the transformation of Finance and business on a daily basis. I have participated in several transformation processes among others helping Maersk Drilling to go Beyond Budgeting and transformed a finance team from Bean-counters to Business Partners. I would love the chance to collaborate with you on your own transformation processes to help you stay out of disruption. If you are looking for more advice on how to get the most of LinkedIn I also have a few tips to share as well as if you want help in your job search. Don’t be shy! Let’s get in touch and start helping each other.

I follow you to read and enjoy the articles you publish, but rarely comment. It's quite interesting to see the social media stats you've been tracking, and to get more insight on your branding focus. I like your commitment to stay engaged with your audience for 2017. The discussions that ensue in response to an article can be quite thought-provoking and really add more to the entire experience.



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