Some free tools to help your business get off to a great start in 2015
Jane Rogers
Content writer & marketing copywriter, AKA The Word Wizard: writing, editing & training to help you attract the right clients. Also speaker & event host & Chair of Beckenham Business Association.
Most of us think of the new year as a time to start afresh, improve something or try something new, even if we don’t make any specific resolutions. We're half way through January now, so how are your plans going?
Perhaps you want to improve your business marketing or public profile, or even launch a new business?
I’m offering a couple of exciting freebies in my first newsletter of 2015, in collaboration with two great entrepreneurs who provide excellent services to help you make the most of your business.
To ensure you don’t miss out, sign up to my newsletter by 19th January.
Tweet Manager – free download
I’ve teamed up with Richard Sumner of Spreadsheet Solutions to offer you the chance to unlock his new Tweet Manager product for free!
The download link will be in both of our newsletters, which will be sent out on 19 January. The link will work for one week, from 19-25 January. After that, if you'd like the Tweet Manager, you'll be able to buy it from Spreadsheet Solutions' online store.
Business Lift Off Podcasts
I’ve also collaborated with leading business and life coach, Rasheed Ogunlaru, to bring you a series of podcasts aimed at helping those new to or thinking about starting a business.
In the Business Lift Off series, I interview Rasheed about the common issues faced by new and aspiring entrepreneurs and we offer you some sound advice and useful tips to help you on your way to business success.
I will be releasing the podcasts one per month via my newsletter, with the first one ‘Getting Started’ available in my January edition.
To read more about the two free tools, visit my website. And don't forget to sign up to my e-newsletter now!