Some Good News, Zooming in a Speedo, Yes, I’m a Dreamer who sees the Dawn
“Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
Tuesday morning, I am sitting in my purple bean bag writing machine with my coffee to my right. The sunrise is over my right shoulder, and there is a fireplace giving off a little heat on this chilly morning on top of our mountain. Hummingbirds are zipping around the feeder above my head; my cat is watching the show.
A good day yesterday, I had a few Zoom calls, the first with a young man recently back in Denver. He does a unique service; I’ll connect him with some of the other connectors in the city, I can help him. My next call was with a fractional COO; he and his partner need some help with risk management. I will be working with him to solve his riddles. I had a little window, we went down the hill for an errand, and I returned to join my friend Josh on his podcast Insurance Ish.
We talked about claims from an agent perspective. What was our process, and how the process had changed over the years? My experience with claims is that 98% are solved without hassle, but 2% need some extra assistance. We provide that help in the form of 3 ways calls with the client, adjuster, and our helping move the conversation forward. Josh owns a large national adjusting company; it was an honor to be interviewed.
I met with some of our team members reviewing their accomplishments; we have a great team. I’m looking forward to watching these kids take off as the economy returns. The future is bright for our firm. I had a couple of friends stop by from Albany, Indiana. They were in town; we showed them our place. I think they liked it. I had a few more calls before one of our friends came over and did a walk through our home. We are looking at a significant remodel in these different times; we think the timing is perfect to create our dream home.
My Queen made some amazing meatballs, we dined, chatted, and then started a program that was highly recommended called Yellowstone. So far so good, the first episode was Breaking Bad like, we will dive into three seasons, if you are looking for something to watch, find it, strongly recommend. I know you only read my soup for my content suggestions; you are welcome.
Today they will remove all the brush bush from our property; it will change the look of our back yard. We will slowly work on it as our amphitheater comes together. The forest fires are still filing the air with smoke; it’s not bad up here, buy my sunrises have been 2020’d. 2020’d meaning not good. I think 2020 for the world has been evil, but for some of us it has been a blessing, I’ve learned many lessons in the past few months, we will come out of this stronger than when we entered. “This” whatever this is happens about every 100 or so years, it’s a cancerous time, but it is possible to enjoy this journey.
I caught a little flack for my soup yesterday about COVID. My work intended to share some data, it’s CDC data and other reports from valid news sites. I do not think that COVID is not real; I know folks have died; I know it’s a terrible virus. My personal opinion is that the response was too much; the economic damage will be here for many years. I look at countries like Sweeden and states like South Dakota that never locked down. South Dakota’s GDP has increased since this since they were one of the only states to remain “open.”
I am convinced that there is a certain amount of fear for enjoyment. People, some, not all, are enjoying this chaos to enact change and remove current systems. The virus is one thing, but the BLM movement is another. Another car dealership was burned in Wisconsin; I’m not sure what the purpose of burning a family business down in reaction to a shooting when we do not have all the facts. The video that was shared was of a CHURCH proudly displaying the message that yes indeed, Black Lives Matter, but the peaceful protestors set that CHURCH on fire. I don’t understand the hate and anger against sandwich shops and car dealerships, and now churches.
So what’s going good in our world. Well, the sun rose another day. We have fresh air; we can love and be loved, and have the freedom to live our lives as we see fit. Chances are if you are reading these words, you have access to freshwater, housing, and some sweet duds to wear during your daily human interactions. Zoom meetings no longer require pants, socks, or shoes; I did not have zooming in a speedo on my 2020 bingo card.
Smile, please, laugh, see how good that feels. Most walk around with a frown on their face these days. Choosing to look at the current state of society and think “its’ the end of the world.” But I want a different lens; this is our world resetting in some magical way, the journey is not lovely, there are casualties, but we are moving in a direction that will allow for change. Many have said that after 11/6/20, this will all end. My bet we see an uptick in violence and hate, no one will be happy no matter who wins. We will have our kids away from the city before, during, and after the election, we will be practicing safe social distancing from every man, woman, and child.
If you came here for hope and inspiration, I hope I gave you something to put in your mind’s easy bake oven. Cook it, take it out, and maybe think about all the miracles and gifts you have in this current state of chaos and misunderstanding. If we can focus on the individual, the most significant minority of all, we might be able to break the code of distrust, hate, and anger and replace it with joy, happiness, and love.
“Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”