Some of my Story...
ssforums.canadiancontent | Streets of London

Some of my Story...

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

I thought I’d share some of what didn’t quite kill me but I would definitely say that the previous statement isn’t true. It just leaves you feeling cold.


I have attempted to commit suicide more times than I’d care to mention. With each failed attempt a feeling of worthlessness being amplified. I have seen the best and the worse of society being homeless, without food for weeks, or rather, scraps of others discarded McDonald’s outside Liverpool Street station. Even in that state people still tried to take everything I had and held dear. I have slept outside in minus two degrees and snowing on a park bench in a wealthy area of London, no one offered me shelter, or even a blanket. Several nights having to seek refuse or safe haven in a stairwell of an apartment block. I have seen my feet and lower legs go purple from the biting cold that the English winters that we all complain about. Like I said; it leaves you cold.?

#homelessness #homelessnessawareness #cold

Most of this and the details mentioned in THIS POST due to the perceived notion that I was a crystal meth addict.?

#police #refrom #understanding

Firstly, I can say that I am not. Secondly, Crystalised methamphetamines has been around for over 100 years and has been used as diet pills in the 30’s, similar substances are used commonly in the United States as ADHD medication. The Drug its self is safer than cocaine statically speaking. Yet, I have been told and witnessed how prevalent cocaine is in our banking industry. Which is unspoken but somehow regarded as okay.?

#drugs #drugaddiction

The stigma behind crystal meth, however, is one that not only ruins but ends lives. I have not only seen the life shattering and ending effects of this stigma first hand but been subject to its seemingly never ending torment.?


I have personally been there for an alarming number of people that have either wanted to take their own life or attempted to do so only to try and pick them back up and make them see that life is worth living. Doing this even while battling with a similar notion myself after having been cut off from almost my entire support network, friends, and family due to the very stigma that drove so many to a unfortunate so called ‘unforeseen’ end.

#suicideprevention #suicidepreventionawareness

Your opinion or the what you voice as misdirection to masquerade your problems whatever they are can and does kill. ?

#problems #youropinionmatters

We need to not only address the fact that, drugs, are so prevalent in society that they should be legal. Aiding in correcting the wrong the unsubstantiated stigma surrounding some illicit substances or rather drugs. Face the simple truth that your problems aren’t unique they are surprisingly common, yet, go unspoken.?

The lack of honesty and understanding in society kills people. The Law being wrong kills people. That very Law, we cherish so dearly, is broken so often yet we don’t question it. Perpetuating the very stigma and lost of life mentioned above.?

#TheLawsWrong #fakelaw

Even the loss of one life can have a magnitude, the ripples of which can be felt throughout society.?


Please be a more open; honest; understanding individual. Have a bit more humanity, take the time for people rather than wasting it on things, for all of our sake.



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