Some investments make us so rich
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Have you thought about this earlier that by investing in yourself I'm assuming you want the highest return on yourself? Which basically means maximizing your four accounts of life: 1.Mind - cognitive abilities, processing power, memory 2.Body -Generally healthy - (being able to grate cheese with your abs is optional) 3.Material - having enough money to be financially independent. After all even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat. 4.Emotional- great relationships, with friends/ family/ life partner).
You can neglect one of these in the short term but on the long term it will lead to unhappiness think the person who has nailed accounts one. and three. but neglected two. and four. i.e. super smart wealthy, but has no friends, and has neglected their health through overwork. Or the person that has great relationships, but is struggling to make ends meet, leading to a lot of stress, and perhaps a deterioration in their health? So how would I actually invest in myself? Well, developing skills in each account:
1. Mind - Speed reading - reading books like breakthrough rapid reading below. Learning to improve your memory by using memory loops - i.e. revisiting a topic a day, 3 days after, 7 days after. Ever had an exam, and forgotten everything the next day? a week later, that's because you haven't practiced recalling it. I'd invest time learning how to transfer knowledge to your long term memory.
2. Body- Forget those 7 minute instant abs, the latest 'hot diet' tips. All you need to know is the equation Relative healthy = amount of exercise - amount you eat. The problem is most people hate the first component this equation exercise. Hell even Muhammad Ali "hated every moment of training". My recommendation would be too invest in yourself by learning a physical skill e.g. dancing, boxing, football, basketball. This was you get all the benefits of exercise, meet new people, and build new skills beyond being able to lift an object horizontally or vertically.
3. Material - Money doesn't change a man, it just gives him the freedom to become the person you already are. Don't worry about becoming a stronger as you get more money, chances are you were already a fool. The good news is if your awesome already chances are you probably will still be following a financial windfall. Now the key here is to focus on building assets not income.. Quick question who'd you rather be the guy who earns 100,000k a year, or the guy who earns 50,000 a year in income, and has 50,000 in assets?
The second guy right, if he losses a job he can still continuing earning money through assets (if it's dividend income/ renting a house/ whatever) if guy 1 loses his job well lets just hope he has no debt. Additionally capital gains tax < income tax, so the more assets. Hence, that famous news story about Warren Buffet paying less money in taxes than his secretary. Invest in yourself by learning about investing in whatever asset class takes your fancy (e.g. stocks, bonds, commodities, art, housing)
Emotional - No point being richest man in the world if you have no friends right? This all starts with being friends with yourself. Get to know you. This starts, with logging out of Facebook, turning off the music, just silence, that person is who you are. Your not your job, your not how much money you have in the bank your you. Get to know you. Invest time in yourself, finding a hobby, and a wider purpose. Invest in time with your friends, and family. It's strange but investing time in others, you'll actually been investing in yourself. No man learnt anything more when speaking.
You'll notice all these accounts overlap more or less. e.g. exercise improves your mental ability. Improving you mental ability improves your capacity to make a fair amount of money, etc etc. These are called virtuous circles,invest your time in any one of these, and the compound returns for your life will be great! Learn and apply one thing (at a time) that interests you until you at least have some core competency in that area. This can be something that helps you with others (whether it is paying customers, friends, family, coworkers, etc.) or with yourself - physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
To do this, I suggest you to do these things: 1. Sleep, eat well, exercise, relax, socialize and ponder well. Meditate or do something spiritual if that helps you. You have to do the basics or your body and mind will break down. Learn something every day that you enjoy, can use or just plain love. At any time, do what you think is the most important thing you could be doing right then and there. If you don't know, stop and figure out what that is. Say no to others a lot. Be nice but focus on what you want to do. If you want to help people, figure out the type of folks you want to help the most and help them. Your No. 1 priority might not be helping takers who aggressively ask you to do more and more.
Figure out your strengths and do that. Shore up weaknesses in key areas, For example, learning to cook simple, filling, nutritious, healthy meals is huge. You save time and money from having to run to the local drive through. Your heart will thank you. Read a lot of books. Find topics or authors that interest you. Maybe you like great literature - shown to improve empathy - a key trait to have for personal happiness, meaning and success. Take calculated risks. Doing the same thing over and over can be a bit boring. Stretch yourself more and more.
Assume this is it as the final. No dress rehearsal. No life after death. Etc. You'll use your own time better. Skip or hack most things. Only do things you don't enjoy if you must. This is related to above points but different in that it might not be a weakness of yours, but you can do it faster and more effectively. Be stingy with your time. Be generous with everything else. Hugs, friendship, advice, kindness. And gifts, tips and donations if you can afford it. But manage your time well. This doesn't mean having hyper-efficient 20 minute meetings all day. It means blocking out time for yourself so you can think, learn and focus on what matters to you. Cheers!
Accounts Receivable Officer at Office Beacon A.S.Pvt Ltd
2 年profound - beyond words- very valuable in today's materialistic world.