Some Helpful Tips To Keep You & Your Family Motivated At Home
Michael Hodgetts
I am the CEO of the Charities Buying Group and also a Chartered Procurement and Supply Professional.
Staying in doesn't mean that the little ones need to feel bored, or parents get overwhelmed! It's not always easy to keep the family entertained but we've got some useful tips to try and help.
Take things one step at a time - there is no rush! It's important to always make sure you are OK and take a couple of minutes to yourself to recharge when needed.
If you've got a creative streak, challenge yourself to a new project! A painting, write a book, start a scrapbook... The list goes on!
Education doesn't always have to be in the classroom and it's important we don't forget this. Let's teach our family the basics, such as sewing a button, helping in the kitchen or garden, set games whilst completing chores, it's often the little things which can teach us the biggest life lessons.
Remember, you can only do what you can. Don't be too hard on yourself if something doesn't go to plan.
Keep up your exercise! You have got so many different options to choose from! If you are after a chilled relaxed environment, try Yoga or Meditation. For the ones who like to keep moving, why not do some running or dancing. Set up an obstacle course in the garden. Do something that works for you.
Ditch the technology and go back to the basics. Do some reading, play board games, you could be having hours pass by before you know it!
Recreate some party games.... What about, "Tail on the Donkey", "Musical Chairs"... Have a laugh and keep smiling.
Be there for each other. You can Skype, Facebook, Tweet. We are still all together, just in different ways.
Relax.... Have a relaxing bath, take your pet out for a walk. Do something that helps you to unwind.
Smile and be kind. With that, anything is possible.