Some marketeers think we are as dumb as them!
The most recent category of numb-nut marketeers that have popped up on LinkedIn are from the instant business loan sector. A profession that really did not need the stigma associated with this type of ineffective, stupid and offensive online behaviour.
I receive at least one request daily from loan brokers saying that “I'd like to join your LinkedIn network.” Many of their position titles are ambiguous, and the names of the companies they claim to represent are never particularly descriptive.
If you (as many of us) are, open to expanding your network, then it is likely that you may accept their unsolicited invitation to Link In. Within a few short minuets you can be assured that you will receive a poorly conceived form letter asking if you would like to discuss or apply for a business loan.
These ubiquitous (almost phishing) attempts to drum up business from individuals who have expressed no interest or intent to raise capital, is simply a numbers game. Spam a thousand strangers to join you LinkedIn network, and you may stumble upon one or two who might be in the position of needing some high interest money.
Never accept unsolicited offers of credit from unfamiliar lenders, only ever deal with reputable online institutions, after you have checked they are the genuine and licensed finance company by calling their public phone number and asking for their licence number. When borrowing money be aware of scammers offering fake loans. Be especially suspicious if you're asked to pay money upfront. Legitimate lenders will not ask you to do this.
Just like the business loan broker’s dodgy forerunners, (the Indian SEO experts, Filipino web site builders and Bitcoin con men), their unprofessional use of social media in an attempt to drum up business will not only fail, but draw attention to the evidently unethical business practices they are foolish enough to employ.
If you are approached get as much information as they will give you then go to the ACCC’s “Scamwatch” site and make your report -