Some Gave All
"All gave some, some gave all." Most would know country music artist Billy Ray Cyrus for his hit song Achy Breaky Heart or as the father of Miley Cyrus. He was lesser known for a song that rings so true on Memorial Day, Some Gave All. Summed up, the song is about a valuable lesson a character named Sandy Cane, a Veteran, shared with the singer of the song.
Memorial Day honors those individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. They wrote a check with their lives to make advance payment for every single freedom we enjoy today. I have no greater respect than those who have, are, and will serve in our armed forces. I am so grateful that they stand in the gap for us.
This week, I wanted to share some of the verses from the song and three emotions it stirs in me this Memorial Day.
I can't forget the look in his eyes (Sandy Cane’s)Or the tears he cried
As he said these words to me
All Gave Some, Some Gave All
Some stood through for the red, white and blue
And some had to fall
And if you ever think of me
Think of all your liberties and recall
Some Gave All
I Knew a Man
I Knew a Man
Army 1st Lt. Jonathan P. Walsh. "J.P." as we knew him, was killed in action at the age of 28 on April 22, 2012 serving during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He was a friend of my brother’s. My brother and I are eighteen months apart so our circle of friends overlapped. A friend of his was a friend of mine.
I will never forget the day the hearse drove through our community on his final trip home. My family and I stood at the intersection of Blue Springs Road and Main Street, right in front of North Cobb High School where we all graduated from. Community leaders, friends, students of the school, and complete strangers lined both sides of road for as far as the eye could see.
That memory will be etched in my mind forever. As an American, you know that people have given their life for our country since its founding. That day, it was different. When you know the name and face, it is different. It eliminates any distance and any ability to forget it. I think about his mom, dad, wife, brother, and son a lot.
To Help Their Fellow Man
For all his friends (Sandy Cane's) who gave us all
Who stood their ground and took the fall
To help their fellow man
In the Bible, John 15:13 says, "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends (ESV)." These men and women gave all for not only their friends, but their fellow man. People they never had or will know. Those with shared beliefs, those with different beliefs. A cause greater than oneself.
Do Not Forget
Love your country and live with pride
And don't forget those who died
America can't you see?
And if you ever think of me
Think of all your liberties and recall
I pray that in the midst of my busiest days, my most selfish days, my most opinionated days, that I will never forget the selfless sacrifice each one of these heroes made for me, my family, and for you.
I made a commitment after September 11, 2001 to always fly an American Flag in front of my house. It was the first time in my life that I felt like the freedoms so many died for were under attack. I want to love my country and live with pride. For me, the flag is a daily reminder of the price that was paid for my ability to live in freedom every day.
The song also has another subtle message. The difference in Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Not intentional, but these two days can get blended by people. Today we celebrate those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service, death. We will celebrate all of those who served on Veterans Day in November. "All gave some, some gave all." Never forget.
Ordinary to Extraordinary Intersection
How will you make sure that you never forget? Not just on Memorial Day, but any day? Start with listening to the song today.
James Albright is the author of the Leadership and Main Blog,