“Some may Say” inclusion is becoming exclusive….

“Some may Say” inclusion is becoming exclusive….

As the new academic year dawns, the furore over the cost of tickets for the Oasis Live 25 Tour has been an interesting episode to observe. It has brought to the fore issues of affordability, access, elitism, and exclusion – all of which Music Education grapples with on a daily basis.

It has therefore provided a timely reminder of the need for Music Education to constantly challenge assumptions and truisms that have become mainstays of national funding strategies over the past 20 years.?

“Oasis must be good – just look at all those thousands of people wanting to go to the concerts”,

This plays into the narrative that popularity and cultural relevance equate to quality and are therefore a justification for inflated prices and high costs for the public to participate.

This has some sobering parallels with a prevailing narrative in Music Education that suggests that if a child or young person’s personal choice of genre is not central to their music education experience, the music education being provided is elitist, not relevant and a barrier to their future musical success.

I would like to suggest a slightly different narrative.

Firstly, the Oasis ticket price “scandal” destroys the notion that high ticket prices and accessibility to?musical opportunities are linked to:

Privilege: If Oasis are nothing else they have always been proud of being a working class band.

Genre: Opera suddenly seems incredibly good value!

Elitism: Whether it’s Oasis, Glastonbury or Stormzy, a much broader demographic manages to afford their tickets, without the judgement given on the profile and background of opera and orchestral audiences.

It is clear therefore that elitism, exclusion and privilege are not driven by genre. However, in music education there still pervades the notion that “traditional is elitist and therefore exclusive” and “contemporary genres are relevant and therefore more inclusive.”

“You won’t like that, therefore do this.”

This is problematic for a number of reasons. It creates the unintended consequence of creating a compensatory culture of inclusion. Paradoxically, this is creating exclusion to certain genres for children and young people because the narrative encourages judgements to be made about genre relevance without them having the opportunity for a meaningful experience.

The reality is that whilst inclusion plans and strategies are important, they are almost invariably “comfort plans” that deflect the narrative from the two single biggest barriers to inclusion:?

  1. At the heart of high quality, inclusive music making are high quality, inclusive music teachers and practitioners. The greatest barrier to more children and young people accessing a high-quality music education is restricted access to high quality teachers and practitioners. Investment in the workforce has dropped significantly over the last twenty years. There may be all of the ambition and commitment to inclusion, but it is not a substitute for being able to offer meaningful career progression, job security and investment in the music teaching profession.
  2. Insufficient funding is available to broaden access to provision and invest in bespoke pathways. With genuine pressures on the public finances, significant new investment seems a long way off. In the absence of new investment, here are two suggestions:

Regional Decision Making

There is a need to examine the interface between national funding bodies and the new regional network of music hubs. There is too little capacity for small organisations, charities and sole traders to apply for national grants.

If a funder has a national remit, it should devolve its funding to the regional music hubs to allow local, independent Boards to make the decisions about which organisations and individuals in their communities need investment. These Boards, which are best placed in terms of local knowledge, can then be held to account for these decisions.

As a sector, we are too centralised and too reliant on decision makers with no stake in, or true understanding of, the needs of localised regions. This move would be consistent with the increasing local accountability in other sectors. Let’s be brave and empower regional music hubs and work through them rather than in parallel or “despite” them. Let's trust that they are best placed to ensure that best value is achieved, maximising the reach and effectiveness of funding across each region.

Performance-Led Organisations.

The other “radical” decision would be to fund our opera houses, orchestras, choirs and other performance organisations and institutions to do just that – perform. Art for art’s sake (which is increasingly feeling like cry of arts for F*%^$ sake…) is not only no bad thing, but in fact, the right thing.

Again, redirect education funding to the regional music hubs and task the national performance organisations to work with these hubs to ensure that access and opportunity to them is embedded at a regional level.

The current system means all organisations are tasked with doing “education and outreach” with some succeeding amazingly and others less so. The practitioners however are often the same, straddling the complex world of multi-employment, high volume, low value invoicing to make a living, rather than being able to be given a secure tenure and then “commissioned out” to the organisations that need them.

The result of these assumptions around inclusion and genre, is that we are at risk of socially engineering young peoples’ attitude and response to music. In no other subject would we try and predicate a style of approach to learning based on learner preferences.

“If only I hadn’t learned to read music I would have become a more authentic musician” – says absolutely no-one.

We do not create more engineers by teaching just the types of engineering that young people want to embark on. ?We do not create more doctors by only teaching the areas of medicine young people are interested in. High quality teaching inspires and opens young minds to possibilities. It also informs a young person’s choices. Saying “no” to a particular genre is a valid choice, but it must be an informed choice.

Imposed judgements about genres and styles that young people should learn pre-prescribes pathways which then become closed to young people because they have not acquired the necessary core skills to follow that particular path.

High quality musical teaching and learning is the incremental imparting and embedding of musical skills. By acquiring these skills, children and young people become empowered to make informed musical choices.

The paradox of our (genuine) commitment to inclusion is that we are in danger of disenfranchising a generation of learners who could embrace, be inspired by, and make informed choices (both for and against) about musical styles, by giving all children and young people a broad and balanced grounding in traditional styles of music making as a platform from which they can diversify.

The simple, one line inclusion strategy is to fund music education to a level where genuine inclusive practice is available to all, because of the high-quality infrastructure and workforce that comes as a result of meaningful investment.

James H. Dickinson - Head of Hull Music Service www.hullmusicservice.com @jdhornblower


Laura Worsfold

Chief Executive Officer, Severn Arts

6 个月

Spot on! ????

Douglas Lonie

Co Director at tialt // there is an alternative

6 个月

Interesting take James. Thanks for sharing. In an ideal world all children and young people would have access to a high quality music education in and out of school. That should include the opportunity to explore and learn across a full range of genres - creating new ones in the mix! There is no suggestion in any of the 'assumptions around inclusion and genre' that suggests otherwise. There is a lot of research that shows how important issues of identity are in children and young people's learning and development (musical and otherwise). As we all know, exclusion can be symbolic - it's not just about access to provision (crucial though this is). If your suggestion that 'the judgement given on the profile and background of opera and orchestral audiences' is that they are predominantly rich, white and old, then that judgement would be backed up by fact pretty quickly. Sneering at Oasis and those who enjoy their music, and suggesting that 'inclusion is becoming exclusive' is pretty dodgy territory if you ask me. It's quite depressing when there's actually loads of opportunities to bring children and young people into the mix if educators are willing to challenge their own implicit understanding and biases.

Mark Phillips

School Development and Music Education Consultancy

6 个月

An excellent read, James. Thank you. It's remarkable to reflect that standing tickets for Oasis were starting at £150, while standing tickets to hear the Berlin Phil at the Proms last weekend were £8. You could get a Proms season pass for £272, well below the price of a single Oasis ticket after dynamic pricing kicked in. We do need to reflect on the part that music education plays in what is, bluntly, cultural and genre inclusion. It's a challenge, but I've long argued that building a classroom curriculum in 'style/genre silos' makes the problem worse. This also includes how we view and teach notation, our interpretation of what 'knowledge' is in music, and how we balance 'pupil voice' with our responsibilities to educate and inform (as well as entertain).

Anita Holford

Freelance communications, copywriting, developmental editing, bid-writing - for music, arts, charities involved in education, wellbeing, inclusion, social justice. Adoptive Mum, neurodivergent daughter. Kindness matters.

6 个月

Brilliant article, thanks James. But are the 'assumptions around inclusion and genre' really as narrow-minded as you suggest? Inclusive practitioners begin with listening to young people's musical interests, and through that opening up a trusting relationship, as well as building on something they're already passionate about (whether that's classical or synthwave). That opens the possibility to introduce wider musical styles and genres. Yes that's not what Maths teachers do, but isn't that part of music's usp? That a) they can have a different relationship with their music teacher b) more young people are passionate about it, and are choosing to experience it anyway in their own time? Surely we should see a rise in youth-led music, and wider genres in music education as a plus? Because we all know that music education has been dominated by a particular genre - Western Classical forever, and other genres dismissed as 'not proper music'. Dismissing YP's enthusiasm for bringing their musical interests into school can shut off the very things that we're told that good learning is about - intrinsic motivation, agency, personalised learning, etc I'm sure others will have more to add Matt Griffiths Carol Reid Simon Glenister

Charlotte Payne

Head of Music at Inspiring Music, Central Bedfordshire Council

6 个月

Thank you for sharing your amazingly articulated reflection James. Change is necessary as is a postive influence to support future music making opportunities. Really well put.


