Some Facts About EU Farmers
I keep hearing that we should emulate European farmers by driving our tractors through the streets protesting against our federal governments attempts to stop farmers from farming.
However, before farmers rush to the tractor, it's crucial to understand the vast differences between Europe's agricultural sector and Australia's.
Let’s start with some context. Australia’s land mass is around double the size of the combined European Union, coming in at 7.7 million square kilometers versus their 4.2 million square kilometers. In fact, if you take Western Australia and South Australia out, the EU fits nicely into Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland combined. Or to look at it another way, they spread 448 million people in an area that runs from Melbourne to Cape York while we hug the coast with our accommodate 26 million people.?
Besides, a lot of people jammed into a relatively small area, the big difference lies in the amount of arable land they have compared to us. Australia has 31 million hectares versus the EU's 98 million hectares available for cropping, with another 60 million hectares of high rainfall pasture. To farm that land, Europe has 1000 farms for each one of ours or in total numbers we have 85,000 farm businesses versus Europe’s 9.3 million.
Actually, that’s the quoted figure the EU put out but it’s not really a like-for-like comparison as they have millions of legacy farms which are really nothing more than what we would call lifestyle blocks comprising nothing more than a old stone house and barn on a few acres.
Take these out and the average size of a European commercial farm is still small at just 17.4 hectares versus ours at 364 hectares, but they still have a vast number of intensive horticultural and livestock operations which only require small acerage.
Of their claimed 9.3 million farms, 3.3 million have an average gross output of less than EUR 2000 and were responsible for under 1% of the EU's farm production. A further 2.5 million had an output of between EUR 2000 and 8000, which means they run a few pigs.
Over 5 million of these small farms are located in the old Eastern Europe, with Romania having 2.9 million and Poland 1.3 million, many of which look like they are still living in the pre-war days or horse and cart with falling-down stone houses and grandma standing in the front porch.
Of the Western Europe states, Italy has 1.1 million and Spain 0.9 million small holdings, mostly abandoned as they are too far and too small from the cities where most have long left to work coming home to the old family farm on holidays.
In reality the number of these old small subsistence farms is collapsing at a rapid rate, with 40% or 5.3 million stopping any form of production between 2005 and 2020 as the eastern European economies cranked up and the mass exodus to the big cities began in earnest, or simply an aging retired population give up working the fields as the EU social security system kicked in.
Of the bigger full-time farm businesses, less than 7% or 680,000 had an income of over EUR 100,000 and just 3.3%, 299,000 were big enough to turn over more than EUR 250,000 per year, numbers that pale in comparison to Australia’s larger operators. Mind you that’s before the EU farms support euros hits their bank account.
In Europe, it's these larger operations that are responsible for more than half of all production, which includes producing 285 million tons of grain plus enough fresh produce to feed nearly half a billion people and still export to the rest of the world.
It’s this group of 2 million or so farmers that drives the massive European farm machinery market and the huge agri-foods sector, plus support 9 million farm jobs. They are also the ones marching in the streets.
These farmers are supported by a massive farm subsidy scheme called the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which over the next four years will fork out over half a trillion Australian dollars to prop them up.
Why they get so much support is an open debate, some argue food security and memories of hunger and war, others that its supporting their culture of small towns and regional jobs.
I would argue that its pure politics, have historically had the numbers and the political clout and have used it to fend off cheap imports for centuries from first each other then from the new world.
Post war when the EU was set up farmers were paid to produce vast surplus lakes of wine and milk and mountains of grain and butter to help keep food prices down, with the surplus dumped on our markets.
This system slowly changed following long trade fights with the Americans to one of farm income support so that now each year three buckets of funds are dished out to farmers including the EUR38.2 billion in Farm Income support payments, EUR 13.8 billion in Rural Development, and EUR 2.4 billion in Market Support.
This is all linked to the EUs relatively new Farm to Folk program announced in 2020 which aims to ensure that food is also produced more sustainably read it’s forcing farmers to go green.
For example one of the stated aims is to cut pesticide use to better protect pollinators and biodiversity, end the use of cages in animal farming, and increase land use for organic farming by 2030.
Taking Ireland as an example, the largest 50% of farms pick up on average EUR 250,000 each year, and the largest 10% of farms in Ireland in size pocket EUR 353,000 a year.
Of the farm subsidies available, 30% of all direct payments are directed to some sort of environmental outcomes, including crop diversification, maintaining permanent pastures, and setting aside 4% of the farm for ecological purposes but the paperwork is onerous and endless and the penalties for non compliant are harsh.
Imagine having regular inspections of your property to ensure you are ticking the box on 100 different things and every year new rules are issued that make it harder to farm but you need the money from the government to survive.? It’s a vicious trap with no escape.
For many Irish farmers, the direct farm payment underpins their income from the land. In 2020, public money made up to 157% of income levels on cattle-rearing farms, 103% on sheep farms, and 79% in tillage while the dairy sector picks up 80% of its income from subsidies.? Which probably explains why they have 16,146 dairy farms with on average 83 cows each.
As an example the average Irish livestock farmer generates a farm income of between E8000 to E14000 running a flock of 75 ewes and or 60 cows.
Ireland which is almost the same size as Tasmania has 137,000 farms, half of them being full-time commercial operations all supported by multiple EU and Irish government programs including; Basic Farmer Income Payment, Greening Payment, Young Farmer, the Targeted Agricultural Modernization Scheme, and my Favorite the Protein Aid Scheme.
Believe it or not they even get a payment for growing nitrogen-fixing crops at up to €250 per hectare, plus payments of up to 40% on certain on-farm capital investments for farm modernization which is as high as 60% if you happen to be a start up young farmer.
Moving to the UK, their 103,000 farmers, of which 54,000 are operated by full-time farmers who are all still on the drip even through the UK is out of the EU.? Their government has simply replaced the CAP payment with a new A$5 Billion a year government fund covering 280 different activities that farmers have to do to get their support payment.
So much for the British going it alone and leaving the EU and all its rules and regulations behind.
For instance, farmers will be paid as much as £537 a hectare for creating fenland out of lowland peat and £1,920 a hectare for maintaining land to produce organic fruit, down to £22 a hectare for assessing soils, £22 a hectare for adding organic matter to soil read having livestock stand in the paddock, or having green cover on at least 70% of land over winter ie don’t let it wash away by overstocking.
A good case study is Jeremy Clarkson's 1000 acre farm in the Cotswolds ‘Diddly Squat’, as seen in his TV show ‘Clarkson's Farm’.? His trials and tribulations with the bureaucracy is a taste of what it’s like to farm in the new EU free UK.? His property which is valued at around $17,000 an acre, would be unviable even with its 7 – 9 tn ha grain yield if it did not pick up nearly four hundred thousand dollars a year in government subsidies.
His last round of cheques was 133,733 pounds under the Basic Payment Scheme, which is the UK's income support payment to farmers, plus? 116,352 pounds for the Environmental Stewardship scheme. Which is probably why he can afford a Lamborghini tractor.
What's it cost to go farming in Europe with all these subsidies on offer? Farmland in Ireland for 2023 averaged EUR 11,758 ha for a 33.4Ha farm with prime cropping land EUR 14,724 that equates to Australian $10,000 an acre plus the cost of the manor or castle that comes with the property.
If you wanted to go farming in the UK grain farms there average $17,000 acre and average farm sizes are double at 77ha.
For example, of you wanted to return to the old country and be a land baron then A$12m will get you a nice 502 acre grain farm in Oxfordshire enough to produce 1600 tns of barley minus all the environmental offsets. You will pick up a couple of hundred thousand in government support but you will require a full-time person to fill in all the government forms and ensure compliance with all the sustainability programs.
While Clarkson may have a big farm and a big 300hp tractor, there are far bigger farms than 500 or 1000 acres in Europe pulling in much more from the EU in farm payments.
Europe's biggest farm is in Romania covering 57,000 ha, being a old commune that has been sold off. It was purchased by the UAE investment fund in 2018 for $500m, in part because it has access to the EU market, but it also benefits from picking up an annual subsidy of $20 million.
Mind you, it does produce 400,000 tns grain at 7tn/ha all of it under irrigation, needing a fleet of 100 Class headers to take it off. But that’s nothing to the big Ukraine farms with the biggest four being over a million acres each, all employing between 7000 and 40,000 people and turning over a billion dollars annually in integrated grain and livestock operations.
You can see why the Europeans are not in a big hurry to have Ukraine join them as part of the EU and having to write them farm support cheques.
As the Europeans regulate their farmers out of business, and the small ones give up and go work in the cities their governments are increasingly worried about cheap imports of produce from other countries.
For some reason the average French or German worker seems quite supportive of their farmers continuing to be subsidized at their expense.
Why the masses are not marching on the streets demanding cheap Australian lamb and Argentinian beef rather than having to prop up uncompetitive Irish beef and sheep farmers who rely on import quotas to keep out competition and EU income support to survive is beyond me.
The one thing that is clear is that the EU has been captured by the Green Left who have dominated their politics over the last 30 years across much of western Europe.
The end result is they have managed to tie up the productive farmers with endless red and green tape that now includes environmental, biodiversity sustainability, and carbon farming compliance measures that are making them uncompetitive on world markets.
Its these sorts of laws plus the move to ban an increasing number of ag chemicals and emissions restrictions that is bringing their farmers onto the streets.
In response to the latest protests the EU recently withdrew its pesticide reduction law proposal, which was supposed to halve pesticide use in the EU by 2030 and envisioned the total prohibition of pesticides in sensitive nature areas.
The big farmers know this is a recipe for economic suicide, but the march of the Green movement is relentless and it's only a matter of time before its reintroduced.
Already 72 ag chemicals are banned in Europe that are allowed to be used in the United States.
Glyphosate only just survived in part because farmers pushed back. The EU has given it another 10 years, but the writing is on the wall.
So, what’s the takeaway, European farming has been captured by the green left when they swapped production subsidies for income support which comes with green strings attached.
In turn the EU is linking trade access to their market to following their rules on farming systems which are unworkable for countries like Australia.
Eventually one of two things will happen either their farmers convince the EU and their governments to back off or they will demand ever greater compliance by competitor nations like Australia on following their rules.
This is what happens when farmers get into bed with government and take their coin.? It’s a lesson we should learn.
Trainee Avionics maintenance engineer at Indiana Aerospace university Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines.
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1 年Farmers in Australia argue that supermarkets, which hold significant market power, are?making record profits?while?paying them poorly
General Manager/CEO at Mariatou Trade Link
1 年Trevor,good morning and hope you are doing well and good,well said,you have firmly understand the differences inbetween the two continent agricultural systems and their mode of operation,i dont think nobody else will go extramile to overtake your most calculated and inclusive comment on the issue of concern, bravo,thats the beauty of leadership,to be in-depth in your career development,