Some News From The Water Industry
This is the first Lutra Trickle newsletter, where we will be sharing some interesting water and wastewater stories from across the web, along with some news, case studies and blogs from Lutra. Feel free to share ideas and links to stories with us inclusion in future editions.
Sydney's Water Supply and Recycled Water Proposal
Sydney?is considering a facility to purify wastewater to secure its water supply beyond 2032. This proposal aims to address future water shortages and ensure a sustainable water supply for the city.
The Crucial Role of Filter Optimization in Water Treatment
With water scarcity and lack of funding for upgrades being so prevalent in the water treatment industry, efficiency is paramount. Every component of a process plays a vital role, and filters are no exception.?
Top Story Links:
Tracking Wastewater Treatment Green House Gas Emissions
Find out how Dunedin City Council tracked the emissions from their wastewater treatment plants using Lutra ID operational management software.
In this video two wastewater treatment experts discuss the similarities and differences between the two technologies, their pros and cons and uses cases.