Some Dumb Questions for Educators, Ed Tech Folks and Ed Policy Makers
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Some Dumb Questions for Educators, Ed Tech Folks and Ed Policy Makers

December 27, 2023 update - I strongly suggest readers skim “How Do I Trust Entities??? Different Levels of Identity & Credential Assurance - A Thought Paper

March 23, 2023 update - I strongly advise readers to skim these recent articles on AI governance and enterprise toolkits:

As we bring lots of new tech into the schools, homes and learning environments, here's some dumb questions requiring answers:

  • How will bots, both physical and digital, be legally identified, and their credentials automatically checked, when they're brought or implemented into schools? Examples include learning assistant bots (e.g. QT Robot) and teaching assistant virtual bots
  • As you create AI, AR and VR learning environments for your students, which take them beyond your jurisdictional borders, how will each student's legal identity, their learning data and their privacy policies be instantly verified and enforced?
  • How will teacher's legal identities and credentials be instantly verified, when they're working in AI/AR/VR learning environments with students from around the planet?
  • How will the contracts between various school districts around the planet involved in creating these types of new learning environments be created?
  • When students in a school, as part of their learning program, work with companies virtually, leveraging AI/AR/VR environments, how will the students' legal identity, privacy and their data be protected?
  • How will the contracts between the school district and the companies above be created when they're global i.e., beyond your jurisdiction?
  • When students use commercial AI/AR/VR products in the classroom, how will their learning, biometric and behavioral data be protected?

These questions aren't easily answered. Further, it's REALLY COMPLICATED because it extends beyond your jurisdiction and country's borders. This is what I've spent the last six years thinking and working my way through.

If I've got your interest, at the bottom of this article are numerous papers and articles describing vision, architecture, potential costs and background articles to skim.

Thanks for taking your time to skim this!

About Guy Huntington

I'm an identity trailblazing problem solver. My past clients include Boeing, Capital One and the Government of Alberta's Digital Citizen Identity & Authentication project. Many of my past projects were leading edge at the time in the identity/security space. I've spent the last eight years working my way through creating a new legal identity architecture and leveraging this to then rethink learning.

I've also done a lot in education as a volunteer over my lifetime.?This included chairing my school district's technology committee in the 90's - which resulted in wiring most of the schools with optic fiber, behind building a technology leveraged school, and past president of Skills Canada BC and Skills Canada.

I do short term consulting for Boards, C-suites and Governments, assisting them in readying themselves for the arrival of AI systems, bots and AI leveraged, smart digital identities of humans.

I've written LOTS about the change coming. Skim the?over 100 LinkedIn articles?I've written,?or my webpage?with lots of papers.

Quotes I REALLY LIKE!!!!!!:

  • We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” – Albert Einstein
  • “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” – Robin Sharma
  • “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future” – John F. Kennedy

Reference Links:

An Identity Day in The Life:

My Message To Government & Industry Leaders:

National Security:

Rethinking Legal Identity, Credentials & Learning:

Learning Vision:


AI Agents:


AI/Human Legal Identity/Learning Cost References

AI Leveraged, Smart Digital Identities of Humans:


Companies, C-Suites and Boards:

Legal Identity & TODA:

Enterprise Articles:

Rethinking Enterprise Architecture In The Age of AI:

LLC's & AI:

Challenges With AI:

New Security Model:






Legal Identity:

Identity, Death, Laws & Processes:

Open Source:


Climate Change, Migration & Legal Identity:

"Human Migration, Physical and Digital Legal Identity - A Thought Paper


Behavioral Marketing:

AI Systems and Bots:

Contract Law:



AI/AR/VR Metaverse Type Environments:


EMP/HEMP Data Centre Protection:


A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of Legal Human Identity

  • Each person when they’re born has their legal identity data plus their forensic biometrics (fingerprints, and later when they can keep their eyes open – their iris) entered into a new age CRVS system (Civil Registration Vital Statistics - birth, name/gender change, marriage/divorce and death registry) with data standards
  • The CRVS writes to an external database, per single person, the identity data plus their forensic biometrics called a SOLICT “Source of Legal Identity & Credential Truth).?The person now controls this
  • As well, the CRVS also writes to the SOLICT legal identity relationships e.g. child/parent, cryptographically linking the SOLICTs.?So Jane Doe and her son John will have cryptographic digitally signed links showing their parent/child.?The same methodology can be used for power of attorney/person, executor of estate/deceased, etc.
  • The SOLICT in turn then pushes out the information to four different types of LSSI Devices “Legal Self-Sovereign Identity”; physical ID card, digital legal identity app, biometrically tied physical wristband containing identity information or a chip inserted into each person
  • The person is now able, with their consent, to release legal identity information about themselves.?This ranges from being able to legally, anonymously prove they’re a human (and not a bot), above or below age of consent, Covid vaccinated, etc.?It also means they can, at their discretion, release portions of their identity like gender, first name, legal name, address, etc.
  • NOTE: All consents granted by the person are stored in their SOLICT
  • Consent management for each person will be managed by their PIAM “Personal Identity Access Management) system.?This is AI leveraged, allowing the person, at their discretion, to automatically create consent legal agreements on the fly
  • It works both locally and globally, physically and digitally anywhere on the planet
  • AI systems/bots are also registered, where risk requires it, in the new age CRVS system
  • Governance and continual threat assessment, is done by a new, global, independent, non-profit funded by a very small charge per CRVS event to a jurisdiction to a maximum yearly amount.

A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of The Learning Vision:

  • When the learner is a toddler, with their parents’ consent, they’ll be assessed by a physical bot for their learning abilities.?This will include sight, sound, hearing and smell, as well as hand-eye coordination, how they work or don’t work with others, learning abilities, all leveraging biometric and behavioral data
  • All consents given on behalf of the learner or, later in the learner’s life by the learner themselves, are stored in the learner’s SOLICT “Source of Legal Identity & Credential Truth
  • This is fed into a DLT “Digital Learning Twin”, which is created and legally bound to the learner
  • The DLT the produces its first IEP “Individualized Education Plan”, for the learner
  • The parents take home with them a learning assistant bot to assist the learner, each day, in learning.?The bot updates the DLT, which in turn continually refines the learner’s IEP
  • All learning data from the learner is stored in their LDV “Learner Data Vault”
  • When the learner’s first day of school comes, the parents prove the learner and their identities and legal relationship with the learner, via their LSSI devices (Legal Self-Sovereign Identity)
  • With their consent, they approve how the learner’s identity information will be used not only within the school, but also in AI/AR/VR learning environments
  • As well, the parents give their consent for the learner’s DLT, IEP and learning assistant bot to be used, via their PIAM (Personal Identity Access Management) and the learner’s PIAM
  • The schools LMS “Learning Management System” instantly takes the legal consent agreements, plus the learner’s identity and learning information, and integrates this with the school’s learning systems
  • From the first day, each learner is delivered a customized learning program, continually updated by both human and AI system/bot learning specialists, as well as sensors, learning assessments, etc.
  • All learner data collected in the school, is stored in the learner’s LDV
  • If the learner enters any AI/AR/VR type learning environment, consent agreements are created instantly on the fly with the learner, school, school districts, learning specialists, etc.?
  • These specify how the learner will be identified, learning data use, storage, deletion, etc.
  • When the learner acquires learning credentials, these are digitally signed by the authoritative learning authority, and written to the learner’s SOLICT.
  • The SOLICT in turn pushes these out to the learner’s LSSI devices
  • The learner is now in control of their learning credentials
  • When the learner graduates, they’ll be able, with their consent, to offer use of their DLT, IEP and LDV to employers, post-secondary, etc.?This significantly reduces time and costs to train or help the learner learn
  • The learner continually leverages their DLT/IEP/LDV until their die i.e., it’s a lifelong learning system



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