Some Light Bitcoin Objection Handling
*Not an actual sales pitch or financial advice, do own research
1. "But you can't use it" - Bitcoin is a savings/storage account. You don't have to play hot potato with it like you do with fiat to protect against inflation. If you want to buy a Lollipop use fiat. BTC might become a suitable medium of exchange later but that'll just be a bonus if so.
2. "But it's vulnerable to a 51% attack" - Yes this is *theoretically* possible (albeit very challenging). Charlie Munger famously says "Show me the incentive and I'll show you the outcome". Not only is there no incentive to pull this off, there is massive disincentive.
3. "But it's for dodgy criminals" - There are bad actors in every team, industry, place etc. Yes criminals use BTC, they also use fiat (google last years laundering fines for banks). They also probably prefer something where transactions aren't publicly available and immutable...
4. "But Govt will just issue their own Digital Currency" - So nationalisation of banks? Cool. This doesn't solve any of the problems Bitcoin solves and makes things worse.. less privacy, more scrutiny over who you send and receive to/from, still being debased, still gatekeeping entry.
5. "But it consumes a lot of energy, it's bad for the environment" - Watching TV dramas, current financial system, gold mining.. it all consumes energy. A Bitcoin world = a world on lower time preference = less energy consumption.
*This objection seems to be popular so for a stronger look into this point I suggest reading the summary provided in the final paragraph at and then following the 3x links provided there for more detail.
6. "It will be banned" - seems unlikely (India never seem to do it), unenforceable, and I don't think all that damaging... a different government would just happily open their arms. Some commentators also suggest this would also actually be a big wake up advert for Bitcoin if it were to happen.
7. "But stablecoin XYZ will crash" Probably not, maybe, but even if so the largest stablecoin (Tether, which is where the floating concern seems to be) is ~4% the market cap of Bitcoin...
8. "But Quantum Computing will break security" Possibly. My understanding is that we're a long way off this ability and when/if we do get there building quantum resistance = much easier than breaking it. Thereby only lost keys will be at risk, active wallets will be able to upgrade.
Please also check out 15 Points of Interest that sent me down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole
6 Lessons I think Bitcoin would teach if it were a Parent
and; 4 Reasons why explaining Bitcoin to my Filipino Mum went suprisingly smooth
** Orange Pill Talent is a specialist Headhunting and Recruitment services firm partnering exclusively with companies involved in the business of Bitcoin. We cover contingent workforce and permanent white-collar hires, Australia wide and globally. If you're looking to source and secure talent for your team please reach out via email: [email protected], Signal PM: +61439191999, or Telegram: @orangepilltalent **