Some Fields in which ‘new leadership’ will be required
New leader may find an abundance of opportunity.
FIRST: in the field of politics there is a most insistent demand for new leaders, a demand which indicates nothing less than an emergency.
SECOND: the banking business is undergoing a reform.
THIRD: industry calls for new leaders. The future leader in industry, to endure, must regard himself as a quasi-public official whose duty it is to manage his trust in such a way that it will work hardship on no individual or group of individuals.
FOURTH: the religious leader of the future will be forced to give more attention to the temporal needs of his followers, in the solution of their economic and personal problems of the present, and less attention to the dead past and the yet unborn future.
FIFTH: in the profession of law, medicine, and education, a new brand of leadership, and to some extent, new leaders will become a necessity. This is especially true in the field of education. The leader in that field must, in the future, find ways and means of teaching people how to apply the knowledge they receive in school. He must deal more with practice and less with theory.
SIXTH: new leaders will be required in the field of journalism.
These are but a few of the fields in which opportunities for new leaders and new brand of leadership are now available. The world if undergoing a rapid change. This means that the media through which the changes in human habits are promoted must be adapted to the changes. The media here described are the one which, more than any others, determine the trend of civilisation.